Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Fairy Tail ° sob sob°

Lucy stared at the woman and man noteing their apperance. The woman hair is shoulder lengthed and teal, yellow eyes, short, mid-thirtys, and a okay body structure. The man was a totally different thing, bald, yellow teeth, a few were missing, big muscles, same age as the lady. The both had tattersd and dirty clothes and looked starving for both blood and food. (Blood as in fighting.)

"You think you can take me on little girl'" the woman teased starring at Lucy's hand.

"Think. I know I can take you down, hag." Lucy scoffed at the older woman.

"Who are you call hag bitch." She spat at Lucy.

"You." Lucy smirked.

"Shut up." She lunged at Lucy.

"Wait!" Lucy yelled dodging.

"What?" The woman hissed.

"Your name?" Lucy raised a small hand in a wait signal.

"Hilda. Why?" 'Hilda' smirked.

'She thinks I don't know that her fake name.' Lucy sighed at that thought.

"Just curious." Lucy smiled.

"Not the time to be buddies with the enemy Lucy." Gray grunted punching a bald man in the face.

"Right. Lets go hag." Lucy pulled out a key.

"Open gate of the maiden, Virgo." Lucy summon he light pink haired spirit.

"Punishment Princess?" Virgo asked through the light pink smoke.

"No! Just attack her." Lucy yelled pointing to 'Hilda'.

"Yes Princess." Virgo disappeared underground.

"Ha, where'd you spirit go now bimbo." 'Hilda' sneered at the younger blonde.

Gray's POV

'Why does this woman make me so angry?"

"…bimbo." The older chick spits at Lucy.

I punch the dude attacking me with all the anger the woman's comments make me feel. I turn away from the now unconscious man. Lucy staring at the woman with a Erza worthy glare. The woman just smirks, not noticing the pink headed spirit that pops up behind her.

'Please don't believe this bitch Lucy.' Gray stared at the icy blonde and the now unconscious 'Hilda'.

No-one POV

"You okay Lucy?" Gray asked resting a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Yeah." Lucy turned and smiled.

"Lets find those bandits." Gray smirked.

"Okay." Lucy cheered.

'Gray's so sweet.' Lucy smiled warmly at the ice mages back.

"Where do you think they are?" Gray turned to the blushing blonde.

"Probably by water." Lucy put her finger on her chin deep in thought.

"Man, how are we going to find a river?" Gray looked around.

"Hm..." Lucy sat down.

"Oi, what are you doin'?" Gray looked down at the smiling girl.

"Thinking." Was the only answer given to the boy.

"GOT IT!" Lucy yelled jumping up startling her companion.

"What?" Gray smiled at the girl's beaming face.

"I'll call Virgo." Lucy smile widened, if possible.

"Why her?" Gray asked raising a eyebrow, smile never leaving his face.

"Feels right." Lucy giggled.

"A gut feeling?" Gray chuckled lightly.

"Yeah." Lucy giggling turned into laughter.

"Lets wait till morning it's getting dark." Gray said walking towards a small clearing behind them.

"Okay, I'll go collect fire wood." Lucy said heading towards the edge of the clearing.

"NO!" Gray yelled his cool lost and gained again in an a blink of the eye.

"I mean 'no' it bright enough with the moon and it warm out we should be fine." Gray looked at the sky, not the nodding blonde.

"Okay…" Lucy let her sentence trail, she looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Wow, the stars look really beautiful from here, nice, bright , and clear."

"Yeah, beautiful." Gray mumbled.

Lucy went to her bag and set up her sleeping stuff. Gray following the girls example set his up next to hers. Lucy walked over to a tree and changed behind it, unlike the already half naked ice mage.

"Good night Gray." Lucy yawned crawled into her sleeping bag.

"G'night Lucy." Gray softly chuckled at her kitten like yawn.

I know it's short and I'm sorry for that and the fact I haven't updated this story for awhile, please forgive me. I had the end of my eighth grade year to look forward to (a.k.a summer vacation). Plus my niece sat on my laptop and busted my screen, so I'm writing on my tablet. I'll try to get this story finished. Love you my readers for putting up with my crap. Hope you don't think their personality is all wonky and the story is to fast.

Love you guys for reading,

L. Nightshade ~…~