Disclaimer: The adventure/horror game IB and it's characters do not belong to me in any way. They belong to their rightful creator Kouri. The beautiful picture being used as my cover, also doesn't belong to me. [I, sadly, don't know the name of the artist.] However; the two OC's that will be present in this FanFiction do belong to me.

Warning: OOC

Prologue: He was Tired


what if I told you

that Garry was the liar?

What if I told you he was the liar

the cheater

and should be burned

for all that he's done?

Would you believe me?

He isn't Human.

He never was.

" Mary, tell me again why we're drawing, " commented Garry, who's face was as dead as can be. His eyes, once more, reflected nothing but a pitiful abyss and his tone of voice was monotonous as always.

However; today, on this particular day, there was something surely different about the man. Mary just couldn't put her finger on it, and shrugged it off, just like that.

" We're making more friends, " she replied sweetly and innocently, with a smile of pure gold. She was radiant in both beauty and innocence, like Guertena wanted. He wanted a beautiful daughter, who's heart wasn't tainted in the slightest little bit.

Even being in this dreary world, she always smiled and laughed.

The only droopy one of the two was obviously Garry, who was to express Guertena's sleep deprived state, or something along those lines. Garry's picture, unlike wonderful Mary's, was depicted as a "Sleeping Man", and there was nothing else to it other then that.

Guertena had put not enough thought into Garry's design that his personality strayed from that of purity and innocence. He was much older and "wiser" then Mary and saw this Fabricated World as a nuisance and a living Hell.

While Mary drew cute bunnies of every color in her crayon box, Garry drew ugly dolls that would terrify a normal child.

But Mary wasn't surprised anymore, as Garry has drawn that same doll over a hundred times.

" Garry, again? "

" They're cute. "

" They are so not cute, " she laughed and presented the elder one her bunnies. " These are cute, Garry. You have so many dolls like that one, why not make something different? "

Garry shook his head, " I like these dolls. They're my friends. "

Mary pouted but sighed and went back to coloring. She hummed a little cheery tune to herself and admired her little works of art. Soon, these little bunnies will begin to exist in their world, and they'll have more friends then ever.

They already had Garry's scary dolls and butterflies by the dozen! They had a very happy newly wed couple in one room, and also a friendly ant somewhere else.

Like the ant, all of Mary's friends could leave their picture frame and wander about like her and Garry could, but they all simply chose not to do so. Mary didn't understand such a choice, but was accepting of it and never forced her friends to leave the comfort of their home. They were all such a talkative bunch and it made Mary so very happy to be there with everyone.

" I'm bored of drawing, Mary, " sighed the elder boy. " Isn't there something else we could do? "

Mary looked up at her older brother and shrugged, " do you have something in mind? "

But Garry said nothing in return.

" I have a bunch of toys in my toy-box, we can see if there's something there, " she suggested with a tilt of her head. Garry barely nodded, and Mary smiled, putting down her colors and sketchpad. " I'll be right back then. "

Garry didn't even move an inch as Mary dashed past him. Instead he pulled out a new page from his own notepad and began to scribble in blue a very familiar setting to him and Mary, and everyone else in the Fabricated World.

The real world. The outside.

Garry drew in the mural as best as he could, and imagined himself there, watching the humans observe the painting in the gallery. He sighed and played pretend with himself a little more. He was running a hand over the painting and was tempted to break through the canvas behind. Anything to get him over there too.

" Did you really have to put all your dolls in my toy-box? " Sighed Mary, who received no response. But it wasn't like Mary cared all too much; she didn't even notice Garry wasn't paying attention.

Garry was still thinking about the mural. He was so very tempted to just climb right in the painting and live outside. He so badly wanted to live with the real people. He wanted to know what snow felt like and how hot the summer days can be. He wanted to feel disappointed to see a cloudy day and be happy to be amongst others his age, comforting him when he felt out-of-place. He wanted so much more then this world could ever provide him.

" Gosh, I never noticed how much crayons I have. "

The boy would give anything to go out there too.

And actually, Garry has been thinking up of a plan to get him and Mary out. Being the older one gives him the advantage of understanding much more then Mary could ever know. He wanted to surprise his little sister in bringing her into a world that can be both cruel and wonderful. He's read books in the library of alchemy and "equivalent exchange" was mentioned a couple of times. It was something alchemists said to explain the process of giving something, to get something else of equal value.

Which got Garry thinking... If he got humans to trade places with Mary and him, then they could go out.

He'd be sacrificing one or two lives, but what's two, amongst billions?

He stared at the sketch for a little while longer before the lights of Mary's room began to flicker.

Mary let out a little squeak.

" Come down below, " Garry whispered with a smile, coloring in the sketch all in black. " And I'll show you someplace secret. "

" Did you say something? "

" No. Mary? "

" Yeah? "

" Forget the toys, I have a game we can play. "

He hid the notepad from Mary's eyes and smiled faintly.

" Find our new friend. "

" New friend? Oh, did you make a new friend, Garry? "

" Yes, but I'm afraid I don't know where they ended up. So help me look for them? "

" Of course! "

" Thank you Mary. Thank you. "

Ever since finding the game sometime in July, I've been so badly wanting to write an IB FanFiction. But the thing was, whenever I did come up with an idea, after writing a chapter or two, I'd always scrap it, just because it wasn't good enough in my eyes.

Now, after so long, an idea finally hit me, and this time, I'm going to finish it. I'm really happy with it and I'm excited to keep writing. :)

I hope you guys are liking this FanFiction as much as I am, and stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon! Though I do apologize if the prologue was kind of boring and a little bit slow, I'll try hard to not make it that way for the rest! :D

Thank you for your time. C: