Hey guys! I know not many ship this pairing but I think it's cute... Anyway, I hope you guys bear with with me because I don't watch Adventure Time, my friends just forced me to write this fanfiction so there might be some facts that I got wrong or messed up...

I'm apologizing in advance because I'm very lazy and I might not update any time soon since I have school and all but if you guys are persuasive then I might just post a little bit faster.

Lastly, this fanfic is dedicated to my close friend, Happy Birthday, Shai-baby. No, that's not her name in real life but its close, see if you can figure it out... if you do, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you...

On to the story!

"Marceline, hand me that screwdriver." I ordered.

"Would it kill you to say please, Bonibel?" Marceline said while handing me the screwdriver.

"Don't call me that!" I scolded "I've told you a thousand times to call me 'Princess Bubblegum.'"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Bonibel." She waved her hands like she was dismissing the topic. "What are you making anyway?"

I ignored her and continued to work on my invention.

"Almost there," I said to myself.

I pushed a red button on a machine next to my invention. I stepped back and admired at my masterpiece. It looks like a mixture of a hairdryer, a silver tube and a funnel. When you put it together, it looks like a cross between a water gun and an alien gun.

"What does it do?" Marceline floated up to it curiously like a cat encountering a foreign substance.

I didn't had time to explain because a sudden flash of bright light blinded me, cutting off what I was about to say. The machine started to go off, making loud beeping noises like there was an invasion coming. There was another sound that was getting louder and louder, I think it was coming from my invention. A scream suddenly tore through all the commotion, it sounded like Marceline. The blinding light began to fade and I could make out a shining sphere where Marceline was last standing, er, floating.

"Marceline?" I called out.

I took a small cautious step towards the sphere. A shadow suddenly appeared inside the sphere. It began to stir, like my step woke it up. I'm a little insulted at that. I'm a princess and a princess never stomp besides, when I say cautious, I do mean cautious, like tip-toe cautious, or sneaking-out-of-my-bedroom-when-I-was-little cautious. Anyways, I took another step then another then another until I'm standing in front of the sphere. The figure seems like it had woken up.

"Marceline?" I tried again.

I think it heard me because the figure turned to face me. It put both of its hands on the sphere and began to pound, making me jump. It pounded and pounded until the sphere began to crack and blinding light began to shine out between the cracks. I stepped back in fear as the sphere continued to crack, letting out more light. The unmistakable sound of glass shattering and a heavy 'Oomph' let me know that whatever was in there is now out.

For the second time, I shielded my eyes from the bright light that was emanating from the broken sphere.

I squinted at the silhouette on the ground. I waited a moment, trying to get used to the bright light. I don't know if it's just my imagination or just the trick of the light, or in this case, bright light which might've blinded me, but I think I saw the figure float. And there was only one creature in the Land of Ooo that can float.

"Marceline!" Relief flooded through my veins.

Letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, I rushed towards Marceline and hugged her tight, not caring that we're supposed to be enemies. All I care about is that Marceline is still alive and I didn't just almost accidentally kill her with my invention. I swear to God that I didn't know that my invention was going to go off like that.

"Woah! I know I'm handsome, no need to squeeze so hard." A low male voice said. "I can't breathe."

I immediately released who I thought was Marceline. I jumped back when I saw who it was.

Well, I can tell you one thing, it was not Marceline.

So how'd you guys like it?

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