Thank all of you who have read this story so far!
Remember I still need your help to decide which 5 Pokemon Ash will catch and train in Johto.
This chapter
Delia, Oak and Gary met Norman, who say that he wants to se Ash and tell him the truth. They bring Norman to Ash's secret place. The knock out matches begins with twelve new Pokemon that no one has ever seen. After the last match in Ash secret place Gary's egg start to glow bright and is ready to hatch. Ash then gives one Pokemon egg each to Norman, Delia and Professor Oak. Norman stays trough the whole championship, but has promised that he will not tell May and Max that he is there and watch. Ash gives Norman two Pokegloves to give to May and Max.
Chapter 4: The Truth
Norman's mind
Hm where could he be, I have already checked the Pokemon Center, the hotel and the stadiums, so where else could he be. Wait isn't that Delia, Oak and Gary? Wow finally I found them.
Oak: Hm I wonder which Pokemon Ash are going to pick for the match today?
Gary: I think that he will chose Pokemon that no one have ever seen that he has catch.
Delia: I actually think the same thing, think about it, it is Ash we're talking about.
Norman: Thank god that I finally found you three, can I speak with Ash for a moment, it is about what happened for eight years ago.
Gary. Sure but no one else can follow us there, cause it is his secret place. Is that Understood?
Norman: Yes I understand now can you bring me to Ash?
Delia: Of course we can bring you to see Ash. Come on follow us.
Norman: Thank you all! So how many pokemon does Ash have right now?
Professor Oak: You will be surprised. But I will not tell you, it's something you have to see for yourself to understand to how strong Ash had become since he left for all those years ago.
Norman's mind
Wow that sounds impressive, I can't wait.
Meanwhile in Ash secret place
Ash picks up six pokeballs and throw them in the air and pops out.
Ash: You six will be in the first match. Remember we are going to do this a little more interesting, we are going to use our regular attacks as the first attack and as the second attack will be our special attacks.
On the line stood:
Ash: Golem your first attack will be Earthquake followed by Earth Punch
Ash: Ninetales your first attack will be Flamethrower followed by Heat Blast
Ash: Gengar your first attack will be Focus Blast followed by Thunder Beam
Ash: Alakazam your first attack will be Psychic followed by Zen Punch!
Ash: Machamp your first attack will be Brick Brake followed by Elemental Punch
Ash: Gyarados your first attack will be Hydro Pump followed by Dragon Storm.
Ash then heard a male voice and turned around and saw Norman with wide gap locking at all of Ash Pokemon.
Ash: Norman what are you doing here?
Norman: Well I want to tell you the whole story of what happened for eight years ago. That if you want to listened to me. I have already beat up Brock and Misty for what they did to you and my kids.
Ash: What do you mean, what happened with May and Max?
Norman: Max told me that before they went behind your back, Misty and Brock told them that they didn't want to be friend with you anymore, but Max asked why, and Brock said that he is tired to only be dragged in the middle because you always had a history with criminals. Max also told me that he defended you with that you would never let them get hurt because some criminal went after you, so Brock told them that first major time you saved the world you also died, he continued with what would there parents say if one time you was to late and some of our kids dies.
That got the three of them thinking, and agreed but then you came back and told them what you thought about the five of them, and it was only Misty and Brock you told bad things about, and you also told my Daughter that you loved her, but was to scared to risked your friendship. Max then continued with the last thing you said to them "You want to know how it always me who has to sacrifice myself so is it for the first thing The Chosen One, for the second i am a Aura Guardian, and for the third i can read Pokemons minds." After that you had left Max, May and Dawn got really angry at Brock and Misty and told them that if they didn't want to be friends with Ash then we don't want to be friends with two idiot like you, believe it our not but it's thanks to Ash that we even became friends for the first time.
Dawn continued: The best moment on my journey with Ash was when he told bad story's about you Misty cause he laughed so much but as soon as Brock came back we switched conversation about how our respective training progress went. No wonder I always had a crush on him, it was always him who was the first to congratulate me for winning a contest and he was also the first to comfort me if I lose a contest, with words like "Dawn you would never learn everything without you losses, it's from them you learn, do you really think that I would even be as half as good as I am if I had one Kanto league? It's thank's to people like you, May and Max who brings the best out of me. Misty always put me down, even if I one a battle, she always complain, hell she even followed me for years cause a lightning destroyed her bike"
May: It's thanks to Ash that I even has pokemon today. When he first met me I hated pokemon but he made me change my mind about that and it's what he said earlier today, after my first catch it was that who change my mind, it would had been so much better if you Brock never came back, sure you saved us from Taillow. It's you two who made that he never reached his potential and after what Dawn just said it makes it even more sense now that the reasons for you Misty why the reason was to destroy this friendship, it's because you have feelings for Ash. But you knew that already and decided to if not you would get Ash so will no other. I mean who would ever love you and if you stalked Ash for years cause a lightning destroyed your damn bike. Sure my bike, was also destroyed but that was cuase Pikachu got overcharged with energy and couldn't take it anymore so he unleashed the most powerful thunder attack I have ever seen.
