Sorry I'm late for updating. I'm working on another story and those fans are gonna be mad that I didn't update it. But you guys are worthy enough for an update than I'll work on the other one! I do not own Beetlejuice.

I felt his eyes burn into the back of my skull. I didn't dare turn around and meet his gaze.

"17, well I'll be damned...", his horrible voice ringing through my ears. I rolled my eyes.

"That's the understatement of the century...", I mumbled under my breath. I could only imagen the look on his face. I heard him let out a huff of 'breath', if you could call it that.

"You're a little smartass arent cha?", he said with slight amusement. In a low breath I grumbled 'you have no idea'. "There you go again, with the smart comments! I'm starten to take a liken to ya, Lyds.", I scoffed and tried once more to leave. To my delighted surprise I popped out of his grip. It seemed he was also surprised that I escaped.

I wasted no time. I crawled to the other side of my room away from my bed. I stood and tried to reach for my doorknob. I grabbed the handled and turned it only to find it was locked. There was a loud thump behind me, and I slowly turned around. Betelgeuse was in a cowboy outfit swinging a rope.

"Where ya'll thank you goin?", he threw the lasso at me, and it landed perfectly around my waist. I gasped as he started to drag me twords him. I started struggled and pull doing anything in my power to get away. "Looks like we got us a wild one here!", he joked as he gave the rope one more pull and I fell into his arms. "No need to fling yourself at me babes. If you just wanted a kiss, you could've just asked."

His lips slowly came towards me and I quickly turned my head, only giving him my cheek to kiss. He grunted with annoyance, or at least I think he was annoyed.

As soon as I could I pushed myself away, and went running to a wall. ANY WALL. I slowly slid to the ground hopping I could find anything I could hit him with, and maybe kill him all over again.

"Whoa, babes, I'm started to get mixed signals here."

I scowled. "There are no mixed signals! I'm only sending one signal, and that's get the hell away from me and out of my room!", I said with venom laced through each word. He walked over to me. "Get away!", he bent down to my level and looked me dead in the eye. His cold undead hand grabbed a lock of my hair and started to play with it.

"Don't touch me!", I slapped his hand away using all the courage I had.

"Common babe, don't be like that...", he purred. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Ugh. Get away. I-I'll scream," it was an empty threat but I'd do anything at this point. He stood up straight and smirked as he looked down at me. He snickered loud enough for me to hear.

"I don't think you know who has the power here sweet cheek. So let me remind to.", I jumped off the floor quick. I was completely sickened by his voice. I ran to the other side of the room. My back against the wall. He steped closer to me with a perverted grin slapped on his face...

I swallowed a hard lump in my throat as he approached. I didn't really know his intentions but I had a pretty good idea of what he wanted.

We were only a few inches apart when an angry voice boomed from downstairs. "DAMN IT JUICE! IF I DON'T SEE YOUR ASS HERE IN THE NEXT FIVE SECONDS, I'LL KILL YOU AGAIN MYSELF!", by the tone I'm guessing it was Juno. A look of worry went across his face but only for a moment.

"We'll play some other time, Lyds.", and with that he was gone. Poof! Just left. Not that I'm not happy.

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall.

That's when a small idea popped into my head. A bad childish one, but a plan to get Betelgeuse in trouble. I was gonna tell on him. Sucks? Yes, yes it does.

I quickly ran downstairs to find everyone yelling at Betelgeuse. He looked as if he wasn't interested in what anyone was saying. Adam was the first to notice me. He looked at me with shock, and stopped ranting at Betelgeuse to check on me.

"Lydia what are you doing out of bed? And why do you looked like you've been rough housing?", if he only knew... I looked down at myself to see my blouse was untucked and wrinkelly, and my skirt was a bit messed up. I'm betting my hair wasn't all that great ether.

"Betelge-", Adam put a hand over my mouth. He put a finger to his lips and I nodded. "He was in my room. I couldn't really scream. That's why I lookalike a mess...", his soft look turned to a look of pure hatred. For the FIRST time ever, Adam turned red with anger and looked like he could kill. It kinda scared me...

Adam whipped around and stormed over to Betelgeuse. "You twisted son of a bi-"

"ADAM!?", Barbra yell as she turned to him. She stepped in front of him, blocking him off from Betelgeuse. "What's the matter with you?", Barbra demanded. Adam's nostrils flared as he pointed an excusing finger at Betelgeuse.

"That pig was in Lydia's room! Doing God knows what to her!", he yelled with hate. Juno glared at Betelgeuse but hadn't said a word. It almost seemed she wanted to see how things played out.

"WHHAAT!?", Betelgeuse whinnied/questioned. "I didn't do anything to her!", he complained lying through his teeth. I clamped my jaw and balled my fist up. I was starting to get angry myself.

"What do you mean 'I didn't do anything to her'? You were holding me in my room against my will!", I shouted. Barbra caught on to what we were arguing about and an angered expression crossed her face.

"You sick bastard! You stay away from her you pervert!", she yelled at him.

"Whoa, is anyone else feeling a serious case of deja vu?", Betelgeuse asked. At this point everyone had started shouting. Well except for Juno.

About a minute of yelling later Juno spoke up. "Enough!", she yelled over our booming voices. Immediately we were all quiet. "Juice, what the hell is your problem? I gave you ONE rule and here you go and break it. I told them it would be safer to send you to Saturn.", she mumbled the last part. She grabbed a magazine from the coffee table and rolled it up. I gave her a questionable stare. That was until she started hitting Betelgeuse with it. "You idiot! You can't mess this up! Not after what happened last time!", she scolded and hit him hard with the magazine.

I smirked at the action.

"Hey! Watch it will ya? You're gonna mess up my hair!", Betelgeuse shrieked as he put his hands up in defense. Juno sighed and put the magazine down. Much to my dismay I'd I may add.

Juno looked at her watch and growled softly. "This appointment dragged on longer than expected."

"So you're leaving us alone with HIM!?", I complained. He only gave me a little wave, and Barbra and Adam glared at him. Juno held her cigarette between two fingers as she wore a scowl.

"The higher ups have allowed you ten free passes to travel to this world and the next for emergencies. This lets you travel without time changes.", Adam opened his mouth to speak. BUT Juno to a long drag and disappeared into the could of smoke.

So we all stood in the living room with no supervision.

"So what do ya guys want to do?", Betelgeuse asked. We all turned and glared at him. I'm pretty sure my stare was full of the most hate.

WHOOP! I'm finally done! *Starts doing a little victory dance* Im already planing future 'juicy' chapters. ;) Alright now review. The review button is your friend. It just wants to hug your mouse...