Day 1: Holding hands

Alfred watched as the bus's doors slid open and many people walked into the public transport vehicle.

He cared for none of them, but him. He, the one what made his heart beat so fast that made him fear that would pop out, that made his cheeks grow warm and palms sweat. He was that one that just seated next to him on the crowded bus saying a quick 'Hello' to his classmate.

For someone else the boy was nothing special. Shorter than Alfred, blonde hair, acid-like green eyes, and huge eyebrows. No, Arthur Kirkland, was not a beauty as he wasn't a very nice person either. He tried to act like the gentleman that he wasn't, his personality was somehow shitty and he was hard to understand or care for.

But with all his odds he made Alfred F. Jones fall in love with him.

Alfred would feel fall more comfortable around the other boy if he hadn't actually confessed just to be rejected. Well not rejected exactly, more like Arthur blushed, slapped him than stormed out. How was he supposed to handle that?

The little 'Hello' was a sign that Arthur didn't hate him, which is a good thing. Arthur not looking at him at all and acting like he was thin air…not such a good thing.

Alfred decided to break the ice. "Crowded today, isn't it?"

The honey-blonde practically self-slapped himself for this. Couldn't his brain produce something more intelligent in a crises situation like this one?

'Indeed it is, I could use some personal space, after all." He said, voice monotonous and cold.

Alfred shut up after that. He didn't want to piss the British boy off more than he already was and tried to scoot farther away.

He couldn't move to much into the overly crowded bus but he did his best and looked around.

Arthur saw the sudden movement and sighed. 'That bloody idiot…' He thought with a sigh. But it was somehow his fault, wasn't it? He looked at the taller boy who seemed beyond uncomfortable and embarrassed. That boy who confessed to him, and he slapped and than stormed out.

That boy that Arthur liked as well but was too embarrassed and flushed to say that.

With a smile he got closed to Alfred. The boy looked at him with a questioning glance. Arthur guessed that his action made no sense. He agreed with that.

The British boy gently took the American's hand into his own and smiled up at him. Alfred flushed scarlet and smiled as well holding Arthur's hand a little tighter.

It was a small and simple apology, but for Alfred meant everything. He swore his heart will finally pop out his chest, but finally, he couldn't care.