Max: Why are you so mean to us, we likes Ash just the way he is, it's even thanks to him and his abilities that we even is here today don't you get that. Of course you didn't cause you two aren't smart enough to understand that.
Back to normal time
Tears starts to came down on Ash cheeks, Delia sees this and comforts Ash in a long hug and says:
Delia: Just let it out, it's ok.
After some minutes Ash starts to talk
Ash: I never knew that I made a so strong impact on there lives, if only they where here right now. I Wished that I could tell May how much I still love and care about her. So Norman are you staying trough the whole tournament or are you going back to Hoenn?
Norman: Well I told Caroline, May and Max that I was going to talk to the other gym leaders about your impact in this tournament but when I heard you speaking on television that you still loves May, I went straight away to Pewter City and confronted Brock and Misty about the whole thing I even made them watch you latest match. By the way what move is Thunderstorm?
Ash starts to laugh
Ash: Thunderstorm is an attack that all my pokemon can use, and sent up a small electricity bolt in the sky so rain clouds appears and sent back five Lightning. The affect is that the pokemon gets knock out immediately, but it after the shock is done it also made the target way more stronger then it was before, that's actually why the Charmeleon evolved, sure I made it happened with my extra power. But it was most the Thunderstorm who made it, my job was only to fulfill his wishes.
Norman, Delia, Professor Oak And Gary was shocked with what Ash just told them.
Norman: just how much power have you, I heard from Max and May that you, are The Chosen One, you are also a Aura Guardian, and the fact that you cant talk and understand what pokemon say and feels is so incredible rare. You are definitely soon the most Powerful trainer in the world, but you have two pokemon battles today and I have a wish to ask you it that's ok with you?
Ash: Sure what are you wish?
Norman: In your second match today I want you to only use a team from Hoenn to impress May and Max even more. If that's ok with you?
Ash: Yes I could do that, but you can't tell anyone that you had seen all my Pokemon. I have also a question for you. If that's ok with you?
Norman: Sure anything for you!
Ash: Could you make so Max goes to Johto next cause I want to meet him in the Johto League, and I want to give you this two gloves that will make so Max and May, can have all there pokemon on them all the time.
Ash picks up two poke gloves and gives them to Norman.
Norman: Of course I can do that. And thank you for everything that you have done for my kids!
Ash: No problem, it actually they and Dawn who brings me to where I am today. If only I hadn't met Brock and Misty I'm sure that I have had a better start then I had.
Ash recalls his six pokemon that he is going to use in the first battle. And goes to the stadium!
Hoenn region
May: I wonder what kind of Pokemon Ash will bring out today?
Max: I'm sure that he will use pokemon that we have never seen before.
May: Yeah I hope so. But I miss him so much why couldn't I just have told him that I love him to.
Max: ye that was stupid, you should have run after him and comfort him, but I didn't know that Dawn had a crush at Ash to.
May: Well I can't blame her, that story she told Misty and Brock was so strong, that she would probably had run after him, if it was her he loved.
Max: Yes that makes sense, but Ash always did the same with you when you one and made you feel good even if you lost a contest. If only Drew wasn't so close to you, he would probably made a move on you.
May: Yeah stupid Drew to always flirt with me. God I'm so stupid.
Max: Just calmed down and watch the match it's about to start.
May: You can win this Ash! I believe in you!
Max: That's better!
On the Green side! From Viridian City! Please let me introduce you to Aaron Smith!
On the Red side! From Pallet Town! Please let me introduce you to the champion favorite Ash Ketchum!
Ash and Aaron shakes hand and whishes the other a good battle.
Judge: Ash and Aaron! This will be a 6 vs 6 battle first to lose six pokemon loses the battle and is out from the competition! Sent out your first Pokemon!
Ash: Golem I chose you!
Aaron: Tentacruel come out!
Judge: The first battle is between Golem and Tentacruel! Begin!
Ash: You know what to do!
Aaron: hm, in that case use Water Pulse!
Tentacruel fire I Water Pulse right on Golem who doesn't even care about that he has been hit. Thanks to Sturdy!
Ash: Earthquake! Then use Earth Punch!
Aaron: What attack is that? Use Hydro Pump!
Earthquake hit it's mark and makes Hydro Pump useless and then Golem uses his special move. First Golem slams his right fist in the ground which makes the ground shake then Golem's are became like dust and rushes in to Tentacruel who has no chance to get out of the way and is hit in his stomach and falls to the ground.
Judge: Tentacruel is unable to continue! The first battle goes to Golem!
Ash: Golem you where amazing, your power never disappoints me! Now take a good rest! Return!
Aaron returns his Tentacruel and brings out.
Aaron: Elektrode come out!
Ash: Ninetales I chose you!
Judge: The second battle is between Elektrode and Ninetales!
Ash: Flamethrower!
Aaron: Thunderbolt!
The both attacks collide and ones again the stadium is full of smoke.
Ash: When the smoke is gone use Heat Blast!
Aaron: Use Thunder as soon as you can see Ninetales!
The smoke clears and the pokemon fires the attacks, Thunder vs. Heat Blast, Heat Blast is a move that is from Overheat and Blast Burn! Heat Blast have so much power that the Thunder attack has no chance against it. Elektrode is hit dead on with the fire.
