Creeper Mukuro

Summary: The first EVER crossover for KHR and Minecraft. Tsuna is a little lost soul stuck in a cube world, trying to make a house of dirt which ultimately got blown up by a creeper known as Mukuro... Pure Crack.

Note: I've lost the plot, seriously.

Edited on: 28/09/2012

There was once a little boy known as Tsuna, who was then later named Tuna. He lived in a world full of blocks, and, to be quite honest, he hated it. How was it even possible to take down a tree with his hand? He would never get the answer.

Anyway, he was told by the person who had appeared in his world that if he didn't make a house soon, then he would either by eaten by zombies, webbed up and taken underground for spider food, get shot in the ass with an arrow... or blown up by a peeping creeper. He didn't even want to know HOW a creeper could blow him up, nor was he willing to find out.

So, this was his job to try to save himself. He thought he would be smart and then make a house of dirt- cause if no one could see him, then nothing could harm him, right?

Too bad he never knew of stalker/creeper Mukuro. He was a well-known creeper who ruined everything- then spawned back randomly to ruin some more things, or in this case blow up Tuna's poor home. Said creeper was spying on Tuna right now, waiting for the house to be built before he came over to blow it up.

This creeper was scary since he didn't have a square head. He had a dodgy pineapple head. This is why he was cursed to always live- the reviving pineapple head. Poor Tuna, he didn't know a thing about this creeper.

So Tuna made his dirt house and door- which strangely took him only a minute to make- along with his bed from a sheep's wool and wooden planks, only to settle down...

And get blow up seconds later.

"HIIIIEEEE, CREEPER- with... a pineapple head..."

"Kufufu, I shall destroy every home you shall make~."

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO BE ZOMBIE FOOD!" five seconds later, a zombie happened to pop up, leaving Tsuna a shrieking mess and Mukuro quite happy as he blew himself up again, effectively destroying the zombie- and probably making Tuna brain-damaged for the rest of his poor life.
