Pairing: Ron/Hermione

Prompts: musical, suddenly, catch


Hermione looked at him through her hands, then turned away, feeling sick. How could Ron kiss someone like that? It made her feel sick. She rose quickly and fled from the room.

Her heart hammered wildly – she just wanted to get away from him. Down the corridor, she tried the first door she could see. The catch clicked and the door swung open. She stumbled through into a disused classroom and collapsed onto the floor, sobbing. She wanted to shout, scream, do anything to make her heart stop aching.

'Avis,' she whispered into the stale air, and a small ring of twittering birds circled her head, their tune musical and not at all how she felt. She hated Ron right now, and she desperately wanted to hurt him as much as he had hurt her.

Suddenly, the door opened again. She turned, expecting it to be him, but luckily it wasn't. Just Harry. For a moent, her voice din't seem to work but she managed to croak out a hello.

'Just practising,' she indicated vaguely towards the birds around her head.

'They're – er – really good … ' he replied awkwardly.

'Ron seems to be enjoying the celebrations,' she replied airily. Then seeing the expression on his face, she added, 'Don't pretend you didn't see him, he wasn't exactly hiding it, was –'

For the third time, the door burst open. Ron and Lavender fell through, virtually eating each othe'rs faces off. After a few more moments of awkward conversation, Hermione slid off the desk, determined to vent some of her rising anger.

'You shouldn't leave Lavender waiting outside. She'll wander where you gone,' she said quietly.

She walked purposefully and steadily to the door, then turned on him at the last moment.
