Hinata looked around the village as she strode down the rode to her house. It was around 8 in the afternoon in Konoha, the sun was setting and the sky was red with a purple tint. "Hmm... My performance has been going down so much lately... I don't know what's going on with me." Hinata thought to herself. For the past couple weeks, her training with her squad has been a little shaky. Maybe it was the lack of sleep? Maybe it was the new video game she started playing at home that she is now addicted to? Or maybe it's her family preassuring with their usual Hyuga mumbo jumbo?

"Clop clop clop" was the sound of her gentle footsteps as the Hyuga beauty continued to make her way home. Hinata herself wandered if she could do anything about her problem. "I can't simply go out and practice my combat outside," she began, "my family won't allow me to go outside during some of our family practices, and I simply won't give up playing Backyard Monsters."

As she opened her front door, a gruff, commanding voice called out to her. "Hinata!", the voice called out.

"Yes, father?", Hinata replied in respect to her dad, Hiashi.

"Go clean up the attic, it is cluttered up with scrolls!"

Hinata subtly sighed in disappointment. She comes home after some rough training with her squad, just for her father to tell her to do more work? She bowed, "Yes father.", she responded, and made her way to her room.

Hinata sat herself on her bed, and slipped off her fashionable sandals off her soft feet. It felt good to finally take off those bothersome sandals after wearing them the whole day. She liked being barefoot.

After, she unzipped her gray and purple jacket, since her house had proper heating for the cold winter nights. Her perfectly developed D-cupped breasts bounced out of her jacket as she unzipped it, as if they were already beggining to be set free. Of course, though, she wore a loose black shirt underneath

"Well, might as well get started, the sooner the better.", Hinata decided, and stood up. She walked across the hall, her feet making a soft pitter patter with every step. She finally got to the ladder that led to the attic. Hinata sighed. "Here we go."

She made her way up, peg by peg, the hard wood hurting her feet, keeping a tight grip with her hands.

When she climbed up, Hinata's eye widened. Not because of the darkness in the room, but because of all the scrolls. There were piles after piles of scrolls, each with a color label, some needing to be rolled back into scrolls, some torn.

Hinata floundered over to the first pile of scrolls. She couldn't believe her father would make her work on such a task so late. Couldn't it have been done in the morning? Could it not wait?

She picked up a couple scrolls labeled with red. They were neatly rolled up and taped with the red label. She neatly stacked them inside, only thinking of how her father might like the scrolls to be placed.

After about 45 minutes of tiring organization, Hinata stumbled across something funny; a scroll with a purple seal, and a red star. Funny thing was it wasn't completely sealed. It was untapped and open, but still curled, and a piece of torn paper on the purple tape, obviously meaning it has been opened before.

Hinata opened up the curled scroll, inspecting it and reading it from top to bottom throughly. "Performance enhancement scroll," she read aloud, "sounds like something steroid related. She giggle to herself and kept reading. She smiled.

"M-maybe... I can impress Kiba this way...", she thought to herself, knowing very well that her heart now belonged to Kiba. And Hinata herself has been noticing that Kiba has been much friendlier to her for some unknown reason, but again, she can't jump to the conclusion that he liked her.

She kept thinking of how this "Performance enhancement scroll" could help her do better during training, maybe even during missions. She was done with her chore, so why not just consider it? Hinata slipped the scroll into her pants-pocket, and headed down to her room.