Woah! I updated! *confetti*

This chapter is shorter than the rest by like, a lot. Sorry about that ^^;

Maybe I'm right. I'm probably wrong. That seems to happen a lot, the wrong thing. Because, in the last instance of wrong-ness, I suggested tutoring. I was so sure of myself then, too! I thought that not only would it be a chance to learn more about English, but a chance for me to learn more about Arthur. What I could be right or wrong about right now though is me thinking that this tutoring thing in a couple minutes could possibly go well.

Because, within the last 30 seconds, I have decided that ever since the beginning, it has been a terrible idea. I want to learn more about Arthur, but I don't want him to know more about me! I know that sounds totally creepy, but I have sound reasons. Sound reasons that I'm completely freaking out over right now!

I know, I know, the great hero "freaked out" about something, but you have nothing to worry about. I'll just have a momentary spazz session over a small predicament. It should all be okay once this whole thing is over, right?

But what if he hates me? Well, more than he already does, but there is still a threat! What if he forgets his work and we have to share? What if he launches an argument on how Britain is better than America and I can't win because he brings up Dr. Who? What if a satellite falls on the house and kills us all?!

Deep breath.

Epic stuff like that only happens to Batman.

Either way, I have a feeling about this. It can either turn out really well, or just suck in epic proportions. Especially because everyone except Artie and I gone.

Even my dick brother from Canada who endorsed this won't be here.

I'll be alone. With Arthur.

For the record, my heart isn't beating hard. I'm just… worried about a satellite falling. Definitely that.

Also for the record, I totally didn't jump what-so-ever when the doorbell rang.

"Hey dude!" I let him in, "you don't have to take off your shoes or whatever if you don't want to."

"I don't want to get this carpet dirty though. It looks exotic, like it could be from India. Is that where it's from?"

Typical Arthur, over-thinking everything. "It's from like, BJ's or something."

"Oh…" He reddens a bit, and I'm slightly happy. I know that not only is he not right all the time like he seems, but if I keep showing him up like this maybe his own nervousness will show. Then I won't feel so alone in all these irrational worries.

"But close man! It was made in China like everything else, and China is exotic." I say, smiling. I hope I don't sound too much like a wise ass but sometimes that stuff just happens. And besides, Arthur is going to be using sarcasm all throughout this thing, so if I do sound a bit rude it's just in preparation.

"Shut up" He turns around and walks into the main room. To his right there's the kitchen and to his left the living room. Directly in front is where my family and I usually eat dinner, just a round table with four seats.

He finally stares back at me as I walk into the room he's in.

"Do you want something to eat? It is 6:00-ish and that's kind of a dinner time. I think I have Twinkies in the closet." I offer, being the awesome host I am. Host with the most, baby.

"No, and do you really eat Twinkies for dinner? You really do need to mind your health." He scolds, sitting down at the table, sounding just like my dad or mom or someone. Seriously, he sounds like an old man too often. "Now don't make this something social, I came over for tutoring," He says as he sits down at the table.

"Dude, I was just trying to get you something to eat. Don't get your panties in a wad." I grab my book bag and sit down next to him, beginning to stretch my hand into the abyss that is the main compartment of my book bag. Note to self: clean out bag.

I finally grab my everything-folder and pull it out, slapping it on the table. It really is a heavy folder, and just another thing I need to clean out, I guess.

"You really need to clean out your folder." Arthur says, eyeing the fat thing and the skewed papers sticking out of the top. Way to echo my thoughts, dude.

"I know, I know. It's no problem now so I don't really care. I will empty it later though, if it makes you happy." I say, trying to avoid a fight. Usually I'm all ready for one, but I really do not want to have to not only make him leave after only a little while, but have to deal with all the problems on Monday. Now you know that I don't always seek confrontation.

Arthur sighs and opens his binder. Everything is in neat compartments with labels and it's all color coordinated. No wonder my messy folder seemed to morally offend him.

"You're really neat, how do you even keep up with all that stuff?" I ask, thumbing one of his tabs.

He smacks my hand away, "I just take a little bit more time everyday with orderliness and I regularly clean out the notes I won't need anymore. When you think about it, it actually makes sense." He uses sarcasm at the end, probably to indicate how utterly stupid I am for ever not being completely cleanly.

"The joke's on you, aren't you just wasting time keeping everything tidy?" I smirk, quite proud of my comeback. No sarcastic comment gets past this guy, no-sir-ee.

"Don't you waste time looking through your folder everyday trying to find the night's assignment?" He uses a logic bomb, which should totally be illegal when the person you are up against is feeling good about themselves.



We're in an argument about "u" placement, of all things. I know that I may be not entirely a genius, but everyone knows that "color" isn't spelled "colour". I learned that in first grade, I plan to stick by that knowledge.

After a while though, when I think we've both realized that this argument isn't important and that I was right from the start, Arthur finally admits defeat.

"Fine. You Americans spell words differently, so while I'm in America you're right." He sighs, tired of a stupid battle. He seemed in pain to admit that also, like he got all red like an apple.

But I'm not in the mood to skip a fight anymore. Arthur has been here for at least an hour, and screw tension. I don't care if I owe a dollar to the douche bag jar later; I want to be right, now.

"You said I was right, but you never said that you were wrong. That's what I want to hear." I say, straightening to my full height and looking down on him. Probably smirking too, because if I'm gonna be a douche, I might as well go all the way.

"I didn't say I was wrong because I'm not. I'm only wrong in America. I gave in, and I haven't done that in a really long time, so unless you really want me to fight you, I suggest you shut up."

I know he isn't all bark and no bite, and even though getting into a fight right now would be an okay thing, something weird washes over me. Guilt?

Yeah, guilt.

Not because of something he did, like looking up at me with tear-filled eyes and whimpering or whatever, because he didn't do that at all. He threatened me essentially, but for some reason I feel bad about it.

I never really feel like that. I'm not some heartless monster, don't get that into your mind, it's not like I can do something and not feel bad about it later. Like if I actually punched him or something, I would feel bad afterwards. But never from just a thought or an instinct to just want to fight. Something about the thought of hurting Arthur hurt me and I really, really hope that this was just a one-time thing, because Arthur and I seem to rub each other the wrong way, and if I feel guilty after every time I try to get him to apologize, I'll be a very guilty person.


Arthur leaves.

I hardly remember studying; I only remember how he and I didn't get along. I sure as hell don't remember the dates of the Spanish-American war. He doesn't remember the formula for finding velocity.

He left with a frayed string tied to me that I know has to be significant somehow.

I'll deal with it on Monday I guess. For now I'll just eat my last few Twinkies and clean out my folder. Maybe he won't be as pissed on Monday. Maybe I won't feel as guilty.

I don't even know where this story is going, and I don't really like this chapter.

I feel obliged to say "Review please!", so I will. Review please!