"Sherlock, would you just be still for a moment?" John sighs in exasperation.

Sherlock cranes his neck to look behind John, as if something incredibly interesting resides there.

"Sherlock, please," John snaps, trying to straighten the bowtie on Sherlock's suit. His golden ring shines vividly around his finger. Its twin counterpart resides on Sherlock's left hand, relaxed at his side and ever so beautiful.

"I just can't see why I'm not allowed to wear my coat," Sherlock says.

John gives up and instead opts to brush off Sherlock's shoulder. "You can't wear that monstrosity. You'll wrinkle your suit. We're getting married, for god's sake!"

"It's not a monstrosity."

"It is. Now hurry up and let's go. Mycroft is a very busy man and he'll have our heads hanging on his wall if we make him late."

Sherlock groans like a five year old child. "Why on earth did you invite him if he's going to be all pissy?"

John snorts. "Because he's your brother and he deserves to see you getting married, of course. And you're one to talk about getting all pissy. Pissy is your middle name."

"All right, all right," Sherlock snarls. "Fine. I'm going." He spins around on his heels still quite aggravated and strides towards the door. When he reaches the doorknob, however, he realizes John hadn't been following him. He turns back around to face the doctor, a questioned look on his face. "Well what is it?"

John is standing there, a huge grin on his face, shaking his head like he's in disbelief. "We're doing this. We're actually doing this."

"Yes," is Sherlock's impatient answer. "And you're making a stupid face. Now let's go."

"Yes dear."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the first fic I've actually ever completely finished in my life


Aaaaand this is me apologizing for rushing the ending and for making it extremely cheesy and cliche and stupid and just I'm sorry. I kind of ran out of ideas and started working on a completely new fic that I like better than this so I was like "fml I'm done with this" and yeah.

But I just want to take this time to thank everyone for all the reception. I got some really kind reviews and just alscoawegfuimceji I love you all.