A.N. Hey everyone, back for the fifth chapter, i tried to make a more kinder interactions between the, two so get ready for fluff! R&R please! :D
Disclaimer: I don't own Beelzebub
WoG out
Beelzebub was comfortably sitting on top of his father's head as they both watched their beloved anime show. He noticed his father would turn slightly to steal glances at Hilda every so often. The demon wet nurse was currently reading "Nursing for Dummies" with a disapproving look on her face. Unknown to Oga, Hilda would look up from her book to look at him time to time.
"Dah!" He exclaimed pointing to his mother.
"What ya want Baby Beel?" Oga asked as he set the child on his lap.
"Dah! Dabuh!" he said pointing a finger at Hilda again. "Why do I have to that!" he exclaimed in disapproval. "DAH!" he said having his arms crossed over his chest looking at Oga accusingly. 'God damn it...how does he know Hilda was crying?" he thought. "Give me a break" he pleaded to his son. Beelze shook his head.
Oga grumbled and placed Beelze on the couch. He started to walk over to Hilda, when he heard her say "Don't come any closer Tatsumi" He glared at the wet nurse, and stopped his advance. "Whats your problem?" he said "Don't disturb me when I am reading." she stated flatly. "Ha! Like you actually like that book! The look on your face while you were reading it didnt seem like you were enjoying it."
"Oh? So you were looking at me while i was reading?" she asked
Realizing that he was caught in her trap, Oga cursed himself. "Damn bitch is so manipulative!" he thought. "Uhhh w-well you see, I Uhhh" he stammered.
"Yes?" she raised an eyebrow. "Gah, I'm outta here!" he yelled and marched into the kitchen to grab something to eat. She didn't miss the blush on his cheeks.
"Fool" she muttered as she got up and sat down next to Beelze. She took him in her arms, and cooed to him. She still couldn't place the tingling feeling in her stomach.
Oga cursed as he saw no food in the fridge. "Oi, Hilda we need some damn food in this house."
"That is not my job, you fool."
Oga felt a headache coming on. "You usually get groceries, that means food!"
"That is only when your mother asks me to." she stated
"Whatever, I'll go ask mom to go then."
He made is way upstairs and knocked on his parents room. "Oi, mom there is no food left in the damn fridge!"
The door slowly opened to reveal Oga's mother. "Well, how about you go get some then? I'll give you some money." she said
"What?! Why do I have to go?" he asked angrily. 'Why cant that damn woman go?"
"Tatsumi..." his mother said. Oga began to sweat bullets as he saw his mother enter "demon-mode" as he dubbed it.
"Ok ok!" he said putting his hands up defensively. 'Just give me the damn money.." he grumbled Oga's mother gave him a wad of cash and closed the door.
Oga walked back downstairs and grabbed his jacket. "Oi, Hilda lets go the the store, I'm getting food."
"Very well." she replied picking up Beelzebub and handing him to Oga. She grabbed her own jacket, and they stepped out into the cold evening air.
They traveled to the store in silence enjoying each other's company. Beelzebub was happily singing to himself naked on Oga's head despite the the cold atmosphere.
As they entered the store, the shoppers and cashiers alike turned their heads to stare at the unusual trio. Oga heard one of them whisper "Those two having a child at such a young age, how irresponsible." He clenched his teeth.
"Cmon, lets get our shit and leave." he said angrily As they grabbed their groceries, Oga would unconsciously clench his fists when he heard false accusations. This behavior didn't go unnoticed by Hilda. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and when he looked over questionably she shook her head.
"Tsk" he grumpily replied. Baby Beelz was oblivious to everything, and was ogling the Rice-Boy merchandise that they picked up for him.
As they made their way to the check-out, and one lady came up to them and said. "Oh my! what a cute baby you have!" she said as smiled. Beelze looked at the lady with a questioning look, while Oga just looked at the lady with a blank expression. Hilda dug her elbow into Oga's ribs and the said man yelped in pain. The woman looked at Oga strangely, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yea well he is a good kid. Right Beelze?" "Dah!" Beezle exclaimed giving the lady a thumbs up. The lady squealed in joy at the demon baby.
Hilda rolled her eyes at the display of overbearing affection from the old woman. Then the lady asked something that made them both stiffen.
"So, how long have you two been together?"
Oga swore he heard crickets. Thankfully, Hilda had quick thinking. "2 years now, i first met him here on a vacation away from home."
"Oh! So your a foreigner?" Hilda just nodded. Oga was dumbfounded, did she rehearse this?.
"Oh, that's so sweet your love for him made you leave home. Oh young love is so nice! You have yourself a fine woman young man, don't go wasting it!" the lady wagged her finger at him.
'Uhh, thanks?" he said. "Dah!" Beelze yelled and hit Oga on the head with his small fist.
Hilda and the lady erupted with laughter. It was while since he heard Hilda laugh, he thought it sounded nice.
The trio bought their food, and headed out into the night air. Hilda shivered as the cold breeze seemed to penetrate her jacket, she was kicking herself for wearing his shorts.
"Cold?" he asked. She nodded, and he crouched on the ground. "Here i'll carry you, you should be warm then."
Hilda had the decency to blush. She nodded and slipped her arms past his shoulders and around his neck. He grasped her thighs, and she let out a small gasp. He looked back at her confused, but she just buried her head in his shoulder and said. "Thank you, Tatsumi.."
"Don't mention it, we are family right?" he asked rather apprehensively. He couldn't see it, but she smiled. "Yea we are.."
Oga carried her back all the way home and when he got home, he realized that Hilda feel asleep. He grumbled to himself quietly, and put the groceries on the counter. He slowly made is upstairs, and entered his bedroom. With great care, he set her on his bed. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the blonde before him. Her breathing was slow and deep, and he saw her chest rise and fall.
She mumbled something he couldn't quiet hear. He leaned closer, and he heard her mumble his name. he smiled down at her, and and leaned down to kiss her forehead. She squirmed a little from the sudden contact, but then she smiled. He placed Beelze next to her, and she wrapped her arms around him. Beelze seemed to enjoy the close contact and he soon fell asleep.
Oga went downstairs, and put the groceries away. After, he made his way up to his room and yawned. He was surprised to see his mother, who was looking in his bedroom at the touching scene between mother and son. She noticed his presence, and turned to look at him. "It seems your getting along better now" she teased. "Not now, mom im tired" he lazily said. "You care about her deeply" she stated. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. "So what?" he asked harshly after a moment. His mother just smiled. 'Well, im going back to bed. See you in the morning dear." and she walked off.
He sighed heavily, and made his way to bed. He maneuvered he way around his wife and son, and wrapped an arm around each of them. He gently placed his face on the top of Hilda's hair. He inhaled her vanilla scent, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
So how did you like it? R&R please! :D