Judge: Elektrode is unable to battle! The second battle goes to Ninetales!
Aaron returns electrode and brings out.
Aaron: Kangaskhan come out!
Ash: Good work Ninetales return! Gengar I chose you!
Hoenn region
May: Why does he sent out Gengar?
Max: Well we have known Ash for a long time, and he always does things like that.
May: He must have some sort of plan?
Max: Yeah I think so to!
Judge: The third battle is between Kangaskhan and Gengar!
Ash: Lets to this with two attacks Gengar! Use Focus Blast followed by Thunder Beam!
Aaron: Flamethrower then Thunderbolt!
Focus blast collide with the flame and electric attacks which makes it perfect for Thunder Beam: Thunder Beam is an attack from Thunderbolt and Hyper Beam! The electric beam has no problem to take Kangaskhan out of the match.
Judge: Kangaskhan is unable to battle! Gengar is the winner!
Ash: Amazing job Gengar take a rest! Alakazam I chose you!
Aaron: Kangaskhan return! Exeggutor come out!
Judge: The fourth battle is between Alakazam and Exeggutor! Begin!
Ash: Psychic followed by Zen Punch!
Aaron: Hyper Beam!
Hyper Beam went to fast for Alakazam Psychic attack, but Alakazam was to quick to get out of the way so he could prepared for the Zen Punch. Alakazam brings his punch into the air and sent his psychic attack to his right hand, and baaaaaaaaam right in the face!
Judge: Exeggutor is unable to continue! Alakazam wins round number four!
Ash: Good job Alakazam! You deserve a good nice rest! Machamp I chose you!
Aaron is choked that ash has the evolved trio that you have to triad to evolve.
Aaron: Scyther come out!
Judge: The fifth battle is between Machamp and Scyther! Begin!
Ash: Use Headbutt instead of what I told you before, then when you are close enough then use your Elemental Punch!
Aaron: Wing Attack!
Ash: Move under Scyther and use Elemental Punch!
Scyther wings glows white and fly towards Machamp who is ready, Scyther is to close, and then Machamp ducks the attack and the throw his punch which is in fire, ice and electricity, and smacks Scyther in his stomach, and is sent in the wall.
Judge: Scyther is unable to battle! Machamp is the winner!
Ash: Good work Machamp, you where amazing! Return! Gyarados I chose you!
Aaron: Scyther return! Seadra come out!
Judge: The last battle is between Gyarados and Seadra! Begin!
Aaron: Hydro Pump!
Ash: Dragon Pulse!
The Hydro Pump is unleashed at Gyarados, who in this moment unleashes his Dragon Pulse! The pulse sweeps the water and explode.
Ash: Dragon Storm now!
Gyarados, unleashes, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Draco Meteor in the air and makes a firework who then is sent right at Seadra, who tries to dodge but it's to many meteors, in the air, Seadra is knocked out by one meteor!
Judge: Seadra is unable to battle! Gyarados and Ash Ketchum wins the match!
Ash: Wow Gyarados you where amazing! Now lets go and take a rest before the next match, I have some thinking to do!
Gyarados simply nodded as answer and is sweept in the ball.
Aaron: You where good Seadra, but we will train even harder in the future, and maybe you will became a Dragon then!
Ash: Aaron that was a great battle, I wish you best of luck in the future!
Aaron: Thanks Ash and good luck you too!
Hoenn region
Max: wow that was so amazing, I have never heard that kinds of moves, Ash will never stopped to amaze me.
May: yeah I know what you mean, I wouldn't even be half as good as I am today if I hadn't met Ash, and I'm sure you feel the same way? Am I right?
Max: Of course you are, yes it's true that I knew the basic, but I will never forget what ash told me before we went against him. Do you remember what the last word he said to me was?
May: Yes he said that, "Remember this max, size never matter in a battle, even a little Pokemon as Pikachu can beat a Latios." he always manage to say the exact words that you need to hear, so you don't be to overconfident, which is one of the things that Ash had many problem with to, but now I know why!
Max: Exactly. I wonder which region he is going to next, or is he even going to do that, I mean he said that he loved the Hoenn region best, but with what happened between us, I'm not so sure anymore, what if he wins the Kanto League. And the move to a new place that no one have even heard of.
May: You can't think like that, I'm sure that he is going to do this like he did in the beginning, start in Kanto, then Johto region, then Hoenn region and last Sinnoh region! Hm I wonder what kind of Pokemon he had caught in Hoenn and Sinnoh?
Max: I wonder the same thing, I mean if he has so many evolved pokemon from kanto, I think it possibility that he had done the same thing with, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh!
May: I hope he is going to use a full Hoenn team in the next battle!
Max: Me too!
Kanto region
Ash: Amazing job all of you, you six was brilliant I'm going to make you some victory food, for each type!
Norman: Great battle today Ash!
Ash: Thank you Norman!
Delia: Are you doing dinner for the pokemon who was in the battle today?
Ash: Yes I am, I'm doing some victory dinner, for each type, one for rock, one for fire, one for Ghost, one for Psychic, one for fighting and one for water/dragon mixed together.
