This was wrong. So wrong. How could she let this his happen? Fall in love with Finn Hudson. No only the most popular guy at Mckinley but also her best friends brother...If Kurt ever found out she'd be dead. She can't help the way she feels. He never notices her, and his stupid bimbo, blonde barbie girlfriend definetley made that clear. Sometimes she wishes that she was popular just to be noticed. Instead of the slushies and the name-calling. It gets a little to much. But Rachel Barbra Berry, was destined for something better and bigger. Broadway. Herself and Kurt have been dreaming about this ever since freshmen year. Now that they're seniors, they're just one step away of going to New York and going to NYADA. Together... And nothing's stopping them.

'' Rachel.. Diva.. Hello!'' Kurt was shouting

'' Huh? .. Sorry Kurt, was just thinking'' she sighed

'' About what?''

'' New York, NYADA.. getting outta Lima '' she smiled though she lied

'' Diva its gonna be amazing! I can imagine us in 5 years, getting our Tony Awards and everyone in Mckinley will be sorry they threw slushies at us'' He smiled deviously

'' I can just imagine the looks on their sorry faces!'' She squealed

'' Now lets get back to Funny Girl, then get to bed, I need my beauty sleep''

Half way through Funny Girl, Kurt somehow managed to fall asleep. Rachel started laughing, the way his mouth was open and how drool was on the pillow. Then something startled her. She heard the front door slam, and a deep voice literally screaming. She was frightened. Rachel knew that Carole and Burt were gone for the night and Finn was at Quinns. Who could it be?

''I CANT BELIEVE YOU'D DO THIS TO ME!'' the masqueline voice yelled

'' Finn, i can explain, we were just studying, He came on to me!''

Rachel's eyes widened, It was Finn & Quinn. Fighting. Kurt was sleeping. This was definetley a disaster. She didn't want to face them both. Especially Finn, this has turned out to be a crappy night. Only what was gonna happen next?

- Well, this is my second attempt at a finchel fanfic.. Lol, Yeah its pretty lamish. I just simply wanted to try something new. Hopefully, i get alot better at writing(: Im still in school .. so yeah. I promise things will start to get better! Review's would be amazing:')

Thanks Lovelies! - Lana.. xo