He couldn't get what Jack had told him in the car out of his head. "She's madly in love with you really, it's just her way of hiding her feelings." He couldn't help but wonder if somehow Jack was right, if he'd been able to tell what he hadn't. This slightly worried him, but only because he thought of himself as a man who knew women very well and understood their minds, yet he hadn't be able to read Sandra's.

He'd gone home that night still thinking it over, he needed to ask Jack if what he'd said was just a joke as to why she always found it so easy to shout at him or whether he'd accidentally told him what he believed to be true. Either way he couldn't ask Jack, it'd be awkward and slightly embarrassing. No, for this one he had to go straight for the top man, or in the case woman.

"Sandra, I think we need to talk. x" Gerry text her.

"What have you done now?" she replied, he was slightly annoyed as to how quickly she'd brought up him being in the wrong. But it just further proved Jacks point.

"Nothing, I swear. But we do need to talk."

"Okay, can it wait until work tomorrow?" Sandra text back as she looked down at her phone, she hated it when someone told her they needed to talk. It had something to do with the memories, the first time she heard this phrase she was 14 and being sat down to be told her beloved dad had died.

"I don't really think so."

"Okay well do you want to meet up?" Sandra asked wondering to herself whether she could actually be bothered to go out, to leave her warm house while outside was a storm.

"I can come to yours if you want?"

"Okay yeah, why not. See you in 10ish mins."

It hadn't taken him the 10 minutes Sandra expected, it had only taken 5. This left Sandra wondering just how many speed limits he'd broken on the way and what was so important.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Sandra asked as she allowed Gerry into her house.

"Today Jack said something."

"He happens to say something most days, sometimes I struggle to shut him up." Sandra said laughing as she spoke.

"No, it was different. After the maggot incident at lunch and when Jack, Brian and I had gone to the fishing tackle shop he said something. We were talking about how you're always so quick to blame me for everything."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that."

"Oi you let me finish."

"Go on then."

"He said to me you acted like that with me because you loved me and were trying to hide it." Her face dropped.

Okay so I'd like to dedicate this to my dear friend Sdbubbles as I thought she seemed a little down and I hope this helped a little.

Hope this was okay, there will be more soon. Sorry for any spelling mistakes but this was my first attempt at writing on my phone. Reviews welcome!

Beth xxxx