Sorry I haven't updated for a while, but this is the ending so I wanted to spend extra time on it!
It's the ending everyone so get ready! (I might add an epilogue later, but so far, this is the ending!) I really really really enjoyed writing this fic and I hope you've enjoyed reading it! Thank you to anyone who reviewed or followed favourited or even bothered to read this story.
Cammie's POV
The world comes rushing back to me too fast, too quickly. I really do not want to force myself up this morning, but thanks to Macey, Liz and Bex's wake up calls, I'm used to waking up at four o'clock in the morning and now I can't stop.
Hold that thought. Had I really woken up by myself? Every single day I have to wake up to Macey throwing a bucket of freezing water on me or Bex flipping me onto the floor painfully or Liz experimenting her newest wake up alarm/electric shock wave contraption on me. Even Abby contributes by threatening to make me spar her or Bex instead of Zach. But today is different. I've woken up by myself – I'm still alone in this room and I'm still lying in this bed without anyone torturing me. I can lie in here peacefully.
So that's what I do, until I hear a groaning sound from the kitchen and then the faint sound of a guy talking, whose voice was too rough to be Zach's. It's 05:12 so there's no reason for any guy to be here except for Zach. And wait a second. Why am I on the bed anyway? I usually sleep on the sofa with my best friends. Feeling suspicious, I silently pad towards the door, wondering what the hell is going on. As I near the door, I can finally hear something.
"What are all these roses doing here?" someone asks.
"Oh, when Cammie had to clear all the roses from the locker up she arranged them around the apartment instead of throwing them away," someone – Bex – explains.
A collective "aww!" ripples through a group of people's voices, about four girls and four guys. Then another voice says excitedly "I think the plan's working" and I figure out it's Dee Dee. That makes me guess that the group consists of Liz, Jonas, Grant, Bex, Macey, Dillon, Zach and Dee Dee.
"Remind me why we have to be here," someone yawns, who I distinguish is Dee Dee.
Macey sighs exasperatedly. "We've got to go over the plans and everything-"
"Wait a second," Dillon says suddenly. "How the hell did you get into our rooms? I mean, I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't let you into the house at four thirty in the morning."
"I climbed through the window," Macey explains. "Anyway-"
"Stalker!" Grant says loudly, earning some 'shhh's from everyone else.
"Be quiet!" Macey snaps, starting to lose her patience. "So all we need to do is-"
That's all I get to hear before my bedroom door suddenly swings open and I collapse into the corridor. Looking up, I see Bex standing over me with an amused expression. She's grinning, but she's also looking slightly panicked as though she's worried I might have hear something important.
"Someone's been a nosy parker, haven't they?" she says, cocking a hip and calling for everyone else to shut up, because I am awake. "How much did you hear?"
"Basically nothing," I shrug, pulling myself painfully into a sitting position. "You were all fooling around."
She narrows her eyes, scrutinizing my facial expression as I fidget under her gaze. Finally she lets it go, choosing to trust me. Then she walks back towards the group. I stalk over to them too, this time with an angry, miffed expression.
"What were you talking about?" I demand loudly, staring at all of them, thinking and calculating.
"Just about your crush," Macey shrugs. Everyone else looks at her, horrified, but relieved, as though they can't believe she revealed what they were talking about… or what they were sort of talking about, judging from the Roseville kids' expressions.
"What crush?" I ask curiously. "I don't remember having a crush…" Then I realise they must have figured out my feelings for Zach and turn beet red. How embarrassing, Zach's in this room with me.
"Told you she's got a crush," Macey grins at the rest of the group, who nod and smile slyly at each other.
"Hey Cammie!" Jonas hurries towards me in the corridor. Many of the other boys are looking at him jealously because he's one of my friends, while they're just guys watching me and wishing they could talk to me. It makes me smile. Sometimes, being popular feels good and it's times like this, where everyone's watching you with awe that just makes my day. That's not to say it's not hard work though. It may be easy just to be popular, but to be popular and nice to everyone? That's back breaking. It's times like that, where I have to keep my happy face on even if I'm feeling especially moody and I'm on PMS, that just ruins my day.
"Hey Jonas," I greet back. "What's up?"
"Oh, it's just another note from your secret admirer," Jonas shrugs, but he's smiling as though a plan is sliding into action.
"A note?" I exclaim, smiling happily. My secret admirer, whoever he is, is the best! He's so sweet and I love all the roses he sent me yesterday. I hope he's that sweet in real life. At least I know it's not Josh. He looked truly happy kissing Dee Dee yesterday.
"Yeah, your secret admirer gave it to me to give to you," he explains, again shrugging.
I look up and down the corridor. Any of these boys who are studying my expression right now could be my secret admirer. In fact, anyone in the school could be my secret admirer! I slowly open the note and break into an even bigger smile. It reads:
Dear Cammie,
Today's the lucky day where you get to see who I am! Meet me at 20:00 at the Chez Roseville.
Love you,
Your secret admirer
I get to meet him at last! I'm so happy that I feel like jumping up and down, which I do, all the way to the classroom.
[The moment you've all been waiting for – 20:00]
I've figured out that Macey, Liz and Bex are in on this plan to set me up on this blind date. All day, Liz has been asking me whether I'm sure that I'm going or not or subtly dropping it into the conversation. Most girls wouldn't see the way Liz has been going about it the whole day, but I'm not like most girls. I'm a Gallagher girl. I'm trained to, as Mr Solomon says, 'notice stuff'. Dee Dee, Jonas, Grant and Dillon weren't surprised when I told them about how I'm going on a blind date tonight. They looked happy, but not surprised at all. Even Zach, with his extensive training, had a bad time trying to cover up. Macey and Bex had my outfit planned and ready for me even before I walked into the apartment after school.
