It's been a while people! I updated BTTBOIA, started brainstorming for dream folk, and now I'm working on this! I guess getting sick makes you think!

12/16/13 No inspiration on this whatsoever for a looooooong time. Maybe something will come outta my brains other than dust bunnies and cobwebs if i sit here awhile….

15 minutes later.

I guess I'll do a HOLIDAY chapter, tis the season and all. I might be able to pull it off.

Happy… Bijoy Dibuysh, full moon poya day, Japan's emperor's b-day,Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, boxing day, St. Stephens day, Rizal day, yuletide,epiphany, and New Years. Hope you all have fun with that, I don't know how many I missed so tell me and I'll send you a shoutout.

Chapter 9: Krissmuss

Well, winter holidays are coming up," Harry spoke at the head of the class, who all looked rather tired from the vigorous workout. "And this will be our last meeting until spring. I know you will want to relax when you get back home with your families, but keep practicing. You'll never learn this without lots of practice. That's all for today, go on! Leave!"

Harry was soon swarmed by black cloaks and was slowly pushed out of the door with the crowd, oddly enough, leaving the trio of ninja still inside. Naruto stood upside down on the ceiling, hair growing even more spiky through gravity's work.

"Oi, guys, I think I just figured out how Kakashi does his hair!" Both turned to the boy with raised brows. He grinned widely and bowed like an inverted game show host, blonde hair falling out of his eyes.

"Option one," he raised a finger. "He hung upside down way to long and it got used to being like this.

"Naruto, That's physically impossible." He flipped huis hand in her directions a few times absently.

"Option two!" He lifted another finger and pointed it straight at Sasuke. "He has the same weird hair gene you have that makes it grow straight up." The raven haired male narrowed his eyes, prompting the sunny teen to continue.

"And option number three, He hangs upside down every morning and puts in hair gel before we wake up." The other two pondered that for a while, then Sakura started giggling, covering her mouth with one hand.

"Oh my god," She bit out between her chortles. "Can you imagine him doing that? I'm trying to imagine him doing that."

Sasuke snickered, then froze. His tongue darted out of his mouth, almost as if he was tasting the air, before he hoisted her over a shoulder and flew to the ceiling in the blink of an eye. He let her down on high rafter, and allowed her to brush herself off. As she was getting collected, a few dozen feet of shinobi wire yanked Naruto off of his perch and out of sight.

"What the-"

"Shh,"he hissed, glaring pointedly at the dopey blonde. The pinkette raised a prim brow, a clear gesture for explanation. "I smell perfume, not very much, but perfume." They tensed, hands twitching towards their weapons and worry stealing over their features.

Something, someone, slipped into the room, making absolutely no sound. The figure glanced around the room then slipped out again, muttering disappointedly. The trio relaxed a few minutes later, then quietly escaped themselves. After weaving through the shadowed ceilings and leaping staircases until they reached the first floor, the trio stealthily scaled down a towering wall toward the polished marble tiles.

"Now," Sakura spoke as they made their way towards the great hall cautiously. "Let's get down to business. Possibilities?" Naruto scratched the back of his head and pondered, ticking the options off of his fingers.

"A magical creature we haven't encountered, a charm that make you silent, some form of wizard police, or another ninja." She nodded, and they entered the fairly empty hall. The few who were there had apparently miscalculated how fast it would take them to arrive, so the population was scarce, perfect place for a hushed conversation.

"Attack strategies?"

"For now, observation. May be followed up by annihilation, ignorance, or partnership." Sasuke muttered, watching the steadily growing crowd enter the room.

"Everyone have the signature?" A pair of swift nods were her reply. "Alright then," She relaxed, lounging on her portion of the bench.

"Hey," Naruto asked, glancing at the various people filling the long benches. "Do either of you know what Krissmuss is?"

Sasuke shrugged and looked at Sakura hopefully. Sakura shrugged and looked back at him. They both turned simultaneously and shrugged at Naruto, then looked at each other. WIthin moments all three were laughing, Sakura leaning on the dark haired by for support.. Sasuke's was more of a smirking evil chuckle, but who cares?