Oak: So Ash have you decide which Hoenn pokemon you are going to chose?
Ash: Yes I have come on out! Manectric, Milotic, Aggron, Swampert, Flygon and Blaziken!
Norman begins to laugh when he sees Blaziken
Ash: Norman what are you laughing about?
Norman: I just imagined May expression, when she see that you have a Blaziken to!
Ash chuckled
Ash: Yeah I wished that she was here and se him live instead of on the television in Hoenn region.
Norman: And I would love to se Brock face when he se that you have a Swampert.
Norman and Ash starts to laugh.
Ash: I would love to se Wallace reaction, when I show him that I have the same power, and elegance pokemon as he do, except that mine is stronger then his are.
Norman: Ash are you going to battle the Elite Four are the Championchip?
Ash: Of course and I will win it, but I will not use the same pokemon who had competed in the league, cause I want to use as many pokemon as possible to battle here, and does pokemon who isn't is going to be the ones that I'm going to start with in the Johto League!
Norman: That sounds good! I would love to se a battle between you and Max!
Ash: Me too! I hope he hasn't forget what I told him before I left.
Norman: Are you kidding? You have always been the one the inspired Max, even when you lost in the Johto league, to Harisson's Blaziken.
Ash: You really mean it?
Norman: Of course, even May after she met you. She also told me the truth about at the start of her journey she told you that she didn't even liked Pokemon, but you made her feel like when you train with your own pokemon your bond with your Pokemon grows and some Pokemon even evolves that way. I'm pretty sure that even I couldn't have possible had done that myself. Ash you are the best that has happened to May and Max, you inspired them, you make them feel special, you made Max to se that Pokemon isn't all about stats and size. You even trained May to be one of the best coordinators in the world, and you didn't even have that experience. That's also one of the reasons to why I want you to use Hoenn Pokemon, in the battle.
Ash is amazed with all the world that Norman told him and start to think back to when May just started there journey and what could had happened if Brock didn't showed up, I'm sure that we had beat the Taillow flock in the long round.
Delia mind
I always knew that he was special, but I never knew that he had that much of an impact in his friends life. I always taught that Misty was weird, and now it's even more clear to me why she did it. And I always knew that Ash had feelings for May and that she have the same for Ash, I just felt a spark between them when the first time a saw how Ash looked on her, even his pictures in his room is only with, May, Max, Dawn and all his Pokemon. I'm so proud of what he has become in the world, he is our planets savior and hero and I think that it is that who scares him, he is afraid that the darkness comes back, and he is to slow to react and then all is gone. He has to many pressure on his shoulder and that's why he need, May, Max and Dawn, so he could have a balance with love, friendship, darkness, glory, happiness.
Ash: Well I think it's time for us to go to the stadium.
Gary: That sounds like good idea.
Ash: ok lets go!
The Battlefield
This match is between Lily Rose from Cerulean City and Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!
Judge: This battle between Lily and Ash will be 6 vs. 6 the first to lose six pokemon has lost the battle, and is knocked out.
Ash: Lily I hope you could bring some glory to your home town, I mean it isn't much to have to begin with I mean your town's gym leader is so easy to beat, so that would make you really good as trainer!
Lily mind
What did he just say, why am I so drawn to him, what makes him so special? What did I just think? Snap out of it!
Lily: Yeah she isn't much of a battler so she is very easy to beat, And why chose water type, Ghost would be a better match for her.
Ash starts to laugh
Ash: So should we start the battle now?
Lily: Sure why not!
Ash: Manectric I chose you!
Hoenn region
Max: So in this battle he will only use Hoenn Pokemon this will be good!
May: Yeah lets hope to se some awesome Pokemon and with Ash's training I think this will be a good battle.
Lily: What Pokemon is that?
Ash: This Pokemon is from a region called Hoenn who actually my favorite for several reasons. Don't worry your Pokedex isn't upgraded to know this but it is a electric type!
Lily: Interesting! Arcanine battle time!
Judge: The first match is between Manectric and Arkanine! Begin!
Ash: Quick Attack then Thunder Fang
Lily: Sunny Day then Fire Blast!
The sky is clear from clouds, and Manectric charges in with a Quick Attack, and hit it's target and then bites Arkanine with Thunder Fang, then Arkanine uses the power from Sunny Day to unleashes Fire Blast and it hit's right on, Manectric is panting hard.
Ash: Thunderbolt into the sky then control it with Dishcharge!
Manectric sent her Thunderbolt into the sky and then unleashes her Dishcharge to control and power up the Thunderbolt, the both attacks hits head on!
Lily: Arkanine can you continue?
Arcanine: arc arc.
Then falls to the ground!
Judge: Arcanine is unable to battle, Manectric wins!
Lily: You where amazing Arkanine! Jolteon battle time!
Ash: Manectric you where amazing take a rest and I will treat you when the battle is over. Swampert I chose you!
Hoenn Region
May: Haha I would love to se Brocks face now!
Max: Yeah that would be a good to see, I wonder if he has all the starters from each regions? Na it would be impossible wouldn't it?
