AN: So, I decided to not abandon this story. Instead I'll be rewriting it from now on. When this chapter is posted I'll already have the following two written. However, I won't say something like, "I'll post a chapter per week!" because that's just a broken promise waiting to happen.

Anyway, the reason I'm doing this is because the idea of a Pokémon and Fairy Tail crossover is something I'm still in love with since I've remained obsessed with both series. This story takes place in a world based loosely off of the FT world starring the Pokémon characters.

Since this will be replacing my previous attempts I'll reiterate the general idea of the spheal I gave: each chapter of this story will be named after a song. You, the reader, can help me out by recommending songs for me to use in future chapters in a review or, if you really want, a message to me directly. Another thing you can submit to me if you want is job ideas for the characters to do.

I'd also like to add that I have no other stories going on now nor any hardcore studying that I need to do so there is a 100 percent chance of me reading your review if you choose to leave me one. Any and all reviews and follows are greatly appreciated, but really, I'm doing this for fun.

If anyone is wondering, I found the cover picture on Zerochan, but I unfortunately could not find the original artist, so I can't link you to them.

Finally, I hope that you'll let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes that you may spot and that you enjoy my story (because I'm certainly only writing it for the fun of it)! I'm still planning for it to be a long one, so buckle in and get comfortable because this is not going to be quick. I'm even thinking of (maybe) making a sequel when it's done, but that depends where my life is at that time (University and whatnot)


You probably don't care and didn't read all that anyway. Okay, long-ass author's note done~

Chapter 1 – On Top of the World

I've had the highest mountains; I've had the deepest rivers. You can have it all but life keeps moving. I take it in but don't look down.

A thriving city in the Kingdom of Aurora was Northshore City. A port town by the sea of Chamosia, the beach has become a popular tourist attraction during the summer since it is where the Mighty Claw Guild Dormitory is located and people can get a glimpse of some of the popular mages. The city also plays an important role in the fishing trade. Another city hot spot is the Mighty Claw guild headquarters in the heart of the city near the town square. Though before joining, one must receive a graduation certificate. The city has two schools, the biggest and best one being the Norwood center of Education.

"Ash Ketchum, this may be the last day of school but there are still three whole minutes left! Don't you dare even think of sneaking out!"

Ash pouted and took the walk of shame with all his classmates staring at him on his way back to his desk. He tapped his finger on his desk impatiently and used his other hand to run his fingers through his charcoal hair. Three minutes suddenly felt like three years. He couldn't stop thinking about how slow the clock was ticking which was definitely not helping him pass the time.

Also, he wasn't the only one that tried sneaking out. "Where do you think you're going?!"

Ash really had to hand it to his teacher for putting up with this.

He wasn't a huge fan of school either which didn't make things easier for his teachers. He honestly believed that the only way he passed any of his classes this year was thanks to Gary's tutoring. 'Thank goodness that guy's a genius!' Ash thought.

He reached into his vest pocket to touch the certificate he had received that morning at the closing assembly. He felt even more eager to leave the room and looked back at the clock to count down the seconds.

The inevitable sound of the bell ringing finally came and Ash darted out the door as fast as he could.

"YES!" he yelled as he ran down the hall to Gary and Leaf's classroom, his excitement and yelling caused the crowded hallway to part for him.

He flew down the stairs to the first floor where Gary and Leaf had their science class and where the trio agreed to meet. When he arrived, no one but his two childhood friends remained. The rest of the class most likely left in the same fashion as Ash. However, due to the speed he was going and how he underestimated how proximate to the door his friends would be, when Ash swung it open, it slammed into Gary's back and knocked him on top of Leaf.

A few seconds of silence passed as Ash awaited Gary's reaction. Gary's face flushed bright red and he quickly jumped off Leaf.

"Aah! I'm so sorry Leaf!" She smiled at him, completely clueless.

"It's fine, don't worry."

Ash burst out into laughter. Making fun of Gary's romance troubles with Leaf was probably his favourite pastime. Gary had been like this around Leaf since…well, a long time ago. He had always wondered how Gary developed feelings for her. Even Ash could see how pretty Leaf was, but he felt like there was more to it than that.

Gary sent a glare at the still-laughing Ash before the trio left and made their way to the Mighty Claw guild.

