Lucy was looking for a mission to Pay her rent when she felt a cold presence behind her when a familiar deep voice spoke.

"What you looking for Lucy?" the voice asked.

"Hey Gray, an easy mission for my rent." Lucy mumbled.

"Hmm... can I come then you can pick something a little harder for more money." Gray asked.

"Sure that would be great, but you have to promise not to destroy anything, promise?"

"Yeah sure, just don't let that pink haired idiot go and it'll be fine."

"What'd you say underwear prince! " roared a familiar voice.

"You heard me flame brain!"

"Ok, lets go." Lucy commanded gently.

"Ok, you got a job?"

"Yup, we got to catch a bunch of bandits in Soul keep Forest."

"Cool sounds fun."

"Little dangerous to though."

"Calm down you got me with you ." his usually cool indifferent tone took on to something warm and soothing.

"O-ok your right." Lucy fumbled with her words and flushed deeply.

Lucy's P.O.V

'Why am I so nervous it just Gray, my team mate and friend, that all."

I started to think about all the time Gray has saved me. Over the pass few weeks that has passed. I've been having weird feelings around Gray maybe I'm just sick. I walked over to the bar to get a strawberry milkshake or my usual.

"Hey Mira can get a strawberry milkshake please." I chirped to her.

"Sure thing." Mira's super sweet answered.

She brought me my drink and studied my face before say something wierd.

"Oh Lucy you having boy problems aren't you."

"B-b-boy p-problems no, just thinking."

"Sure~, who's the lucky guy?"



"Eww no he's my best friend."


"No he's like a older brother."


"...No." Lucy was a bit hesitant

"OH MY GOSH IT GRAY!" she exclaimed

"Shhhh... people are looking.' I hissed toward her.

"Looking at what?" a deep voice rumbled next to me.

"Gray~." Mira smiled sweetly.

"You ready to go on the mission Lucy?" Gray asked.

I turned in my seat to come face to muscular chest and blushed scarlet.

"Gray your shirt." I mumbled shyly

"Oh shit sorry." he said franticly looking for his clothes.

"So you ready ?" he smiled.

"Yeah let go!" I yelled excited.

"K let's go." he shrugged.

"Wait come here Lucy." Mira called.

"Yeas Mira-san ?" I asked.

"So you and your boy trouble are going on a mission together." her smile was sweet but her eyes had a evil twinkle in them.

"W-w-what he's just my friend Mira that all." I stated with a pout.

"Come Lucy were going to miss the train." Gray's voice yelled from the guilds door.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

On the train

Me and Gray boarded the train we got a empty both and sat down across from each other. Gray looked out the window. I looked around it was strangely quit in their seat. Normally there would be a whining, Erza barking order at us, and happy talking about Carla. I sighed and looked back at Gray he was asleep I giggled. He looked so peaceful when he slept he's usual indifferent mask melted into one of happy and relaxed. I leaned over and brushed my hand through his spiky yet soft hair. He stirred under my hand , I stopped and stiffened instantly, he shifted in his sleep and relaxed more if possible. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding till then.

Gray's P.O.V

I felt a hand go through my hair and the familiar smell of strawberries and chocolate. I nuzzled into the hand unconsciously the owner of the hand, the owner of the hand giggled, and I instantly knew who it was. I shifted and it stopped I stilled and a breath of relief was heard. Something rested on my shoulder