First off i wold like to say im sorry for the long months of delay my computer caught a virus and it took forever to fix it, second thank you thank you thank you for the reviews they realy helped motivate me to write!

and now without further adieu (drum roll) heres chapter 91

Chapter 9

Brady woke up to the sound of talking. He looked around and saw Mikayla talking to Mason, Boomer and Boz. ; What do you mean you almost got turned?" asked boomer, clueless as usual.

"I mean that the weapons we got hit with had a curse put on them so that anyone who gets cut by them will be inhabited by a possession serpent." Said Mikayla opening the great book, reveal a picture of a possession serpent. "Thankfully I got the ring of will onto Brady's finger before we were all completely possessed." She added. A worried look crossed Masons face but he kept his worry to himself.

Boomer took one look at the picture in the book and shrieking in terror jumped into masons arms and held on tight. "You mean my brother was about to turn into that funky fajita!" Boomer said with a rising voice which peaked in a squeal.

"Yes we all could have turned into those things." Said Mikayla

Boz came up to the book and took a look. "Hey, its freak face!" he said frowning.

"I'm sorry, freak what?" asked Mason

"Yea we had a bunch of them on Mindu Island." He said

"Well why did you call it freak face?" Mikayla asked.

"uuu because people would freak every time they would see its face." Said Boz "Duh!"

"Can someone turn off the sound please, I have a huge headache. "Said a voice across the room.

"Brady!" Exclaimed Mikayla too excitedly. Then realising what she had done backtracked. "I mean my king." she said looking sheepishly around. You could almost hear the nerve tug in Mason's neck when he saw that. "Ooowww "moaned Brady as his headache intensified. "You don't have to yell." He said weakly. Mikayla covered her mouth. "Sorry" she whispered apologetically.

"My king how are you feeling?" asked Mason putting boomer down and stepping in front of Mikayla.

"Like a pile of waka waka crap." He replied. Then seeing the IV needle in his hand he felt nauseous. He hated needles. Then the question popped into his head." Why am I wearing an IV needle?"

"Oh, well you see." Said Mikayla, stepping around her father. "You used so much of your will power that you actually started burning your muscle tissue to provide energy for your will. At least that's what the doctor says." She gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough." She said sitting on the chair by his bed where she had been before the whole possession thing.

"Are you kidding me? I'm still here and in control because of you!" he said laying a hand on her arm. "You're like my hero!" this made Mikayla blush and gave Mason another tug at the nerve in his neck. Mason cleared his throat and crossed his arms. Brady quickly removed his hand.

Boomer and Boz sensing the rising tension in the room slowly backed out of the room and bolted down the stairs not wanting to be there to see the wrath of Mason.

"So uh Mason, what's your plan for rescuing the kidnapped people?" asked Brady. The nerve in masons neck disappeared and he became all business.

"Well my king we can't really form a rescue party right now because a majority of our men were seriously injured during the attack, adding the possession thing we barley have enough men to guard the village." Said Mason with a sinking spirit. "If only we could train some new recruits in a short amount of time; say in two weeks; we could form some sort of rescue squad. But there is no chance of that." He said in a low voice. "It takes at least five months to train decent warriors. Without new recruits I'm afraid there is no way we can save those people." Mason finally collapsed onto a chair and with a bowing head he said. "I am sorry my king." Mikaylas head also bowed when she realised that all those people will probably die by the hands of the tarantula people.

Brady smiled "that's perfect!" he exclaimed

"What?" said mason and Mikayla in unison.

"I mean that we have five months to train them!" he said excitedly.

"No, we have two weeks to negotiate anything with the dark side before we lose all hope of ever seeing those people again." said mason in a matter 'o' fact tone.

"That is where you are mistaken." Said Brady with a growing smile as he weakly sat up in his bed. "Haven't you been wondering how I got so good at fighting in just eighteen months?"

Now it was Mikaylas turn to speak. "I've been meaning to ask you, how on earth did you learn to fight like that in that short amount of time?"

"Well you see I actually spent a lot more time training than you think." said Brady.

"Explain?" said mason quizzically

"Ok" Brady said and started talking about his training.

"So a few months after I left I met a roaming warrior looking for a student that he could give his knowledge to. But he wasn't looking for just any one off the streets. He wanted his knowledge to be passed on to someone who would use it wisely and not for their own selfish use. We met in a restaurant and started talking and before I knew it he asked me if I wanted to be his student, saying that he saw something genuine and honest in me. I asked him what he taught and he said that he was a master at every style of fighting ever invented and that he wanted to teach me to become a great warrior in body and in mind, I of course accepted and one week after that I found myself in the Swiss alps on a Plateau about one kilometer in diameter. It had these pedestals, about ten of them; ten feet high; set in a circle at the rim of the plateau. There was also a pedestal set in the middle that was about thirty feet high. They had weird markings on them and at the top they had a ruby about the size of a fingernail set into the stone. I asked him what they were for and he said that it would slow down time by ten times so that if one second passed on the outside ten seconds would pass inside the circle. At first I was sceptical but when he activated the circle; which was a sight to see; I saw that the world had indeed slowed down. I walked over to the edge and saw a humming bird flying by and I actually saw its wings beating. Afterwards we spent ten years in that circle training. Occasionally my teacher would leave the circle to get supplies which he has already pre ordered so that he would have only to pick up and come back to the circle. For him it took only one day but for me I had to wait ten days till he came back."