May: Who knows only Ash does, but I hope he does have a Blaziken, I mean what if he has all the eeveelutions all the starters, hm I wondering I he has a Lucario now that he has return, and what if he has legendary pokemon!
Max: yeah it would be amazing, I mean he had watch so many, but never even tried to catch one, that just prove what Ash heart is made of! He had never asked for anything, and this is how we and the world repay him, it makes me sick!
May: Me too! But lets just watch the battle!
Judge: This battle will be between Jolteon and Swampert! Begin!
Jolteon: Thunderbolt!
Ash just stood there.
The thunderbolt hits Swampert but it takes nothing
Lily: What happened? I thought that electrics attack
Ash: that is true, but Swampert is a dual type with both water and ground type, which makes it impossible for electric attacks to hit her! Use Earthquake then Ice Cannon!
The battlefield starts to shake and Jolteon has know chance to stay on the ground, and as soon as the ground is normal Swampert releases her Ice Cannon attack and knocks out Jolteon!
Judge: Jolteon is unable to battle! Swampert wins the battle!
Lily: Jolteon you did your best! Return! Ryhorn battle time!
Ash: Good job Swampert! Good as always! Milotic I chose you!
Hoenn region
May: What a beautiful pokemon so elegance!
Max: And it looks so powerful to!
May: Of course it's Ash who had train it!
Max: You said it sister! Wow so amazing!
Judge: The third battle is between Ryhorn and Milotic! Begin!
Lily: Rock Throw!
Ash: Water blast!
Lily: Run as fast as you can and use Megahorn!
The Rock Throw has no chance against the Water Blast, but Ryhorn is to close and hits Milotic whit Megahorn but it doesn't do much damage.
Ash: End this with Ice Storm!
Lily: What is that move?
Ash: It's like Thunder Storm, and the same result so be prepared for evelution!
Lily: Did Ryhorn talk to you?
Ash: Yes I did! You see I have a Rhyperior which is the final stage from Ryhorn, and with my abilities to talk to pokemon I can also understand what they are saying, and your Ryhorn would like to be as best as it can to show everyone how strong trainer you really are, it's your bond with your Pokemon who shows how great trainer you are, cause it's them you're training and with the power of Rydon you also will be able to teach it moves like Surf, Thunderbolt, Brick Brake and even more power when it reach to final stage it learns, Superpower, Hammer Arm! As I said it's you as a trainer who is going to teach you all of those moves, but it will be easier you more experience you have. Now should we continue the battle?
Lily: Sure!
Ash: Ice Storm!
Milotic sends I little ice stream in the air and snow clouds appears, and sends five ice bolts to Ryhorn who falls back and is unable to continue!
Judge: Ryhorn is unable to continue! Milotic wins!
As fast as the judge said that Milotic is the winner, Ryhorn glows white and transforms to a Rydon!
Lily: I'm so proud of you Rydon! Now take a long rest! Ash thank you so much!
Ash: A Pokemon's wish is my law, I can't deny a Pokemon's wish! Even if it means that it will lost the match in the progress! You and your Pokemon have so strong hearts together that it's impossible to me to deny that wish, and that also makes you to brilliant trainer if you can bring that close bonds with your pokemon it's will only be a matter of time, until each on every pokemon you have, will be as strong as they can to, both save you and themselves!
Ash: Aggron I chose you!
Hoenn region
Max: So he has a Aggron to! He never stopped to amaze me.
May: Yeah I know what you mean!
Lily: Marowak battle time!
Judge: This battle between Aggron and Marowak will now begin!
Lily: Boomerang!
Ash: Flash Cannon! Then Iron Blast!
The Boomerang swings in the air in a loop then heads of to Aggron but the Flash Cannon is to powerful and cancelled the attack then the Iron Blast hit Marowak head on and is knocked out, by one hit!
Judge: Marowak is unable to continue! Aggron wins the match!
Lily: Marowak, you where good, now let us train even harder in the future! Dragonair battle time!
Ash: that reminds me of my old Dragonair who is now a powerful Dragonite! But why not do this Dragon vs. Dragon! Flygon I chose you!
Hoenn region
Max: No way he has a Flygon to!
May: I wonder what he has as a last Pokemon cause it's no way that Dragonair will be Flygon!
Max: I wonder that to!
Judge: The fifth battle is between Dragonair and Flygon! Let the battle Begin!
Lily: Dragonbreath! Then Thunderbolt!
Ash: Flamethrower!
All attacks collide and smoke surrounds the battlefield.
Ash: Use Dragon Punch when the smoke is gone!
Lily: Use Hydro Pump
Dragonair unleashes her Hydro Pump but Flygon brings up his claw and smashes away all the water. And then aim his right claw at Dragonairs body and is smashed in the ground unable to move.
Judge: Dragonair is unable to continue! Flygon is the winner!
Lily: It was a good try! Lets train harder in the future! Return! Wartortle battle time!
Ash: Come on out the Power of Hoenn! Blaziken I chose you!
Out of the ball comes a large fighting and fire type, who looks so strong that it would probably had beat the whole team!
Hoenn region
May: You where right Max! He do have one, and I looks so powerful to!
Max: Yeah and it seems like he have had it for a long time! It's longer then your Blaziken, why don't you bring it out?