If I was in any other circumstance, I would be annoyed with them. They know who my admirer is – heck, they've even told me about how they know who he is and they've told me he's 'safe'! – and they're not telling me the identity.
But I'm not in any other circumstance. In a minute, I'll know who he is anyway!
"Hello," the waiter greets me as I walk in through the posh glass doors. "Table for two?"
"No, my date's already here, I think," I reply smoothly, as though I'm on a covert operation instead of a blind date. "It's a blind date?"
"Ah," the waiter nods. "Are you Cammie Morgan?"
"This way please," he leads me towards a table with a rose in the middle, before leaving us. There's a guy in a smart tux, his head hidden behind a menu. His hair looks the same colour as Zach's (STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!), but that's not too uncommon, because there are quite a few people I know with the same shade of hair colour.
"Hello, Cammie." My breath catches. I know the voice before I see the face. It's Zach's. His hair was his hair, not some other guy with the same colour. His beautiful green eyes as beautiful as always. In the tux, he looks so different from usual, so clean. He's sexier than I ever imagined anyone could be. He's the best combination of cute and hot that I could dream of. There's no flaw with Zachary Goode.
"Z-Zach?" I stutter, before my confusion turning into sizzling anger. "Zach, is this some kind of a joke? Are you videoing this so you can have a laugh about it later? Because I can't believe you'd be mean enough to set me up like this."
I'm about to leave, when a hand catches onto my arm and pulls me back. Frustrated, I try to pull my arm back, ignoring the stares of others, but Zach is still as strong as I remember him to be when I train with him in the mornings and evenings.
"Cammie, I haven't set you up. Give me a chance," Zach pleads and the only thing that stops me from leaving is the begging expression on his face.
"Fine," I sigh and sit down in the chair. Zach takes his place on the opposite side of the table.
"Cammie, I really like you," Zach says, taking one of my hands in a horribly clichéd move, but we both know that I love clichés. "Scratch that. I don't really like you, I really love you."
"So… I'm not just one of your one night flings?" I ask hesitantly, not wanting to open up to him, in case he breaks my heart like Grant and Josh have done before him.
"No, you're not," Zach smiles faintly. "You've been my secret crush for a long time."
My eyes widen. "You can't be serious! You said you liked your crush ever since the October of sophomore year! You didn't know me then!"
"I did," he says quietly. "We'd met. You probably don't remember it…"
It hits me.
"You were the boy at the trash can, weren't you?" I ask, smiling at the memory. "I just came out of the bin and you were there."
"You remember it!" he grins.
"Of course I do. It only took me a while to remember who it was," I roll my eyes. This has to be one of our most awkward moments together, but somehow we're still getting it to roll smoothly. That's one of the best things I like about Zach and me. Then I say suddenly, "Wait a second. That means you had a bet on me with your friend seeing whether he could hook up with me. Is that the reason why Grant walked up to me on the third day of school?"
"Yeah," Zach says guiltily. "I really regret that. I wanted to be the one to hook up with you, but I thought I'd feel guilty for girl-stealing his girlfriend. Then Grant went and did it and it was too late for me to step in. I'm serious. You have been my secret crush since that October night," he smiles dazzlingly. "I couldn't stop thinking about you and that's why I lied to my mom about getting information. I pretended I didn't know you had a boyfriend, when you were the only thing Josh could talk about."
"Was I the reason you quit the Circle?" I ask, shivering slightly at the prospect of this heavenly body liking me, a mere mortal.
He nods, grinning even more, "You're the biggest reason."
"Was I really that oblivious?" I start to smile too. The whole situation is quite ludicrous, really.
"Hell yeah, you were!" he grins.
I pondered for a moment. "Then why didn't you tell me before?"
"I told you why," he says. "I didn't have the courage to tell you."
"But… why me?" I ask. "There are loads of other better fish in the sea, right?"
"I love you for who you are," Zach smirks at me, as though it's me confessing that I like him, not the other way around. "I love how you're so modest and how you don't know how pretty you are. You're the perfect girl. You're clever, you're pretty, you're great personality wise, and you're a spy, like me. That's why."
"Do you really think all that stuff about me?" I ask hesitantly. "Are you sure you have a crush on me?"
The smirk is wiped straight off his face. "What? Do you not want me to like you?"
"Of course not!" I reply, almost bursting into tears of happiness. "You've got no idea how much I've been hurting! I didn't want to let myself like you, because that would be mega awkward for you!"
"Cammie, you really were oblivious, weren't you?"
I smile, holding back even more tears. "I really, really, really like you, Zach, and I think I always have, even if I didn't know it."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious," I try to contain my giggles at how crazy the situation is.
"Yeah, says the girl who is laughing," he laughs back, before looking at me serenely.
"Um, so are we an item?" I ask nervously, fidgeting with my sleeves.
"For a spy, you really aren't that clever," he laugh, standing up. He takes my hand and pulls me up too, drawing the attention of everyone in the restaurant. I wonder what he's doing. But instead of pulling me up and just taking my hand, he drags me towards him and elegantly dips me. Then as his face comes closer to mine, I realise what's happening. My heart skipped a beat and before our lips met, I just had the time to smile dazzlingly at him. Our lips touched and fireworks were going off behind the lids of my closed eyes. It was deep and meaningful, but not in a rushed let's-start-making-out-right-now way. In it all my feelings for Zach flooded out: desire, joy, gentleness, ecstasy and most importantly, love. I had never felt anything like this before. This kiss made any of Josh's or Grant's look like a friendly hug. I had never experienced anything so beautiful before. I couldn't hear the rest of the restaurant cheering for the cute teenage couple, I couldn't act except wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips harder to his, I couldn't even think about anything except Zach's lips.
Well that would be lying. I knew one other thing.
I was totally, utterly in love with Zachary Goode.