In this world, a person goes through twelve years of school before graduating, at which point you can choose whether you want to start a business or work in a guild. There are all sorts of guilds like finance managing guilds and governmental affairs guilds like the one Gary's dad worked for.

Then there are mage guilds, such as Mighty Claw.

Whether you can be a wizard or not is usually something a person figures out when they are very young. They have to choose what magic they want to learn and then find their own means of training up until graduation, whether it's learning from their parents, finding a teacher, or even learning on their own. For popular guilds like Mighty Claw, there is an audition of sorts where the guild master will decide what graduates will be joining the guild.

Once you've made it into a guild you can start taking jobs, though it's recommended that you form a team with someone. Taking jobs is how mages make money. Someone can hire a mage to do simple jobs such as saving kittens from trees and doing household chores or more difficult tasks such as fighting monsters or capturing criminals. That's why jobs are classed based on difficulty; we wouldn't want a new wizard going out to fight a legendary beast. Wizards must pass a certain test within the guild to heighten their mage status and to be able to go out on S-class jobs and yet again for SS-class jobs.

Be that as it may, in this world, all of that is common knowledge.

Ash, Gary and Leaf walked quickly to the Mighty Claw guild which was only a short ten minute walk from school. Ash had spent his whole life fantasizing about the inside of the large wooden building, the main room bustling with powerful wizards, weapons and all sorts of excitement. When the trio pushed the heavy front doors open, Ash's bubble popped.

The room was instead filled with teenagers, some familiar from school, others completely new faces, as well as the body odour that always accompanied them. They were climbing on the furniture, being unnecessarily loud, and making messes exactly like teenagers do.

The trio spotted an empty table with a few seats in the corner of the room towards their left that they rushed to before someone else stole it. It was there that they sat, bubbling with excitement. They each gazed at the room around them. Teenagers like them were doing all kinds of weird magical things. There was even a girl walking on the ceiling!

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" The room fell silent, in fear of the person to whom the booming voice belonged to. Surely enough, it was Giovanni, the guild master.

Suddenly, there was no longer any nonsense. Everyone was on their best behavior and there wasn't even a single girl on the ceiling anymore. Giovanni was a man known across the Aurora Kingdom for his strength and power as a mage and guild master. To become a guild master, you must be chosen as such by the previous guild master. 'Whoever it was must've liked Giovanni…' Ash thought. 'Or he's just that crazy powerful!'

Ash gulped out of fear and he could see Gary shaking next to him out of the corner of his eye as Giovanni walked to the center of the room.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen. I'll call people one at a time to the training grounds in the back where I'll assess them on their magical abilities. If you fail to impress me, your name won't be on the list. Once you are done the test, you leave the premises." He looked around the room. "We'll be narrowing it down to only the ten most powerful out of all of you. I'll post the list on the front door tomorrow morning."

Ash's eyes widened and Gary's jaw dropped. Leaf's excited and happy face turned suddenly into one of worry. There must have been at least 100 people there and only ten would stay.

"You there!" Giovanni pointed at a girl with brown hair and a red bandanna. "You'll go first." He smirked.

"M-me?" She looked terrified.

"What's your name?"

"It's May. May Wilburn!"

"Norman's daughter, huh? Interesting… Follow me."

They walked over to the door at the back and entered it. About five minutes later Giovanni came back out and pointed at the nearest person to go next. After Gary and Leaf had been pointed at, Ash knew it would soon be his turn. This was the most nervous he had ever been in his life, he was sure of it!

The door opened and Giovanni emerged, pointing at Ash. "You! You're next." Ash saw it coming but still jumped at the sound of his voice.

Ash followed the guild master through the door and closed it behind him. It led to a hallway with several offices inside. Ash peeked inside the window in the door to one of them as he walked by. It was a room full of cabinets, most likely containing records of past jobs. At the end of the hallway there was a door leading to the training grounds outside. They went through it and Ash stared at the scene before him in awe. The largest running track he had ever seen was present along with a pool, many sheds containing various weapons, other work out equipment and several open fields. Ash followed Giovanni to one of these fields.

Giovanni asked him a few technical questions like his name, his birthday and what school he went to and to see his graduation certificate and then he said, "Alright, Ash Ketchum. Show me what you can do."

Ash looked up at the sky. It was cloudy. Not a thunderstorm like he hoped, but it would do.

"Yes sir! This is my lightning magic!"