"How the bloody hell do you guys do that?" Ron asked incredulously, glancing between all three of them with wide eyes.

"We've known each other for…. ten years now? Been teamed up for about four and a half," She replied, tapping her chin with a finger.

"That sounds about right." Sasuke replied, glancing at the headmaster as he walked in.

"I'm not going to include your little emo sabbatical in there, so really it's just four."

"Oh come on! Will you two let that go? Jesus, the outfit was embarrassing enough, I don't need this for the rest of my life!" She lifted a finger and shook it at him teasingly.

"I'm not the guy who went with the flamboyantly gay man who wanted to steal my body for power." Naruto chuckled, making weird kissy faces at his male teammate. After a swift punishment was delivered to the dobe via a large fist to the face, he turned towards the pinkette to reply.

"I'm not the one who got drunk of my ass at thirteen to procure a teacher," He shot back snarkily, obviously bothered. She flipped out and covered his mouth with both hands, eyes frantically rushing around the room to make sure no one had heard him. She fixed an ice cold glare on him and hissed out between clenched teeth.

"Sasuke, we could get in big trouble for that! You can't drink until you're 17 here, and 20 or more everywhere else!" He ruffled his hair with a hand, smirking under her tiny fingers. he lifted them from his mouth with a single hand clenched around both wrists.

"Oops," Sasuke drawled sarcastically, staring at the green eyed maid. He let her hands fall back down on his face and his smirk grew wider at her pout. He sneakily opened his mouth and let the very tip of his tongue touch a finger, making her squeal and shoot away from his face.

"Don't do that!" She chastised, poking him on a heavily muscled arm. He turned to her with half lidded eyes and smirked.

"Make me."

"Oi, get a room if you're gonna flirt!" Naruto called, firmly bringing their attention back to the dining hall.

"Dobe," Sasuke growled, clocking him on the back of the head. "I'm not flirting."

"No, you're just wooing her with cute banter between the two of you, " He replied, quickly reaching up and pinching Sasuke's cheeks in a similar way to a grandmother meeting her first grandchild. The dark teen grew livid, eyes soaked in blood as the kekkai genkai swirled within them, scaring several of the gryffindors seated nearby. He bared his teeth and hissed out the words like he had a forked tongue.

"Naruto, so help me I'll-"

"Students, I have only two words for you tonight. Let's eat!" The old man said brightly, prompting the magical food to appear while completely ignoring the angry aura surrounding a teen ninja. A few other teachers, were not as calm, but chose not to interfere as not to endanger their own lives.

"-if you do that again while I still remember this incident!" Naruto waved off the glare after a moment of nervous stuttering.

"O-kay, then."

Sasuke seethed as the dobe dug into his dinner, shoving handfuls of food into his huge maw. Both hands were clenched fists at his sides, putting strain on the material of his shirt, and his eyes were still narrowed into his red glare.

Sakura sighed, placing a pale hand on her forehead to support it as she let her neck hang loose. After her head was up again, one slim hand reached for his and drew it into her lap, working to straighten the calloused fingers. Once this was completed on both hands, she smoothed out the lined in his forehead with a finger a kissed him softly on the cheek. After her ministrations were finished, he was perfectly relaxed and content, sharingan vanishing back into black.

"You need to stop going into pissed off emo mode at the little things, I can't do that all the time," She chastised, piling food onto her plate.

"I know," he sighed, reaching to do the same. "I know."

"Does anyone want tell me why there are several big ass trees blocking my way to breakfast?" A rather tired Naruto asked several students who were milling around behind one of the aforementioned trees.

"They're the Hogwarts christmas trees," a small boy said, a large camera dangling from his eck like a medallion.

"Oh, that krissmuss thing again, what is it? My friends didn't know when I asked them." The boy's jaw dropped, and a bit of drool was dribbling from the corner of his mouth before he snapped out of it.

"Christmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born, and we celebrate his birthday by giving and receiving presents from our friends and family. It is a celebration in the christian religion, which populates the majority of England," Hermione recited, looking refreshed and happy to be awake, even at the early hour. The blonde teen smiled brightly and his eyes became the sky in their intensity.

"This krissmuss thing sounds cool!"