May: Oh right! Blaziken take the stage!
Blaziken turns to the television and se another of it's kind.
May: Blaziken you se at the television, that Pokemon belongs to Ash!
Blaziken glows when she hear the world Ash!
May: Why did you became so happy at the moment?
Blaziken: Bla zi ken
May: Oh I see so you are also happy to se Ash again, you know that I always have liked him! Lets just se the battle then can you se if you are impressed with what you are seeing on the television, is that ok with you Blaziken?
Blaziken: Blaziken!
May: Good, cause I'm sure that you will be impressed with Ash new battle style!
Judge: The sixth battle will be between Wartortle and Blaziken!
Lily: Hydro Pump!
Ash: lets go defense to se how strong it is! Use Brick Brake to block it!
Wartortle sends Hydro Pump at Blaziken who just blocks it with Brick Brake!
Lily: Use Ice Beam!
Ash: Light Lava Plume!
Ice beam and Lava Plume collides in the air! But it is still to strong so it's going straight at Wartortle!
Lily: Water Gun into Bubbelbeam!
The water gun melts in the middle of the bubbles and the water power increases and wash over the Lava Plume!
Ash: Electro Kick!
Lily: Withdraw then Rapid spin into Hydro Pump!
The Electro Kick is taken out by the rapid spin and the Hydro Pump is unleashed at Blaziken.
Ash: You know your Wartortle is strong, and it says to me that it wants to evolve, but he haven't enough energy power to make it completely evolved. It asking me to make him evolve, but it is your decision to make!
Lily was shocked, is he really that strong that he can make two trainers pokemon evolve two times in a single battle.
Lily: Well for me it fantastic but it's Wartortle choice!
Wartortle: War, war, tor, tle!
Ash: He says that he wants to se mine Blastiose first!
So ash picks up his pokeglove so everyone can se it so he sends out Blastiose, Charizard, Venusaur, Rhyperior, Typhlosion, Meganium, Feraligatr and Sceptile, Infernape, Torterra, Empoleon and Pikachu!
Ash: you see I have 97 Pokemon, I have all the starters from every region, 10 legendary Pokemon, from Kanto I have 24 pokemon plus Mew And Mewtwo, in Johto I have 17 plus Lugia and Ho-oh, from Hoenn I have 19 plus Latios and Latias, from Sinnoh I have 22 plus, Giratina and that's not all the next three pokemon you will se is Victini, Zerkrom and Reshiram! That's all of my pokemon at the moment.
Everyone is so shocked that you can hear the ants on the ground.
That's until Lily begins to speak.
Lily: How could you have 97 pokemon with you?
Ash: You see the glove right?
Lily: Yes but what has that to do with anything?
Ash: You see the Pokeglove is a tool that trainers can use if they have over 80 pokemon in store, and since I have 97 it speaks for itself. And if you have a question about the legendaries so is almost everyone of them that I have saved in the past. Ten years ago I Sacrificed myself to save the world from Mewtwo's wrath, Lugia and I saved the world against a poacher that wanted to catch Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno. Ho-oh I met on my first day of my journey but no one believed me, Latios and Latias sacrificed themselves to save a Town called Alto Mare, but Latios took to much life energy and died, and after I saved his sister she have always had a crush on me, Mew her is the same one I met the first time, but when I met her again I and Lucario here had to sacrificed our self both of us died but Mew's heart saved me and Lucario but the tree of beginning was cracking and Lucario killed himself, in order to save the pokemon life, and it was that they i knew that I am a Aura Guardian. Giratina I saved in Sinnoh region, in a battle between the skies, Victini was the last one I saved and it was then I also manage to destroy the last criminal organization in the world by using a special attack from all of my legendary pokemon.
Lily: But how could, Latios, and Lucario stay beside you if they died.
Ash: When I got betrayed my closest friends and the girl that I love and will always love. Anyway after that I went on a mission to shut down every criminal organization in the pokemon world, My first mission went against Team Rocket and it was also then Mewtwo joined me and my team, Mewtwo was created by Team Rocket as clone from Mew, and since I saved him from destroying the world, he always knew what I felt, so without that I knew that he followed me I killed one team rocket member after another but when I met there leader, with showed up and killed him instead and since then he was on my team. Then we went to Shamouti Island to met up with Lugia, but Lugia wanted to come with me, and from the sky a rainbow showed up from nowhere, and Ho-oh Showed up, then when I found out that I had power to bring pokemon back to life, I quickly ordered Ho-oh to bring me to Alto Mare, but when í took the first step in the town I was tackled to the ground by Latias, I told her that I had come to bring her brother back to life, she was so happy that she brought me to the grave.
I Put my hand over his heart and transferred my energy to save his life, but I had to be careful not to use to much energy, if I did a would have been dead. Anyway since I always sacrifice myself so I thought that this time would be no difference and I was right. I saved Latios Life and since I told him that the one who had send the tital way on the city was gone of the world Latios and Latias wanted to come with me, but I talked to Bianca first so that she would be ok with it.