What Ash meant to do next was have a lightning bolt charge in his fist with which he would punch a nearby tree. What actually happened was he underestimated the amount of lightning he had in his fist and ended up destroying the tree completely as well as the surrounding field. All the grass around them was burnt to a crisp and they both stood standing still in silence. Ash blinked and then slowly turned to look at Giovanni. His expression was one of shock. Ash decided that now would be a good time to run away, which he did.

He almost felt like crying as he ran away from the guild to his house. Ash had anticipated this day his entire life and he messed it up completely! Forget about not getting into the guild, he'd probably get banned from the property for all the damage he caused.

He threw open the door to his house.

His mother, Delia, asked, "How did it go, Ash?" knowing how excited he'd been. Ash ran straight to his room, his face covered by his arm. She assumed this meant that it didn't go well and he didn't want to talk about it. She sighed as she heard the door to his room slam shut. 'I hope he'll be okay,' she thought.

Ash jumped right into bed as soon as he got to his room. He heard the phone ring downstairs and then it stopped as his mother went to answer it. It was most likely Gary or Leaf wondering how he did. 'The two of them probably got in,' he thought. 'Their magic isn't nearly as uncontrollable.' He spent hours tossing and turning in bed until finally falling asleep.

"Wake up already, Ketchum!" Ash woke up to the sound of Gary's voice followed by blindingly bright light as Leaf opened the blinds.

"Uhh…" Ash grunted, pulling the covers over his head. He never wanted to leave his bed ever again.

"Please, Ash! Get up!" It was Leaf this time. Ash sighed; Gary was one thing but he couldn't just ignore Leaf.

He slowly rose from his bed in a zombie-like fashion and mumbled obscenities under his breath as he shooed his friends out of his room so he could get dressed. He walked over to his mirror and looked into his reflection. He almost felt like crying again and he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back the tears when he saw Gary and Leaf's names on the list and not his. He would have to move to another city and join another guild.

He changed his clothes as quickly as he could; he just wanted to get this over with. He rushed downstairs to his living room where his mother and friends were chatting solemnly. He motioned for them to follow him out the door. His mother offered a smile at him and he nodded in return. She hoped he could find another guild nearby. Chimera Roar in Merriford Town was relatively nearby…

Ash walked quickly down the path leading to the guild. Hurrying behind him, Leaf and Gary exchanged worried glances.

Gary, unlike Ash, was confident that he passed Master Giovanni's test. After all, he had actually stuck around after demonstrating his magic to hear Giovanni's praise. Though, this didn't stop him from worrying about his friend. The previous day, he and Leaf were both certain Ash would get in, more so than themselves.

They arrived at the guild to find a herd of teenagers crowding around the front doors. There were many disappointed faces and only a few excited ones. They managed to push their way through the crowd to see the list of ten names written in bold, posted on the front doors. Even though he was sure his name wouldn't be there, Ash's eyes scrolled through the list. He saw "May Wilburn," there, right at the top. He remembered the girl from the previous day. 'Good for her,' he thought.

When he saw the second name and then the third, Ash felt a slight rush of happiness. "Gary Oak, Leaf Evergreen." 'They made it!' Ash was happy for his friends.

After a few unfamiliar names, Ash froze when he read the sixth name. "Ash Ketchum."

Ash's hands shook. For a moment, he couldn't breathe. "M-me..?"

"Ash! You did it!" Leaf exclaimed, happily.

"Looks like you did better than you thought, buddy." Gary smirked and put his hand on Ash's shoulder.

"…YES!" Ash thrust both of his fists in the air, unable to contain his excitement. A few people around him that didn't make it on the list glared at him, but he didn't care. He had gotten into his dream guild; he didn't care what anyone thought about him now.

After a few minutes, the number of people present greatly diminished as those who didn't make it left. Suddenly, the front doors burst open. A woman with cerulean hair emerged and began speaking with an authoritative voice.

"Listen up! My name is Jenny. I'm the guild's official job secretary. I'm going to call out the ten names and when you hear your name, step forward then follow me inside and we'll get your guild mark on. May Wilburn, Gary Oak, Leaf Evergreen!" She continued down the list until she had called all ten people.

