Hey guys! I've been a fan of Fenrir/Hermione for a while, but there aren't enough fics, so I decided to try my hand at it. Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, because if I did, I'd be living in Hogwarts right about now. Oh yeah.

His pulse was pounding in his ears. His blood was pumping and his energy was high. It was no secret that Fenrir Greyback worshipped the full moon. Her beams called to him with her pale beauty. His own siren's song. She had a magic that even Merlin himself couldn't spell. She gave him strength. Power flowed through his vein like water. His powerful body transformed into a furred mass. Amber eyes gazed into the leafy foliage of the Forbidden Forest that surrounded him as he scouted for prey. White tipped ears pricked up at the sound of a doe grazing. 'Too easy.' He wanted a challenge. His fur matted from the cold winter air and snow crack beneath his large paws. His wet, black nose sniffed the soil, when a strong smell filled his nostrils. It was heady and seductive. It was mouthwatering to his taste buds, like the tangiest of blood, or the sweetest ambrosia. He took in the scent and ran. The hunt was on.

Clacking could be heard through the halls of the dungeons as Hermione Granger walked from her Potion's class. Professor Snape had given her detention for assisting Neville. "His cauldron was about to explode. You'd think I'd be rewarded for fixing the situation." Her quiet voice bounced off the dark walls as she lost herself within her thoughts. 'Only four more months, then I will be free.' She came back to Hogwarts after the war had ended to complete her seventh year. It was lonely, as neither Harry, nor Ron had decided to join her. They both settled down with Luna Lovegood and Lavender Brown. Their Auror careers kept them rather busy. Her thoughts broke when a thick wind hit her thinly clothed body. 'Why did I come out here?' She was standing before the Black Lake. The frost of winter formed a glassy layer on the surface and the moons light reflected off of it. I'm going to miss this.

He was almost there. His tongue hanged out of his canine mouth, breaths puffing steamy air as he made his way to that smell. 'I want it. It's mine.' He slowed to a stop at the sight before him. It was the mudblood, Granger. The scent that captivated him, wafted off of her in clouds. 'How could she smell this good? No matter, I will have her.' He stepped forward, his paws cracking twigs and ice, and walked toward the shivering female. His instincts told him to bite her, but he resisted. 'It's not time.' His amber eyes glowed in the night air as he approached her. When she finally noticed his canine form, she startled. Her breaths came out in gasps and she fell to the ground. Her legs had given out beneath her. "Please, no. Don't bite me. I mean you no harm." Her voice washed over him and he bristled. 'Mine.'

The wolf before her had not made any movements to hurt her, but she was still wary. Regular wolves did not come from the Forbidden Forest, only werewolves. While she was not adverse to the creatures, she did not want to be one. Hermione's fingers grasped the soil beneath her hands in search of a weapon. Her wand has fallen to the ground, but she dared not grab it, in fear of startling the man-wolf before her into biting her. Her voice still came out in gasped whimpers and pleaded with him, hoping he'd be able to comprehend her words. "Please, don't hurt me. I'm begging you." He merely cocked his large head to the side and took a step forward once more.

The female was beginning to frustrate him. She hadn't tried to fight, or defend herself from him. Didn't she know a werewolf when she saw one? Why wasn't she moving? He gave off a quiet growl of frustration and watched her eyes widen. 'So, she's frightened of me? Good.' He padded over to where she was seated and laid his furry mass over her lap. She didn't try to move, either out of fear of backlash, or in shock. He decided that his search of her was worth it. He would gain her trust, and then, she'd be his. Her small fingers tangled in his fur and she let out a soft sigh. Her head lolled forward and she fell asleep, surrounded by his warmth, her body exhausted.

His amber eyes watched her, never wavering from her thin form. When daylight broke, and his body shifted into his human form, his long arms reached for his prize. His bare feet padded softly along the forest floor and he headed toward the cabin that he secured in the woodland area. She was his, and nobody else could have her.

Thanks guys! This is only chapter 1. It will be more than a one-shot. Let me know what you think. Sorry it's sort of short. I wanted to see if it was worth continuing.