Hey guys! So…new story! It's about time…I only have two…one of which hasn't been updated in months, the other is on hiatus…but it's okay. For this one I have another person helping me so I don't get writers block and I don't get lazy! This person is…*drum roll* Okay seriously! Where is that drum roll coming from?!

But, anyway, the person that's doing this with me goes by A Wandering Storyteller on this site. This is a collab, so she's doing half the writing. I think that you'll all be able to tell when I'm writing… if you can't it's going to be when the story is more centered around Lexxa. Oh, and by the way I'm going to give credit where credit is due, most of the idea around this story came from the amazing mind of A Wandering Storyteller. I'm just going to call her Wandy now. The only way she'll know is if she reads this… MUAHAHAHA! But most people don't like reading author's notes…

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

The girl walked into her home, picking up the note on the front table.


Work called us in. Had to go on short notice. Make sure to do your homework, don't wreck the house, don't open the door and get to bed at a decent hour. Dinner's in the fridge. And keep your brothers out of trouble!


Mom and Dad

"Weird, that hasn't happened before… ah well!"

She let out a sigh as she flopped onto the couch. Humming 'Brothers' to herself, she pulled out her laptop and started up.

"Finally, a bit of time to…"


Tina jumped off of the couch, falling unceremoniously onto the floor. She glared at the offending device, which sat triumphantly on the coffee table.

"You win this time, Steve."

She sat up, beginning to sift through her email.

"Junk… junk… junk… yay, story alert! Save that for later… Lexxa sent a message... What's this?"

The new email stuck out like a sore thumb. Unlike the others, it consisted of one word. And no address.

She opened the message, her green eyes scanning the screen.

Hello Tina,

I believe you know who I am. I am god. I am all. I am you.

I am Truth.

Now, I believe you've wanted to go on a trip for some time. So I'm going to send you on a trip, free of charge! Aren't I nice? I even made sure you'd have a friend, too.

I hope you appreciate this. No one else has gotten the privilege, you know. I'll be there soon.


Tina stared at the email, baffled. "There's no way he can be… Nah. He's just wants to be a jerk. Well, two can play at that game!"

She opened a reply, her fingers flying furiously across the keyboard.

Truth, or whoever you are:

What the hell are you trying to get at? Do you think I'm an idiot?! There's no way you can be Truth. He exists in an anime, for fuck's sake! So get off your high horse and come down to take your meds, buddy. 'Cause you're obviously high or insane to think that you're Truth. In fact, I bet you can't even prove that you're Truth.

Have fun in the Funny Farm!


Satisfied, she clicked 'send', watching the message speed off to its recipient. She stood up, stretching.

"Well, that takes care of that…"

A knocking on the door stopped her mid-speech. She groaned, making her way to the door. The knocking became more frantic the closer she got to the door.

"Hold your horses! I'm coming, I'm…"

She opened the door, screaming as black arms reached for her.

"Me and my big mouth!"

Lexxa sat in front of her TV flipping through channels.

"Hate that show… hate that show… hate that show… aw! I used to like that show! Now I hate it…"

Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. Lexxa got up and turned on ninja mode, moving stealthily across her living room floor in a crouching position. When she got to the door she peeked cautiously out the peep hole. Seeing that it was the mailman, she opened the door.

"Here's your mail!" he said with a smile as he handed Lexxa various letters.

"Thanks. Hey, did you hear about the turtles?"

"Yeah. It's a shame they can't live in their own boxes anymore. See you later!" The mailman turned and left.

Lexxa shut the door behind her as she sifted through the mail.

"Bills, bills, bills, bills, from Uncle Bill, bill for Uncle Bill, bill, what's this?" Lexxa held up a letter curiously. It was addressed to her, but nobody talked by actual mail anymore. I mean, what are we, in the twentieth century? That's so twelve years ago.

Lexxa opened the letter to see somebody had done that cliché cut-out-letters-from-magazines thing. It said,

Hello Lexxa,

I believe you know who I am. I am god. I am all. I am you.

Lexxa stopped reading for a moment and thought of who this could be. Aloud she asked, "Jim Carey?" and continued reading.

I am Truth.

"I was close…"

No, I believe you've wanted to go on a trip for some time.

"No I haven't…stupid Jim Carey."

So I'm going to send you on a trip, free of charge! Aren't I nice? I even made sure you'd have a friend, too.

I hope you appreciate this. No one else has gotten the privilege, you know. I'll be there soon.


"Stupid Jim Carey…sending fake letters…it's not like Truth knows how to work mail and stuff! Or am I thinking of cats?"

There was another knock at the door. Lexxa started to do her ninja thing again but heard a voice from the other side yell, "Just answer it!" Lexxa stood, baffled by the fact that the person could detect a ninja, and answered the door.

When she opened the door black arms reached out towards her. The only thing that Lexxa could manage was to yell, "You're not Jim Carey!"

So… what do you guys think?