When I reviewed Lucario he also wanted to come with me, behind my back was Mew and she also wanted to come with me, Giratina was the same as Mewtwo when I was trying to shut down Team Galactic I faced one on one with there leader but just in the time I was going to sent out my Mewtwo, Giratina showed up and killed him instead.
I also manage to shut down Team Aqua and Team Magma from Hoenn region! Team rocket with there Meowth I killed with one attack.
When I heard Victini voice in my head I knew that this wasn't in a region that I had been to, but as fast as I came to Unova region, I was met by two legendary dragons with name Zekrom and Reshiram they asked me what I was doing in there region so I told them that the legendary Pokemon Victini has sent me to find her. I showed them my other legendaries and they wanted to be a part of my Pokemon team. I found the place where Victini was trapped, so I used my legendary pokemon to tracked down there leader and bring him to me, and if they met other people the only thing they could do was to kill them no one was going to destroy our plan to shut the down. So I saved Victini and told her that she is free to go whatever she wanted to go, but as my other legendary she wanted to come with me. So I catched her, and then went to find there leader and to kill him. When he was dead I brought out all of my Pokemon and said mission accomplished.
Then 1 and a half year later I stay here in the stadium, not only to prove everyone how good I am, but also to show my former friends. That's one of the reasons why Kanto will never be my favorite region, the best gym leaders is in Sinnoh, but the best Gym Leader I have ever faced believe it or not but that gym leader is Norman Marple of Petalburg City!
Hoenn region
May and Max: What did he say?
May: It really looks like he meant it to!
Max: But I thought that it would have been Volkner.
May: This might explain why he said that Hoenn is his favorite region!
Max: Really you don't think that he think that way because of that you live in that region, I mean you heard him say that it's you and I who made it his favorite?
May: Yes but is it only cause he loves me or is for other reasons to?
Max: You should actually be happy that he doesn't love someone else. What I mean by that is that when he needed us the most, whe abandoned him.
May: Yeah I know but, I didn't knew that he would have said it on the television.
Max: Can you blame him? he just answer question about how he caught all his legendary Pokemon, he just killed every member of every criminal organization, and he never gets anything, not even a thank you. He should be in the history books!
Lily: Why do you hate Kanto so much?
Ash: Do you want the long or short one?
Lily: Short one!
Ash: Ok! The reason shy I hate Kanto so much is number:
1. The two people went by my side trought both Kanto and Johto, and then after the Sinnoh league. Those two people decided to manipulate my others friends with mind tricks like, I had all every criminal organization after me, the next thing they brought up the story's of when in order to save Mew and Mewtwo does to I died, in order to bring peace in the world, then when I was outside my body I talked to Mew and Mewtwo that everyone isn't bad people, sure I sacrificed myself, but who other who had done the same. I'm pretty sure that no one here would step a foot on the battlefield if Mew and Mewtwo was in a fight! Am I right?
Everyone is complete silenced.
Ash: I thought so, I will always sacrifice myself in order to protect the world, cause no one else does I had seen more bad things than must of all of you had seen together.
Ash: Those two so called friends, is the reason why I hate Pewter city and Cerulean City. That's also why I brought it up before the battle. Reason number 2. My favorite region will always be Hoenn and it's many reasons, First of all and the main point, The one that I loves live there and even if I don't even have seen her since that they betrayed me, I never stopped to love her, cause some part of my heart told me that she wasn't the Master behind the plan, and now that I know the whole story, Brock gym leader of Pewter City and Misty gym leader of Cerulean City, you will always be on my hit list, if you know what I mean so you better hide our else. The 3 reason is that all there pokemon has an so unique style that impossible for someone who had now been there two understand. I have lived in Hoenn region for 5 years now, and I love it.
Ash: That's the short version!
Lily: Hm I see, god I'm so ashamed to be from Cerulean City.
Ash: Hey it's not you who is the problem whit the city, and I want to ask you a question?
Lily: What kind of question?
Ash: How many pokemon do you have?
Lily: I have 35 pokemon at the moment! Why do you ask?
Ash: Cause I want you to have one of this. It's I poke glove so you can train all your 35 pokemon at the same time, it will help a lot trust me, and thanks for a good match but I think it's time to make your Wortartle to evolve into the giant Blastiose! Are you ready for my final attack from my Blaziken?
Lily: OH I completely forgot about the battle, I was so caught up in your story.
Ash: Well you waren't the only one just check the audience they went complete silence when I asked everyone if they would had done the same thing in that situation.
Lily looks at the crowd who is complete silenced.
Ash: Are you ready for the big final, is everyone ready cause this will be a major attack!
Ash: Blaziken MAGMA STORM!
Blaziken looks up in the sky and fires and overheat at it and then the Overheat transforms to 5 Fire bolts from the sky and hit Wartortle on his stomach!
Judge: Wartortle is unable to battle! Blaziken and Ash Ketchum wins the match!
Wartortle glows white and grows bigger and 5 seconds later it's revealed and shout Blastiose!
Lily: Thank you Ash, not only for the battle, and the story, but also that you made both Ryhorn and Wartortle to evolve!
She runs across the battle field and kisses Ash on the mouth, she brakes a part and says.
Lily: Thank you so much and if I see Misty I will beat her up!
