Before you read: Hey... I gave up on my last one...
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...
"So, this is it." Tsunade asks inquiring her eyebrows toward the small bowl of delicacies in front of her.
"Yes M'Lady." Shizune replies as she steals a look at the little chocolates in the small bowl.
"They look delicious." Tsunade added.
"Yes, they do." Shizune agrees.
Little does anyone know, these so called "Delicacies" were a newly developed biological weapon used to neutralise their opponents without killing them, but putting them into a state they cannot fight back, and can't run and maneuver easily. They were recently developed in the labratories. No one knew the risks of them, or the affects it may cause; or even how to cure it.
Tsunade sighed; not knowing who to experiment these on or how; was a difficult decision she had to make; and fast. Lately, they had been capturing people that were able to semi escape from their facilities; but all that escaped faced a horrible end.
Tsunade shook her head slightly before looking up at Shizune.
"Bring 'Him' in." She commands lightly and crosses her hands over her face.
"Him? Do you mean, Him?" Shizune asked wide eyed.
"Yes, 'he' will know what to do." Tsunade continues.
Without another word Shizune left the office and out the Hokages building in search of 'him'.
Shikamaru Nara.
"Shikamaru, you going to eat that?" Choji, Shikamaru's teammate and old friend, asked as he pointed to the barbecue in front of the shadow ninja.
Shikamaru looked lazily at his companion and just gave a soft grunt. Meaning, Go ahead.
Shikamaru was hungry; but having his friend here was hard to cure it. Truth be told, after Asuma died, Shikamaru's wallet has been emptier than Naruto's head. Shikamaru wanted to eat; but just couldn't say no to his teammate.
"This is really good Shikamaru!" Choji sputtered as he took numerous bites of the barbecue meat.
"I bet it is." Shikamaru replied half heartedly as he stared off the other direction. Trying to ignore his comrades appetite.
Shizune had came to him that afternoon and ordered him to come by Tsunade's office in an hour. He had a horrible feeling about it when Shizune had mentioned the word, Biological Weapon to him.
Shikamaru knew either he had to choose who the weapon will be used on, or who to test it on. This didn't suit him well. But being a Shinobi, you have to take extra care and costs to what you do.
He sighed and looked up at the passing cumulous clouds in the high sky.
"Why can't I just live a normal life, with a normal wife, and normal kids?" Shikamaru spoke aloud.
"Well that's because you'd be horrible to a woman and you know it."
That caught Shikamaru's attention instantly and he looked over Choji's side to the figure walking towards them.
Her long figure swayed beautifully as she strolled toward the two. Her ash blonde hair gently breezed through the air as it moved perfectly in synch with her walking. Her purple clothes tightly pushed against her pale skin. She smiled elegantly at the two and waved to Choji.
Troublesome... Shikamaru cursed in his mind as she took a seat next to him. Late again...
"Hey Shikamaru." She greeted cheerfully as she looked over him.
"Hey." Was all he said.
"You actually want to be a father?" She asked irritably.
Shikamaru said nothing and looked toward the other direction away from her.
"Hmf, figures." She replies to his emotionless action.
"You know Ino, maybe I do want to be a father." Shikamaru answered as he turned back towards her.
He was not in the mood for smooth talking and trying to reason with her constant bickering. He was stressed and wanted to deal with one less woman today. Maybe he'll say something to make her go away. But most likely she won't go away. She was not that type of woman.
"Well, I don't know if I can see you as one yet; but I know one day you'll be." She answered; not sure if her tone was mocking or being nice.
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at her.
"Well what about you Ino? Do you want to be something?" Other than a boy crazed, seduction ninja? Shikamaru spoke in his mind the last few words.
"As a matter of fact, YES!" She answered haughtily.
Shikamaru gave her a blank stare as if asking her to evaluate her meaning.
She sighed and groaned. The impudence of this idiot! She screamed in her head.
"I want to be a mother." Ino replied.
"You? A Mother?" Shikamaru asked; impossible.
"YES! A mother." Ino took on his challenge.
Choji glomped on another reordered chicken leg; watching intently on what was going on. It was rare for Shikamaru to talk about his personal life, or talk about other people's personal lives. He just wasn't the type at all for things like this.
"I don't think a mother suits you." Shikamaru laughed at the idea of his promiscuous teammate being a mother.
Ino punched him on the arm harshly.
"Well believe it or not, I love kids!" Ino yelled.
"Ok ok ok." Shikamaru just kept laughing.
Ino hissed and sneered at him through her hair that covered her face. How she just wanted to slug him there and then for his stupidity.
"Ugh, your kids are going to be a hand full! I know it!" She spoke.
Shikamaru didn't reply, he just kept looking away from her; snorting and giggling amongst himself.
"Shikamaru, I think your kids will be lazy just like you." Choji commented as he elbowed Shikamaru.
"Not my kids! My kids will be refined gentlemen who will respect women!" Ino added as she commented on her own future children.
