Hey guys! sorry it's been so long since I've updated and the fact this is really short. I've been majorly busy and have had writers block haha. Anyways please enjoy, rate review and send me any ideas! They're always welcome and usually helpful And thanks to artyfan for editing this and being amazingly patient with me hahaha :D

She was running. Everything was black. She couldn't see a thing. She felt her feet pounding on the ground and she felt her breath rasping out of her. Her chest rose and fell raggedly but she couldn't stop. She knew she couldn't stop. He'd get her. He'd get Jade. He'd get Wally and Zitka. M'gann, and Conner, and Kaldur. He'd get Batman…He'd get Robin.

"I'll get your precious bird boy, Artemis! You can't run from me! And you can't hide from me! I know you, Artemis! I raised you!"

Artemis covered her ears with her hands to block out his voice. She tripped and fell, scraping her knees. She felt blood oozing down her legs and she curled into a ball, covering her ears to block him out. To block out the sound of her breathing and her mother's screams. The blackness constricted around her and she curled in on herself tighter. Anything to stop the screams.


"ROBIN!" Artemis lurched out of bed and tripped. She crawled to the door, scrambling out of the room. Her hands slipped and she fell onto her stomach in the hallway. She curled in on herself just like she had in the dream. Artemis covered her ears with her hands and laid there, trying to slow her heart beat. She heard footsteps running toward her and she tried to get up and run. He was after her. He was going to get Robin and Jade. She crawled forward, ragged breaths escaping her chest, terrified tears streaming down her face. Artemis felt something grab her ankle and when she couldn't move forward, she kicked back at it, barely registering the words and voices that accompanied it.

"Artemis!" someone yelled. She fell onto her stomach again. He was going to get her. He was going to win. He always won.

"Her heartbeat is going berserk. Robin, help her!"

"I'm trying, Conner!" She felt arms lift her by her waist and pull her into their lap. Artemis struggled until she smelt it. Mustard and smoke. He smelled like a deranged circus. Robin.

She stopped struggling and melted into him. She closed her eyes and gripped the front of his shirt. He held her tighter against his chest. She heard more footsteps and felt wind near her ear.

"Robin, what's going on? Is she okay? Artemis?"

Artemis shook her head and buried it into Robin's shirt. He started stroking her hair, trying to calm her. He knew it worked. M'gann's voice floated around her softly and she recognized concern in the Martian's soft tone. She could still hear Conner's panting as he paced behind her.

"Robin. Are you sure she is alright? I heard the screaming from my room." Kaldur's soothing voice made its way into her ears and she relaxed slightly. This was the team.

He can't get you here, Artemis told herself sternly. He can't get you here. They wouldn't let it happen.

She felt Robin's chin move down then back up. He started to speak.

"She's okay. Or she will be. She knows how to get traught. She must've had a nightmare."

Artemis moved closer to Robin and she felt his head move up a bit as he tried to pry her off of him. He pushed her back until he could look into her smoky grey eyes.

"Are you okay, 'Mis?"

She dragged in a shuddering breath and nodded. Artemis rubbed her eyes. When she had finished, Robin wiped a tear off of her cheek with his thumb. Artemis froze. Robin started talking again but she had realized something.

Robin wasn't wearing his sunglasses.

"-temis? 'Mis? What's wrong?" His vivid blue eyes bore into hers as a smile pulled at the corners of her mouth.

"You're not wearing your glasses." Artemis' grin won and she smiled up at him as his face morphed into one of horror.

Robin, are you okay? M'gann's voice was floating through her head in the mind link, something Artemis had gotten used to over the past few weeks. Artemis looked at the green girl with a smile.

He's not wearing-

Supes, take Artemis, Robin interrupted. Artemis was basically thrown at Conner as Robin took off down the hallway. Artemis started to giggle as the other team members simply looked at her, confused. Artemis just continued to giggle when she felt a gust of air blowing her blonde hair around.

Wally appeared and as he skidded to a stop he almost fell over. He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. His red hair was standing up in every which way, his Flash pajama bottoms were slightly crooked, and his yellow t-shirt was three times too big for him. He glanced at everyone through lidded eyes, then turned to look at Red Arrow, who was walking slowly behind him. Red Arrow wasn't wearing glasses either, or his mask. Artemis froze again in Conner's arms. How could she have been so stupid and blind?

Artemis hit her forehead with the palm of her hand and sighed in exasperation. Red Arrow was Roy. Jade's boyfriend. Even Warren had known that! Artemis had never actually seen Red Arrow in person and whenever he was on the news she just assumed they had looked alike. She took her head out of her hands and looked at Roy. He probably would've been smirking at her had he been fully awake, but for now he just kind of smiled and waved.

Artemis couldn't believe Roy was Red Arrow. Roy was nice to her at home. Roy had put her to sleep after her nightmares countless times. Roy had taken care of her when Jade had an assignment. Red Arrow on the other hand, was as snarky as she was and pretty rude to boot. Now that she thought about it though, considering she was now fully awake, there were times when Roy had acted just like the Red Arrow she met last week. Artemis realized Roy had been either playing her, or was told not to tell her. Either way it didn't matter now. She knew. That was it.

"Conner, can you put me down?"

Superboy set Artemis down on her feet and she walked over to Roy. She stood in front of him, trying very hard not to laugh at his blue striped, old man pajamas. She leaned up on her tip toes, looked him in the eye…And smacked him across the face.

Everyone was shocked, but before Roy could even look angry, Wally started laughing. Soon, Artemis was too, even though she was still mad at Roy. Wally and Artemis continued laughing, while Robin finally returned and Roy just stood there rubbing his cheek. Roy was a very different person when he was half asleep.

Artemis smiled at him widely and hugged his waist, which was the highest she could reach on his body. He stopped rubbing his cheek and hugged her back, completely forgetting his team had no idea of their previous encounters. When Artemis broke away, she saw the team looking at her with even more confused looks. Wally was standing there, open mouthed as he pointed between the two archers. Conner just looked at them and blinked.

"I must be seeing things." He rubbed his eyes and turned back toward his room without saying anything else to anyone. M'gann looked after her boyfriend longingly then simply shrugged.

"I should probably go back to sleep too. Goodnight."

"Good morning, you mean." Everyone glared at Robin. He grabbed Artemis' hand and squeezed it. He smiled at her then looked at the rest of the team. "M'gann's right. We're all tired. Good morning, everyone!"

The team dispersed quietly and barely anyone bothered to return the saying. Robin walked Artemis back to her door. He squeezed her hand again and turned to leave her in front of her door. Artemis twisted suddenly and grabbed his arm.

"Wait. Robin, will you…will you stay in my room? Until I fall asleep?"

Robin looked at her, eyes wide. Then he relaxed and followed her through her door. Robin pulled a chair over to the side of her bed as he picked Zitka up from the floor where he had fallen, and put him back under the covers. Artemis crawled under her blanket from the foot of the bed. Her lithe frame squirmed blindly until her head popped out of the top. She smiled and pulled Zitka close to her chest. Artemis' hand found Robin's again as her eyes drifted closed.

"Good morning, Robin," she mumbled through Zitka's fur. She couldn't see it but she knew he was smiling at her.

"Good morning 'Mis. Sweet dreams."

Artemis slept deeply and dreamlessly for the rest of the night.