Prologue: Ruby/Red's POV
I walked along the beach towards the far costume shop. It had only been a matter of months since Emma Swan had arrived in Storybrooke, Maine and already so much had happened. John Doe in the hospital woke up from his coma, two orphans found their father, the sheriff Graham died, John Doe's, whose name was actually David Nolan, wife vanished, I found a box with a heart in it, I made amends with Granny and David's wife reappeared. I was going to the costume shop to help out my friend Mary Margret. Her fifth graders wrote plays and she chose to do Henry's entitled, 'The True Story of Red Riding Hood'. Mary asked me to pick up the costumes. The shop was on the other side of town so I headed over. I wore a white tank, a red flannel jacket, a jean jacket, jeans and boots. My highlights were in and I wore a red beret. Ever since I found the heart, I've been wearing lighter makeup and more mature clothing. I was walking near the shore when I stopped. David was walking along the beach too. I cried, "David!" He turned towards my voice. "Phew." I thought, "He's not having a blackout." "What are you doing out here?" I asked. "I feel drawn to this place." David answered, pointing at the remains of a child's play structure Regina tore down. Then, I saw something in the water. "David," I asked, "What's that?" We ran over and saw it was a box. "Treasured memories." David read. We looked at each other and silently agreed to open it. Inside, we found flowers, figurines, sketches, paintings and notes. "There's something under here." David said lifting the rest of the stuff so we could see what was under it all. It was a painting of a grand castle. As we stared at the painting, it seemed to come off the paper and stand in front of the remains of the play structure. Then, something incredible happened. The play structure seemed to stand up again and transformed into the castle! We continued looking at the stuff for a few minutes, when I realized it was starting to get dark. "I got to go." I told David. He didn't reply because he was staring at another painting. It was a girl who looked like me wearing a red hood. The same thing that happened to the painting of the castle happened to this one. When I turned my back, I didn't know that David was staring at me because I looked like the painting. When I got to the costume shop, instead of heading to the kids section, I headed to the young adults. I couldn't explain it but I was pulled there. Then, I saw it. A red hood on a hanger. I reached out to touch it when I heard a voice say, "Hello." I turned to a woman with graying hair and kind eyes. Her nametag said her name was Rosa. "My, that hood is beautiful isn't it?" Rosa smiled at me. "Yes it is." I agreed. "Why don't you try it on?" "Oh I'm not here for myself…I" "Please. It'll look lovely on you!" I gave in. I went to a changing room and put the hood on. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a warm breeze and was somewhere else.
"Everyone calls me Red." I said, "Who are you?" "Sn…Frosty." The girl said. "Frosty?" I asked. The girl cried, "No! I was just spared by someone and I can't use my real name!" "Well you're safe with Granny and me but I still need something to call you." "Margret." The girl smiled, "No…no Mary. Mary." "Well Mary, come on." I smiled at the girl who I was positive was Snow White.
I stared at myself and squeezed my eyes shut. Memories flashed in front of me. Snow, Peter, Granny, the hunting party, all those killed! I gasped as I opened my eyes. I was no longer Ruby. I am now, and forever more, Red Riding Hood, wolf, hunter and close friend of Snow White and Price James/Charming. I knew what I had to do. Wake them up!
Thank you for reading! This is my first fanfic so let me know what you think! I plan on continuing so stay tuned for the awaking of Prince Charming! By the way, this story takes place a few weeks after Mary Margret's welcome home party. Thanks again!