"Wait if you spent ten years in that circle wouldn't you be much older than you were when you came out?" asked Mikayla.

"Good question. "Brady answered. "The thing is that when you're in the circle you're personal timeline is still flowing with the outside world while you're body is changing, although you will still grow muscle and change in physical appearance your age will be exactly as it would be if you weren't in the circle.

Mason took this news very well. "So if our recruits where to spend two weeks inside the circle they would have twenty weeks to train!" he said excitedly.

"Five months "Brady said with a growing smile

"Oh my gosh! I have to rally some recruits!" yelled mason excitedly jumping out of his chair and running out the door. Then slowly he came back and asked "you do know how to make the circle, right?" He said looking at Brady with a, please say yes, look on his face.

Brady smiled "yes" he said

Mason bolted out of the room, running down the stairs yelling "get me the royal scribe and herald!"

Mikayla looked at Brady "well he seems pretty exited" she said to him then crossing her arms she stared him down.

"What?" Brady asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"Ten years!" she yelled "you've spent ten years on a mountain top training!"

"Well technically I only spent one year." Brady said looking into her eyes.

"It doesn't matter!" she exclaimed throwing up her arms in exasperation "didn't you get lonely there with that teacher of yours.

Brady looked down not answering her. "Well" she said crossing her arms again.

"Yes" answered Brady in a quiet voice. Then looking up into her eyes again he said "you have no idea how lonely I got" he said "and you know what the worst part was?" Mikayla shook her head. "Not being able to see you." He said with a slight quiver in his voice. Mikaylas face softened. "You're the only reason that I kept on going." He put in. then bowed his head as a tear rolled down his cheek "I probably look like such a baby right now" he said.

Mikaylas face lost all of its seriousness as her hand covered her eyes "No you don't" She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Then sat next to Brady and hugged him. "Don't ever say that" she said over his shoulder with a quivering voice. "To tell the truth, I've been lonely without you too. But it must have been torturous for you, to spend ten years in loneliness." Tears rolling freely now, she looked at him "you know that I care about you, and if anything ever happened to you I don't know what I would do." Brady hugged her back "me too" he said

Boomer and Boz came running into the room "Whoa!" said Boomer "dude masons going to kill you if he sees this."

Brady and Mikayla quickly separated "What?" asked Brady "we weren't doing anything."

"Uh huh? The Hugging and the tears" boomer counted off "What's next?" boomer made a squinted face and clasping his hands together said in a high pitched voice. "Oh Brady I love you so much!" then went on to making kissing noises. Brady and Mikaylas eyebrows shot up and they both gave him a; you've got to be kidding me; look.

Boomer looked at them "What? I'm only saying, if you guys want Brady to remain alive you better be more careful around mason and hide your feelings for each other, for now."

"WHAAAAAT?" they both said looking at each other.

"Oh don't even deny it" put in Boz "you two have a thing for each other and you know it."

Mikayla itched her forehead and frequently cleared her throat. Brady on the other hand scratched the back of his head and gave a whistle.

"See I knew it!" yelled boomer "there in LooOOove"

Brady kept right on scratching his head and Mikayla kept clearing her throat. "Don't worry your secrets safe with us." Put in Boz.

"Yea you don't have anything to worry about" added boomer and they both started to leave the room

"Hey guys" said brays. Boomer and Boz both turned around. "I have a question, who were those kids on the castle shooting darts with you guys?"

"Oh, they were the meerkats." Said boomer you know from school.

"Oh, you mean the ones who saved me and Mikayla when we fell off that cliff."

"Yup" said boomer proudly

Brady smiled "That is way cool."

Boomer and Boz smiled and left the room.

There was a moment of silence.

"I better get some exercise" said Brady standing up and accidently pulling on his IV. "SWEET MOTHER MONKEY!" yelled Brady in pain.

Mikayla jumped up "Oh my gosh! Brady are you ok!"

Brady took a minute to breathe, then said "Probably should get that out first."

There was a pause...Then they both erupted in laughter.

Brady laughed so hard that his sides hurt and tears started rolling down his face and he fall back onto his bed. Mikayla was in the same situation, except she tried to say something to him.

"Sw…sw…sweet mother What?" she laughed, and that was all she could say before falling into another fit of laughter. They laughed like that for a good five minutes before calming down.

"Sorry" said Mikayla supressing a laugh.

"For what?" asked Brady letting out a short laugh.

"For laughing" she replied. "You got hurt and I'm here laughing my gut off.

"Are you kidding me? That was the hardest I've laughed in a very long time. He said suppressing another wave of laughter. They both lay on the bed with their legs hanging over the edge and just stared at the ceiling for a while lost in their own thoughts. In the distance they heard mason gathering some messengers and giving them orders.

Mikayla sat up "I'll get the doctor so he can remove that." She said to Brady and stood to leave the room.

"Thanks" said Brady

"No problem "she replied and left the room.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. you guys have no idea whats coming up next please follow and review

;) peace out