Hey There! I Do Not Own YuYu Hakusho Or Inyasha

Kagome was a special one, hard to resist toward the people that were around her. She was depicted as a kind, overwhelmingly intelligent, and fun-loving child.

Kagome Higurashi is Thirteen, and was born beautiful and is constantly praised by other people. Kagome's father took pride in her

looks, and she also enjoyed her father's pleasure in buying her beautiful clothes. With such perfection there comes a flaws. Kagome could not speak, she was deaf so

she uses Sign Language to communicate with other people. She attendes a small private school that were consisted of young deaf students. Kagome has pale skin

that had a hint of blush to her cheeks which has a blush to it because her heart pumps blood, though it beats faster than a normal human heart since she shares a

mixtureof a human and demons blood. Her mother Erina, had a complicated pregnancy with Kagome. During the pregnancy her mother develops an unhealthy pallor;

her stomach was bruised in multiple places from the baby's movements,her ribs and later her pelvis, were broken. As Kagome`s mother pregnancy nears its

completion she goes into violent labor even sooner than anticipated when the placenta is unexpectedly detached. After the delivery her mother had lost much lost and

many broken bones, minutes later she passed away after she held Kagome in her arms. Her father Darien, didnt want to lose his daughter so he imediately injects

demonblood into her bloodstream, maximizing her odds of survival.

Darien loves Kagome, and thinks of Kagome as one of the most beautiful creatures he has ever seen, second to his wife Erina. At the age of Six Kagome and was

taken to a hospital where she was diagnosed with a heart defect. Her father was a doctor himself and decieded to check on her himself, and he realized that the

demon blood that he injected grew to be an actual spawn of a demon. The demon itself took a control of Kagome`s body. Darien always helped his daughter to any of

his extent, which is why he was so over-protective of her. Before Kagome`s mother passed away she left her daughter a gift, which was a stuffed round cat doll that

Kagome adores and calles "Lyubit" which means "Love" in Russian.

Darien is a brilliant doctor and has a passion for studying medcine. Whith his intilegence he found opportunities to create miracelous help in the Demon world. As his

medical works worked in his favor, Darien become known as a miracoulse doctor in Demon world too. He soon started to create special works of medicine, for the

demon realm. Deciding not to cause such a riot with his new work of drug used for the treatment of disease, Darien decided to run the drug through a special agency

from demon world for a cure for wounds but still is being approved for further production. And far more importantly, creating a normal lifestyle for his daughter.

-Thank you "RockerAngel" for letting me adopt and change some of our story-