Again, a suspicious snort came from his direction.
"Shika!" Ino yelled.
Immediately shikamaru stood from his stool and walked out into the opening.
"Haha, ok ok, I'm sorry Ino. I'm going now." Shikamaru announced as he took out his wallet and looked inside.
It was empty. Only a few bucks that only paid for half. He took it all out and attempted to put it on the table when he was abruptly stopped by Ino's small and frail fingers.
"I got it idiot. Go do what you're going to go do." She spoke and pulled out her wallet.
"Thanks."Shikamaru said as he began stuffing the cash back in and walking out into the street.
"Hey!" Ino called out once more.
Shikamaru turned toward the female and threw his head back in question as he stuffed his hands into his sweat pants.
"Temari is comming in two weeks!" Ino informed happily while doing a thumbs up at him.
Shikamaru rolled his eyes and turned around, waving his hands in a lazy fashion before walking off to the Hokage's building.
"Where is he going?" Ino asked Choji curiously.
"The Hokage's building." Choji answered as he stuffed his face.
Shikamaru knocked on the Hokages door.
"Come in." he heard Tsunade's voice call out to him from behind the door.
Shikamaru opened the door freely and walked in.
Tsunade was facing away from him; staring out the window. She had her hands crossed behind her back. A bad sign for Shikamaru; it meant this was serious work.
He strolled closer to her desk and saw a bowl of chocolates on her desk. How odd. Shikamaru thought as he took a closer look at them. They looked delicious.
"As you know Shikamaru, we have recently acquired a new biological weapon that will neutralise our opponents without killing them." Tsunade begins as she continues to face toward the window. Not knowing Shikamaru was foddling over the chocolates on her desk.
"Yes Lady Tsunade." Shikamaru replies as he picks one of the chocolates up and inspects it.
He wasn't into sweets. In fact, he didn't eat them much. But he was hungry. Choji had eaten his lunch; and he was starved.
Shizune wasn't in the room either; must be out running errands for 'Her Majesty' here.
"I would like it if you can 'delicately' choose who we will be testing these weapons on, to determine what exactly and how exactly this weapon works." Tsunade continued.
"Yes, I had a feeling you were going to say that." Shikamaru replied as he plopped the chocolate into his mouth.
He began chewing on it. It tasted very sweet and delightful. In fact this was the best chocolate he had ever eaten in the longest time ever. His last chocolate was the chocolate-mayonaisse bar that Choji had offered to him once when they were out on a mission. It tasted horrible.
"As you know, we have a list of the prisoners who you can choose to try it on. I am giving you this assignment and it is your responsibilty to complete this mission and report to me exactly how the subjects react." Tsunade continued;oblivious to the fact that Shikamaru just ate the biological weapon and was picking up another to plop in his mouth.
Just then, Shizune barged in and looked over at the Shikamaru who was about to down another of the chocolate into his mouth.
"NO SHIKAMARU! DON'T!" Shizune screamed at the top of her lungs as she dropped the paperworks in her arms.
Shikamaru flinched and dropped the chocolate just as Tsunade turned to see the horror in her eyes and realised, Shikamaru just ate it.
"Wh-What? What was that all about?" Shikamaru asked as he stared at the screaming woman.
"YOU ATE IT?!" Tsunade asked horrifically as she stormed over to Shikamaru.
"I'm sorry, it looked so good... I-I had to..."
"THAT WAS THE BIOLOGICAL WEAPON!" Tsunade screamed at the top of her lungs and looked frantically at him.
Shikamaru's face stared at her. He began to feel completely terrified.
"That was...That was the..." Shikamaru stuttered; horrified at the truth that just came out of their mouths as the gaped and stared at the man.
"Oh my god." Shizune whispered as she covered her mouth.
Just then, Shikamaru's skin began burning; intensifying as the moments continued on. His throat clenching and not allowing him to breathe. He hastily grabbed for his throat and began coughing loudly and obnoxiously as he fell onto the floor. Wreathing in pain and taking a few of the other stuff on Tsunade's desk with him.
"Shikamaru!" Shizune yelled as she frantically ran to his side trying to hold him up right.
Tsunade ran to his side and tried to fix the wrong.
"Breathe boy! Breathe!" She yelled as she began holding his arms down. Trying to make sure he wasn't choking himself.
Just then, both of their eyes grew in shock as Shikamaru began dissapearing into his clothes. Still breathing and heaving but dissapearing into his clothes.
Then... everything became silent.
No words were spoken in that few moments. Tsunade could feel she was still holding onto an arm. A tinier one.
"Shizune..." Tsunade spoke as she broke the silence.
Shizune looked up at Tsunade, horrified.
"Lift up the shirt." Tsunade commaded.
Shizune hesitated; her hands shaking as she went and pulled the shirt to look at the horror underneath the clothing.
Her eyes grew wide with shock. Her mouth instantly went dry. Her face paled instantly.
"Oh my god."