Okay, I can't even begin to imagine how disappointed you guys are to find that this isn't a chapter (and I know, I suck), and I don't want to add any more disappointment to that but I have to.

I found that, during the last few chapters of DDD, my inspiration and dedication had been decreasing with my speed. I guess it comes with having to post a chapter a week. And, after more than a month of break, I realized that I work way better when I'm not tied to a drabble collection, like, just writing one-shots whenever I feel like it and posting them whenever. I know I had so many support from here and I appreciate that, but I'm sorry to say that continuing this series might be a bit bleak. I'm not saying that I'll stop writing, but I'll probably post them as a separate one-shot instead of here. I'm still going to post the continuation of experiment sometime, because I feel like I owe you guys at least that. And, I won't be gone from this fandom or anything! You'll be seeing more of me, I promise :)

Now, because all of you are wonderful people who stuck by me through the end, I'll give each of you guys a little gift, in return for all the support. Just hit me up with a request one-shot for a pairing (could be anything from this fandom, but of course, I write NaLu better) and a prompt, and I'll write it for you! Like, seriously, I would want a request from each one of you because I owe you guys so much (so it's like a thank you-sorry-see you later gift).

And, can we like all be friends? You guys are all so nice and I would want to talk to all of you and keep in touch (/*o*)/ - that was supposed to be a hug but it looks really creepy.

Well, since this is not goodbye, I'll say "see you later"! Because, really, we will (not literally, of course, because that's just creepy of me).