I love reviews...they encourage the whole writing process, so please R&R!

Readers Note: There will be more and more Sharon Raydor and Andy Flynn moments down the road, so just hang in there. *I Do Not Own These Characters or the Show* Set for the time before Brenda Leigh Johnson left, the episode before The Closer series finale and series premiere of Major Crimes

Sharon Raydor poured her coffee into her brand new, fuchsia coffee mug her daughter got her. She rubbed her jaded green eyes, and brushed her hair past her shoulder to prevent it from getting in the way of her eye sight.

It was 10:15 a.m. and she had her head deep into a stack of case files that lay wide open on her desk. Through the shuffling of papers and manila folders, one folder caught her eye. Sharon opened the file and read it. The incident paper showed that it was mistakenly brought to FID when it was meant to go to Major Crimes. Captain Raydor grabbed the file to kindly bring it to its original destination.

As she heads down to Major Crimes she spotted Lieutenant Flynn in the break room. From a distance it looked like he was having trouble with the coffee machine. The machine was supposed to be dispensing coffee, but nothing was coming out. She went in to help him, but as soon as she opened the door the coffee finally decided to come out. It splashed down onto the counter spilling everywhere on Andy Flynn's new suit in the process.

Grabbing the napkins after putting the folder under her arm, she was being courteous by helping him clean up. He never realized she was there until she handed him a couple of napkins with an LAPD logo printed on them.

"Thank You, Captain." He spoke softly still surprised that she even bothered to help him.

"No problem, Lieutenant." She looked up and saw the confusion on his face. She played with his mind a little. "I'm not a wicked witch after all, so no need to be shocked." She narrowed her eyes and grinned slowly for him to take in the small joke.

"That's not it...I...I've...I've just never seen your pretty green eyes before."

She was the shocked one now. Sharon never heard anyone from Major Crimes division say anything so sweet and polite to her face nor behind her back not to mention be truthful about it. Andy Flynn would be the last one on her mind to actually compliment her. Sharon was speechless. He was flirting with her and it wasn't a bad thing. She just didn't know what to say back. She was hesitant to speak.

"This green eyed girl would like you to please take this to Chief Johnson." She handed him the folder. And he smiled his boyish smile after he realized she wasn't so bad after all. They both stood there trying to take in the moment of what just happened. Sharon broke away from the moment as she realized she needed to get back to work.

"Thank you, Andy." She didn't notice how much awkward she made the conversation by calling him by his name instead of Lieutenant Flynn.

"You're welcome, 'green eyed girl'" He responded as she strode past him and out the door. Once she was out of sight he said to himself, "I get one moment alone with her and the best thing I could come up with was that?"

Lieutenant Flynn's mind was in a daze still thinking about what happened between him and Sharon Raydor. All thought of her went away when Provenza asked, "What has you looking all happy?"

Andy acted shocked like the older lieutenant didn't know what he was talking about. "What? Can a man not be in a good mood at this time in the morning?" He was joking at first but then became serious. "Besides...it's none of your damn business."

"That's why you can't be happy in the mornings because you're too much of an ass."

"Ok old man, I'll pretend I care, right after I give this file to Chief Johnson"

It was now eleven a.m. and the murder room was still filled with hard working officers. You could tell which ones had been there the longest. Ones with bags under their eyes and yawned every minute had been there since last night and the ones who just got there still had that just waking up look on their face.

Andy knocked on the blonde woman's office door before letting himself in. "Morning, Chief. I just received this file from Captain Raydor which I'm pretty sure was mistakenly brought to her." He paused to look up and see if she was even listening. "The Victim is Kristen Smith. She was 26 and home alone when she was attacked and raped. It looks like she put up a hard fight before the suspect pulled out a .45 caliber and shot her in her abdomen. He left her at her home and took her cell phone while she bled out."

The middle-aged blonde peered over her glasses to see if he was done speaking. When she realized he was, she looked at the file as stood up. "Looks like we got a murder."

The two walked out of her office. Before Andy walked out, he held the door open for his superior officer to go first. "Ladies first." She smiled pleasantly at him.

"You seem to be extra spiffy today." Brenda complimented.

He pulled up the knot to his tie. "What can I say?" It was his way of saying thank you in a cocky way.

"Mornin' gentlemen." Her loud voice made everyone alert of what she was going to say next. "A young woman age 26 named Kristen Smith was found murdered in her home last week-"

"And we are getting the case now?" Lieutenant Provenza interrupted loudly before Brenda Leigh Johnson could finish what she was going to say.

"Yes lieutenant, the file was accidentally brought to FID which Captain Raydor was so kind enough to give back. Speaking of her, Flynn did she by any possibility take notes or have any evidence on the murder?"

"I'll go check." He started heading for the elevator after the blonde said please and thank you.

"Oh that woman, she's up to something. I know it or else she would have handed the murder to someone else to solve." Said the old man fiercely.

"Or maybe she's just being polite. You know just a thought." David Gabriel interrupted almost defensively.

All eyes were on him. Everyone is glaring at him and shaking their head from the thought of the wicked witch being nice. Provenza broke the staring at the Sergeant. "Of course you'd be the one to say that, David"

Gabriel spun his chair a little and gave a confused look at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's just you're a suck up to all the superior officers." Julio said looking at the file and then glanced up. "You've done it to Taylor, Pope-" Before he could name another name the Chief interrupted him.

"Sanchez, that's enough." She said half smirking. Brenda realized that after they found out Gabriel was part of the leak in the division that they were all on edge. For example when the Sergeant was part of an investigation, they'd try to avoid telling him things for the safety of another law suit.