"Over here!"

They walked past the creatures to make it to Tucker. His back was turned to them.

"I told you that you could see it..." He stepped aside to reveal a chimera, "A perfect replica, a chimera able to speak the human tongue!"

"No..." Tina shook in anger, but Tucker just ignored her.

"Why didn't I realize it before, the other one was too old to adapt!" He knelt down next to the chimera, "Darling, this is Edward. He's your friend."

"Edward... friend." The creature spoke.

"Yes, that's very good," Tucker praised.

"Very...good..." it repeated.

Al got excited about this and said, "That's unbelievable! It really can talk!"

Ed knelt down next to the chimera, letting it pull out his pocket watch.

"Edward... my friend."

"Yeah... that's right." Ed looked defeated.

"Edward... why does it... hurt here?"

Ed stood up, anger radiating off of him.


"So Tucker, when was the first time you made one of these?"

"I thought I told you, two years ago."

"And when did your wife leave you?"

Tucker sighed.

"I hate the prodigies. They're too smart."

That's when Ed snapped.

"Ed, wait."

He turned to Tina, anger in his eyes. "Wait?! Don't you know that..."

"I know, Ed. I wanted to ask Mr. Tucker a question."

"What is it?"

Tina move forward, going past Ed and right to Tucker.

"Do those bruises on your face hurt?"

"What bruises?"

"The ones I'm about to give you!"

She launched forward, senselessly punching him.

"You bastard!" She yelled, "Why the hell would you do that to Amber!"

Al pulled Tina away.

"You can't just do that!"

"Why the hell can't she?" Ed yelled.

The chimera started whining.

"Don't... hurt him... little big brother... big sis..."

Tina just collapsed, tears rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry, Amber." She sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

Amber nudged her hand.


Tina sniffled, wiping away her tears and glaring at Tucker.

"It's a perfect transmutation, isn't it. We can't get her back to the way she was."

"No. You can't"

She stood up, clenching her fists.

"You better be damned lucky that Amber said not to hurt you..."

The General busted in, his men pointing their guns.

"What the hell's going on here?"

"This bastard used Amber to make a chimera!" Ed yelled.

"I'm gonna go get Lexxa and Nina. I'll be back, alright boys?"

Ed and Al nodded. She went to walk past Gran, but was stopped.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Well, General, I'm going to get my friends. I'll meet you up front. Now let me through."

"No. You're coming with me."

"No, I'm not. I told my friends I'd go get them. Do you think you'll stop me?"

Gran glared, "Fine, but two of my soldiers are accompanying you."

"Fine." Tina walked by him, ignoring the scrambling soldiers behind her.

Lexxa panicked a little bit when she heard footsteps coming her way. She held Nina's hand, making sure that she knew exactly where she was.

Tina stopped at the door, turning around to the two soldiers.

"Can you guys give me a little space? I'm not your prisoner."

The soldiers backed away a bit before she turned to the door.

"It's just me, girls. Just me."

Lexxa opened the door.

"Is it all over?" she asked. She didn't want Nina to see anything.

"Tucker's contained, but..." Tina looked at the ground, "Well, bruises we're exchanged."

Lexxa hugged Tina.

"You're okay, right?"

"I've been better." Tina sighed.

"Where's Amber?" Nina asked. "And Daddy?"

Lexxa could tell by Tina's expression what had happened.

"There... has been an accident," Lexxa said carefully.

"And Amber and Daddy have to go away for a long time." Tina sighed, then looked at Lexxa. "Granny Man wants us out front. We better go."

Nina looked like she didn't understand, but followed Tina and Lexxa out anyways.

They walked out, Nina holding the girl's hands.

"...Naturally, you are to tell no one what you saw tonight."

"What?!" Ed threw out his hands, "You wanna cover it up, don't you?"

He reached for the General, but was held back. Tina, however...

"Don't you dare cover this up!" Tina went to punch the General.

He turned, punching Tina to the gut. Then he did the same to Ed.

Lexxa tried to cover Nina's eyes before she saw anything, but it was too late. Nina passed out from the surprise.

Lexxa turned on Gran.

"You think this is funny?!" she yelled. "You just made a little girl pass out!" Gran responded by just walking away. Lexxa took a deep breath to calm herself. She didn't want to get punched in the stomach as well.

Ed got back up, "Damn it! I'm not gonna let them turn her into a test subject!"

He clapped his hands, using Alchemy to tip the truck over. The back doors opened, letting Amber get out.

"Amber!" Ed called, but she ran off.

Tina finally got up, looking at Nina. "She okay?"

Lexxa nodded.

"She just fainted from the shock. She'll be fine after she wakes up."


Ed and Al went after Amber.

"Should we go check on them?" She asked Lexxa.

Lexxa shook her head.

"They should have some time to themselves. I'm sure they don't want us to see them in a few moments..." Sure enough the girls could hear Ed's loud sobs breaking through the stormy night as he looked at the remains of Amber.

Just so you guys know, Wandy and I felt horrible while we were writing these last few chapters… We get overly attached to our extra characters!