That didn't take long... Here's the first chapter to the promised sequel to "Responsibility". Hope you guys enjoy, the real fun hasn't even started... Please review!

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Ratchet tried to ignore the sound.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Ratchet's optic twitched.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"Sapphire!" Ratchet suddenly shouted. Sapphire's doorwings moved to a high 'V' shape, and she looked at Ratchet in surprise.

"Yes Sire?"

"Go find that slagging leak and make it stop!" Ratchet hissed. Sapphire could only blink at the medic. After a moment, she sighed and held out her datapad for him to take. He grabbed it from her with the promise to keep it safe from the other Autobots on base. Especially two of them whose existence was solely to annoy the living daylights out of their fellow Autobots. Sapphire quickly saluted before heading off down the hall to find the afore-mentioned leak. Ratchet sighed and glanced over the datapad, smirking at the contents. It was an assignment that Optimus had given her a few days ago. He couldn't remember exactly when Optimus expected to have it handed in, but Sapphire was almost finished, and her work was quite good.

Sapphire found the leak easily enough. It was one of the main Energon lines that fed power to the many devices Ratchet had going. Unfortunately, it was high up on the wall. Eager to please Ratchet rather than go and find Optimus, who could easily fix the leak because he was much taller, Sapphire climbed onto a few of the lower pipes. She wobbled at first, but was able to regain her balance. She still couldn't reach it, she realized with dismay. A low growl left her as she stretched her back to see if it would help her reach it.

"Whatcha doin'?" a voice asked suddenly. Sapphire shrieked, and her wheeled pedes lost their grip on the pipe. She completely lost her balance, and the ground rushed up to embrace her. It would have, had two mechs not pulled her into their arms to keep her from crashing to the silo's floor.

"Primus, you're clumsy," Sunstreaker's snarky voice snapped at her. Sapphire merely leaned against the two supporting her entire weight.

"You alright Fire?" Sideswipe asked.

"Thanks for the spark attack guys. Don't go scaring femmes when they're already in a dangerous spot," she said. Sideswipe smirked and helped Sapphire straighten.

"What were you doing anyways?" Sunstreaker inquired, looking up at the pipes above them. His sharp optics pinpointed the leak, and he smirked. "The Hatchet?" Sapphire returned the expression.

"Uh huh. Lasted longer this time," Sapphire replied. The three shared a brief laugh that was shattered by the sudden wail of a police siren causing Sapphire to scream. She practically jumped into Sideswipe's arms, hanging off him. Prowl gave them a each a sharp look as he walked up, glancing up at the leak.

"Prime won't be impressed to hear that you're with the twins again," Prowl stated, fixing Sapphire with a glare. The femme let go of Sideswipe, released her wheels, and skated away from him. She smiled at Prowl with a gentle look. The two weren't exactly on good terms. Prowl still felt that Sapphire needed to be under constant surveillance. Sapphire was trying her best to get Prowl to trust her, but the police car was having none of it. Though she did appreciate not staring down the barrel of a blaster every time she saw him or being treated like a prisoner just because she was part Decepticon. She moved forward with an eery grace and placed on of her servos on his shoulder, looking down at him.

"Daddy won't care when he finds out that I was doing as Sire asked. I'm here to fix the pipe," she said in self-defence. "Do you know where Daddy or Scarlet are by any chance? I need to hand in my assignment and I'm bored just standing here talking with the twins."

"I will take care of the pipe. Optimus Prime and Scarlet are in the training room. Jazz wishes to see you in a military situation so he can see how well you fight," Prowl replied, a mild frown marring his faceplates at the use of a human title for his Prime. He couldn't help the very slight sympathetic smile that made its way to his face when he watched her doorwing droop at the statement.

Jazz had only trained with her twice since they arrived on Earth, and already it was like a death sentence for her. Prowl tried to avoid calling it 'training' because he didn't like the idea of training a Decepticon with Autobot techniques. Jazz, however, had been incredibly interested in teaching Sapphire how to properly fight a Decepticon. He offered to train both young femmes, but they had to be ready to train at any time, whenever he wanted. There was no choice, expect that they needed a certain amount of time to rest, and they couldn't shirk their responsibilities.

"Right... Guess I better get the torture over with. Thanks for dealing with the pipe. Sire'll kill me if it's not taken care of, and no, it's not a suggestion before any of you take it like that. So long mechs," Sapphire said. Her mask and visor slipped down, concealing her features before she glided past Prowl, tapping the edge of his doorwing as she did so. Prowl's doorwings dropped almost horizontally in anger, and he grumbled to himself about Sapphire's inappropriate attitude. The twins simply walked away before Prowl got the bright idea to punish them for being in the area. They'd catch up with Scarlet and Sapphire later.