The group proceeded inside the guild and followed closely behind Jenny. Ash's eyes widened in awe as he looked around the room. The atmosphere was completely different from before. This time, it was exactly how Ash dreamed it would be. Powerful mages socialized, picked out jobs, ate, and drank. Ash could barely contain his excitement!

At the back of the room, next to the hallway that led to the training grounds, was the request board. This was where jobs were posted. On the other side of the request board was Jenny's desk. This was where she led the group.

"Alright! Now is when each of you tells me how you want your guild mark to be customized. We'll start with you." She motioned toward the nearest person.

While they waited for their turn, Ash, Gary and Leaf decided to socialize with May.

"You're May, right? I'm Leaf," she said happily to the red bandanna girl. "This is Gary and Ash."

"Oh! Nice to meet you guys." She smiled.

"You must be crazy strong to be first on the list." Gary said, impressed.

"You can't be too far behind me, you were second, right? There's no beating my fire magic, though," May stated, confidently.

"Tch, it's not like the entrance list matters that much..." Gary muttered.

May giggled. Ash looked at her in wonder. 'Her magic must be amazingly powerful!' he thought.

He thrust his hand towards her. "I'm Ash," he said. "I might have only been sixth on the list, but don't underestimate my lightning magic!"

She took his hand, gave a firm handshake and a nod. "I look forward to sparring with you sometime!"

Jenny approached them after having finished everyone else's guild marks. "You're Ash Ketchum, right? Tell me what colour and where you want your mark."

"Yellow! I want it right here," he said motioning towards his upper right arm. Jenny placed the paw print-shaped magical stamp on his upper right arm and applied pressure for a few seconds. Gary got his in the same spot but in black and then Leaf and May both got theirs on the back of their right hands in green and red respectively. Now that all the new members had their marks, Jenny spoke to them.

"Okay everyone, congratulations! You are all now official members of Mighty Claw!" The older wizards present all gave a round of applause and cheer, welcoming their new guild mates. Once the excitement died down, Jenny motioned toward her desk. "On my desk there are several posters of job advertisements. Since you're all still newbies, these are all extremely easy jobs. I would strongly recommend going with a group because it's your first job. That way, you'll get to meet and get to know your fellow guild mates. With that said, let me know when you're ready to get to work!"

Jenny sat down behind her desk awaiting the new members to form groups and sign up with her. Gary and Ash both rushed over to her desk with excitement about choosing their first job.

Leaf looked over and smiled when she saw them already arguing over which one they would choose. May sweat dropped. "So, did you three already know each other?"

"Yup! We've been close friends since we were little." Leaf smiled remembering when she first met Ash and Gary.

"Um…I don't want to intrude but…Would it be okay if I went out on this job with you guys? If that's okay with you…" May twiddled her thumbs nervously. This was a new city with new people for her. She wanted to try her best to make new friends. Leaf looked at her and smiled brightly. 'She's so cute!' She thought.

"Of course, we'd love to have you work with us!" May smiled, relieved.

Ash walked back to the girls with confidence and a wide grin on his face. Gary returned with a grimace. Leaf giggled. 'It's obvious who won that fight!' she thought.

She looked up at Gary when he walked over to her side. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to pick the next job!" She smiled up at him. Gary felt his cheeks warm up as he looked into her eyes.

He quickly looked away, still blushing. "…Y-yeah."

Ash nudged May and gestured towards the other two, snickering. 'With May joining our group, Gary will be ridiculed twice as much!' Ash thought.

May looked over at them and noticed Gary's tomato face. She could barely keep herself from laughing out loud at how pathetic Gary, mister high and mighty, second on the list was acting.

"Hey Leaf, how do you feel about Gary?" She asked. Gary jumped at the question and could almost see devil horns grow out of May's head. Leaf happily looked over at May.

"I love him! He's my best friend!"

Gary felt like he was going to vomit upon hearing this and Ash and May burst into hysterical laughter.

"Hm?" Leaf looked completely clueless.

After high fiving May for her question and somehow stifling his laughter, Ash said, "Shall we get going?"

"This is so exciting! Our first job!" Leaf exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's go!" Ash said, walking towards the exit. Suddenly, a loud growl erupted from his stomach. "Okay, we'll eat and then let's go!"

They all laughed together, excited for their first jobs as mages. They didn't even know what they were getting into.

I kept on falling short of something. I could've gave up then, but then again I couldn't have 'cause I've travelled all this way for something.