Jake's childhood was like most children in Edonia, lower class and non-stop gunfire in the air. His father, Albert Wesker, was a tyrannical man that went about his business in not a very good way. Wesker left Jake and his mother before Jake was born, and was killed by a member of the B.S.A.A (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) and the B.S.A.A African division. The American Chris Redfield and the beautifully talented Sheva Alomar.

Jake took mercenaries work under his wing to gain money to support him and his mother, and is still doing it at the age of roughly 33. The American Sherry Birkin, a woman about the age of 27 under the order of Derek C. Simmons was asked to help him out. Simmons is the Chief of National Security. She was told to get samples of Jakes blood and bring it back to the research center because it can help cure infections in the human blood stream. She was also told not to get in contact with anyone else but the target, Jake Muller.

Jake walked around another corner in the 'abandoned' warehouse, whistling a tune from his fathers' music box that was left behind as a child. In his right hand, a new shiny red apple, in his left, an injecting needle. He walked over to the nearest wall, slumped against it, and finished his melody. He placed the apple on the ground next to him, and examined the medical injector in his hand. He twisted it once in his finger, and then stuck it into his neck, making a small grunt as the needle passed into his flesh. His thumb pressed the button on the end of the needle, than he pulled it out of his neck and sat there for a minute, looking ahead at the shadows. A metal door busted open to his left, and out came a man about his size, wearing an orange winter vest and a brown shirt with dark blue jeans and black boots. He proceeded to walk toward Jake, but Jake wasn't paying attention to the actions of the man. He was still looking at the needle on his hand.

"This stuff do anything for you yet?"

He lifted it in the air is if to block out sunlight,

"It's suppose to be some sort of energy booster, but..."

Jake flipped the needle out of his hand toward some direction out of his reach.

"… I don't feel any different."

The man continued walking toward him slowly through the darkness of the warehouse.

"You know," Jake picked up the apple and slowly stood up. "between me and you, we should have asked for more money." He said as he tossed his apple once in the air. When he caught it however, the mysterious man lashed out at him with a knife, slicing straight through the shiny apple, where the knife then stuck in the wall. The man tried to pull it out but it was clearly not coming.

As Jake could see, the man had not only two eyes, but by the looks of it, ten; his two normal eyes, then about 8 on his forehead by his left eyes. Bloodstains were patterned in a tear streak motion on his face.

Jake gripped his apple in his hand, "A lot more." He threw the apple down on the ground and advanced on the man. The deformed enemy tore the knife out finally, and tried to stab Jake in a downward fashion, going straight for the head. But Jake was faster; he put his arm up to stop the knife, and came face to face with his enemy.

"Im pretty sure this wasn't part of the contract."

He twisted the mans arm around to the point that he dropped the knife, dipped the guys head down to knee him in the face, twist out of the way so he wouldn't get hit, then kicked the man back against the pillar behind them. As the man recoiled off the wall, Jake grabbed his face by the jaw and looked at the man for a minute.

"But I am willing to renegotiate"

Jake dropped his hand, and then repeatedly hit the man in the chest with his fists. He stuck his foot out and broke the ankle of the man, causing him to fall to the floor with a scream. For some reason, he got back up and tried to punch Jake in the face, but failed as he got a hard punch in his gut. The man stumbled backward, than lunged yet again at the mercenary. This only resulted in Jake grabbing the side of his head, spinning and tripping the man so he could twist him over his shoulder and kick him into the wall. Jake held him on the wall for a second with his foot before letting the man fall completely.

Panting could be heard as well as boots coming toward him. A young soft female voice rang through the air. "Did you take your dose?"

Jake looked up and saw Sherry Birkin come running in from the shadows. He eyed her while nodding a little "Yeah." Sherry checked her watch as Jake continued. "If you want your own you have to talk to the lady downstairs."

The body of the man slowly started to disappear, coming off in pieces like flakes into the air. "I wouldn't recommend it though."

Sherry looked up from her watch and smiled slightly, nodding her head. "No question, you've got the anti-bodies" She started moving toward what looked like an old laundry shoot. "Thank you very much… wait what?" He took a step toward her and she walked around to the other side of the shoot.

"You could be the key to saving this world Jake Muller." He gave her a smirk before more footsteps came crashing in to the room. It was the dead guys friends. They started charging toward Jake and Sherry with their knives and guns ready.

"First I need to save myself." Jake jumped down the laundry shoot, as Sherry pulled out her gun. She aimed it at them, cocked the gun, and shot 3 shots, the first man falling down and the other tripping on him. With this moment she got in the shoot herself, closed the hatch, and slid down after Jake.

This man, she would die for. Even without Simmons' orders.