A/N: Hey guys, Frozen Nightmare here with a collab project! Me and Penmanboat (the owner of this account and the most amazing friend ever) will be alternating chapters on this one. I guess this is sort of a "what we to happen at the end of The Angels Take Manhattan" (but never will. MOFFAT!) I'll keep running my main story, don't worry! And when Saturady comes (I'M NOT READY) we'll all hold each other and cry and write more of this to cheer ourselves up.
So I hope you guys enjoy and see you in two chapters!
The Thorn In The Angel's Side
Chapter One
She reached out to grab Rory's hand. One last time. she thinks. We're going down together.
Her husband looks back at her, squeezing her hand tightly. His eyes say the same.
"Amy?" roars the Doctor, somewhere above them. "Amy, where are you?"
"Don't come down, Doctor!" she yells back. "The angels have got us cornered, and the candle's burning out. Don't you dare come after us."
"No, listen to me. When the lights go out, go find the TARDIS and find us. We'll wait for you."
The candle is nearly gone now.
"Amy!" The Doctor is really scared now. "These angels, they're different. They won't throw you back in time, they'll throw you to another dimension! I'm not losing anyone else that way!"
A tiny stub. That's all that's left, keeping them here. A tiny stub. Just one moment and they'll be gone.
Her throat is tight. "I'm sorry, Doctor." She calls. One last sentence for her best friend.
The candle goes dark.
There's a whir somewhere, a dark, crushing rush of stone, the rough feeling of the angel's hand grabbing at her. She thinks she screams, but then the world twists painfully away from her in a whirlwind of gray and black. She's falling, falling hard and fast, until something rushes up to meet her. It's cold and wet, and she opens her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them.
Beach. She's on a beach somewhere. Angels and beaches, sure seem to get along, don't they?
"Rory?" More of a scream than a shout, really. "Rory, where are you?"
Her vision is still a bit blurred, but she can make out someone running toward her. "Rory?"
"Over here!" He's behind her, face-first on the sand. "Please don't make me get up yet."
She's too tired and scared and wet to even bother with a smirk.
"Oi!" calls someone, running from god-knows-where. "Bloody hell ,are you ok?"
It's the figure she saw earlier, a petite blonde woman in a dark blue jacket. She doesn't even look surprised that they've just appeared out of nowhere.
Amy brushes herself off, trying to tuck some of her red hair behind her ears and out of the wind. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think. Rory, get up."
He rolls over. "Do I have to?" Then, noticing the other woman. "Oh! Okay! Where'd she come from?"
"Sorry." laughed the blonde. "Did I startle you? Didn't mean to. Not even supposed to be here really. We just started getting some weirdly massive artron energy readings so Torchwood sent me and my husband up to check them out… Where'd he go, anyways?"
"Coming, coming, sorry!" He's tall, with dark hair that seems impossible to control and pair of black glasses. He flashes something in Amy's face, a blue light temporarily blinding her. "Oh you two are interesting! Where're you from?"
"London." she blinks, clearing her eyes. "Well, Leadsworth originally, but it's kind of…"
"Complicated." Rory finishes her sentence for her. "And who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor. Nice to meet you!"
Amy and Rory exchange a glance.
"Um, no." says Rory pointedly. "We know the Doctor, and you're not him. Not nearly weird enough."
The blonde woman smirks.
"Oi!"snaps back the strange Doctor, playfully. "Watch it, Rose."
Rose. Amy is certain she's heard that name before. She just can't think of where.
The strange Doctor pulls his flashy thing out of his pocket and blinds Amy again.
"Stop it with that blasted-"
"It's his sonic screwdriver." says Rose. "Don't even try, even I can't get him to put it away."
Rory opens his mouth. "But the Doctor- our Doctor's- sonic is green."
Amy shrugs. "Maybe there are two Doctors?"
In the meantime, the strange Doctor is dancing around with his sonic. "No." he says, slightly sarcastic, slightly surprised. "No. There's no bloody way!"
"Will you just tell me already?" Amy gets the feeling they squabble a lot, like an old married couple.
"These two are from a different dimension. Your dimension, Rose, actually. How did you lot even get through, every single pinhole's been sealed!"
Rory opens his mouth, but the Doctor keep charging on.
"Which explains how you two can have a different Doctor, you've met the original! I've never had a green sonic, though. Has he regenerated?"
Rory finally manages to get a word in. "I only understood half of what you just said."
"Join the club." mouths Rose.
"What are your names, anyway? I don't remember ever meeting you, which means you must be completely and totally new."
"Thought you'd never ask. I'm Amy Pond, and this is my husband Rory."
"It's Amy Williams, not-"
"Our Doctor always called us the Ponds and I'm not changing that now."
The new Doctor breaks into a huge grin. "No wonder he dragged you two along. Come along, Ponds, we've got places to go!"
Come along, Pond. Her Doctor used to say that. Not this strange, hyper creature but her cosmic nine-year-old that she already misses.
Rory slips his hand in hers. There's nothing he has to say, nothing he can say.
After all, it's all there already.