"Chr-ist-mas," She enunciated.

"Huh?" He looked at her with a cute little dopey expression as his team wandered into the hallway behind them.

"Your supposed to say it like this: Christmas."

"Christmas," He replied, face stone serious.

"Good. Now that you can say it right, have fun," She finished before walking into the newly made pathway to the dining hall.

"Christmas?" Sakura asked as they made their way to the Gryffindor table. Her darker-haired companion cocked a brow as well, a bit nervous at the dobes overly happy demeanor

"Pretty much this famous guy was born, and people celebrate his birthday by giving people they like gifts and stuff."

"Not a bad idea, I might be able to read up on it in the library." She mused, grabbing a piece of buttered toast and piling some lettuce, tomatoes, and an egg on top of it.

"I don't really care. Peace and goodwill, that's my thing!" The blonde beamed, and began whistling a random tune.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted before grabbing Naruto's lips with two fingers. "Don't whistle, Dobe. You can't stay in tune." He released his fingers and wiped them on the blondes robes, muttering about idiots and disease. Naruto shrugged and turned to his breakfast.

Sakura wandered down a dark hallway, humming a rather catchy tune she had heard from the music hall a short time before. She had swapped her school uniform to a more cheerful ensemble including a red dress and black boots, ever present shorts underneath. She scuffed the floor lightly with the shiny leather, an armload of gifts held precariously close to her chest, and made her way up the silent staircase toward the Gryffindor common room.

After a quick detour into the boys' dormitory to drop off the various boxes, she entered her own dorm and laid a single box wrapped in silver paper on Hermione's trunk. She glanced out the window at the rising sun, and sat down before falling asleep.

Minutes later, the men who made p the rest of her team woke up to cool air and piles of presents at the foot of their beds. Naruto pulled a happy dance that made him look like a monkey before burrowing into the mound of colorful paper. His dark haired counterpart reached under his bed and grabbed a box wrapped in garish orange and succeeded in his endeavor to hit the blonde with said object.

"What was that f- oh, a present! Thanks, Teme!" After ripping apart the huge package, he found the most godly thing in existence. His eyes wdened, and watered, and joyful tears burst down his cheeks like rivers.

"Woah! A whole truckload of ramen!" He shrieked, hugging the noodles like a teddy bear and effectively rousing the rest of the room.

"What the hell, Naruto…" Ron mumbled, rolling over uncomfortably.

"Get up!"

Moments later, ron received a package in the face, and the rest ofthe still tired males decided to get up to prevent injury to themselves. Once they realized the occasion they warmed up nicely, and all knelt to search through the gifts.

As Sasuke marveled at the larger-than-expected number of gifts, another wrapped in blue landed at the top of his pile. He raised a brow at the excited blonde, then opened it, cautiously of course.

"Hn, not bad," He appraised, eyes wandering over the knives.

"I got you cooking knives that don't dull. Dual use for ya there," the blonde chirped, practically knee deep in random wizard sweets.

"You of all people actually spent $1000 dollars on a Cutco© knife set?"

"Yup!" He paused for a moment, repeating the words in his head. "Wait, $1000 dollars?"

"Just for the table knife set too. Sucks to be you, Dobe. You just saved me a few thousand bucks on cookware." He smirked as the blonde twitched and fell to his knees.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" This prompted the insta-fist and the Uchiha Death Glare©, accompanied by a cacophony of frightened mumbles via scared roommates.

"Shut it, Sakura was on watch last night, remember? She probably just fell asleep!" He hissed, eyes flashing towards the girls dorm. The yellow haired boy shrunk.

"Oops, sorry."

Across the hall, a bushy haired teen had just awoken, and calmly started ruffling through her packages. She picked up one with an interesting pattern, a card taped to the outside.

Don't tell anyone what you read here, but I've decided to let you know about my people. You've been a great friend, and I think you deserve to know. The language is coastal Japanese.



Hermione gasped, and glanced at the sleeping pinkette. She split the silver lining to find a scroll, obviously freshly copied. She pulled out a few reference books and began to read.

And Hermione knows. Well, this will help when someone shows up to attack, right? Review? Please?