Ash: Your welcome and as talented as you are I'm sure that we will met again in the future, just remember with great pokemon hearts you can form any pokemon you want two be you best. I wish you good luck!
Hoenn region
May: Ash have lived in our region for five years. I wonder where he lived.
Max: well I think he lived in a small city where it was a great training area.
May: Yeah I think you are right.
Max: but his story was so emotional, it hurts so much what we did to him.
May: I know I feel the same way. But did you se that he evolved to pokemon in one battle, and the fact that he has 10 legendary pokemon, and all the starters from every region. That's incredible. Max do you think that if he wins the tournament that he will try to beat the Elite Four?
Max: If I know Ash, he will never step down from a challenge like that, and I got a feeling that he will beat them all.
May: Me to. What do you say about some dinner?
Max: Sure, but mom is not home.
May: I know but I can cook food!
Max: Are you sure?
May: Yes I'm sure now come on!
Meanwhile in Sinnoh region
Dawn: So he has a Empoleon to, how many Pokemon can we have who is the same. And he also has 10 legendaries and all of them he has either saved or god killed for. How do he does it, he is like an angel from the sky, who never complains about anything, always treats everyone good, just look at the way that Lily looks at Ash I'm sure that she likes him, and the kiss not a normal thank you kiss. I wonder now that he had picked one Kanto, and Hoenn team if it's Sinnoh next? I hope so, cause they will be good fights, cause not many people had even seen them
Kanto region
Good battle everyone! Now I'm going to treat you who is hurt, Manectric lets look at your wounds, ok you are burned and have 30% life left so I'm going to give you one Full Restore so you will be released from the pain and then you can join the others.
Ash sprays on the wound and Manectric grimace then when the pain has stopped she calmed down and nuzzled with Ash face.
Ash: it's no problem, I'm happy to se that you are ok and your attack was brilliant, so strong, and beautiful you miss the contest aren't you!
Manectric nods and nuzzled with Ash again.
Ash: Can you tell every one that, dinner will be done in 15 minutes?
Manectric growls
Ash: That's good to hear!
After the dinner Ash tells them about what they thought about the story that he told everyone on the battlefield and on the television?
Norman: I think you where brilliant, you told them that the world are safe, and that you always will protect them, cause everybody else just thinks about themselves, which prove on what kind of person you are. You never asks for anything even if you need it, You always saves the one that you care about, you have saved like 30 legendary without even trying to catch one, which also proves that you are more than just a pokemon trainer, you are also an inspiration for many people and after what you told everyone today, it will only be better. It's just one thing that I don't understand?
Ash: What's that?
Norman: You said that you had lived in Hoenn for the last five years, which town did you live in.
Ash begins to laugh then begins to talk
Ash: I never lived in a town, I lived in the mountain so I could train and relax in peace, you see if I had lived in town, everyone who had known that it was me who lived there, and when the rumors are out, the people are always coming, and I wouldn't be able to train my pokemon if I lived in a city, cause all my legendaries have on team each to train but under my control.
Norman: Wow you make a lot of sense. But what do you mean by that your legendaries have there own group to train?
Ash: Well since I have 97 pokemon it's quite hard to train all of them in one time, so I come up with that since Mew and Mewtwo are orginal from Kanto they are captains of them, since Lugia and Ho-oh is Johto legendaries that makes them the leaders of Johto, it's true that I met them in the Johto region, but since but of them are normally from Hoenn I made them the captains of the Hoenn Pokemon , I actually made Giratina and Victini leaders of Sinnoh, Giratina was easy cause he is from Sinnoh, but Victini was put there so Zekrom and Reshiram is my right and left arm cause them are the only one that I had never saved.
Ash: Gary look at your egg it locks ready to hatch!
Gary: Wow this will be so cool!
Ash: don't worry all of you other will also get an egg!
Norman: Why, not that I'm complaining but shy?
Ash: well it wouldn't be fair if Gary get an legendary pokemon, and you don't so I will give you all one egg each, and when I see, May, Max and Dawn they will also get one, plus that Caroline and Johanna also will get one!
Delia hugged her son tight and kisses him on his forehead and whisper
Delia: I always knew you where special, but not like this, you are like a god of pokemon!
Ash laugh at what his mother told him.
Gary: I can't believe it it's a Mew!
Ash: I told you she is special, and the thing with Mew is that it can learn every attack in the world except for special moves from other legendaries! And Mew's attack will only be as powerful as you training it to be!
Ash continue after he went to his backpack and takes out a pokemon!
Ash: Here for one and each of you! You all have deserved one! Remember these egg's will not be the same as Gary have, it will be another legendary that I have right now, right infront of you!
Everyone hugged Ash for a long time until Ash became tired, and decided that he will go to sleep, so he can be ready for tomorrow, with the Sinnoh team and in the final Kanto my Orginal 6!
Ash: Good Night everyone! See you tomorrow!
Delia hugged Ash again and said Good Night!
Next Chapter
Semi Final and battle for the Championship!
Dawn's reaction with the Sinnoh team!
The other egg hatches!
Thanks for reading this chapter! Please leave feedback, i need it, cause this is my first fanfiction story!