**** Here is the final chapter – I hope you've enjoyed the story and thanks for reading ! ****

The four friends chatted throughout the day and Steve would fall asleep frequently.
He was sleeping when Danny's phone rang a little before four o'clock.
Hanging up he turned to Chin and Kono, "Gracie and Rachel are here. I need to prepare her for how Superman looks"

Danny left the room and as he stepped out of the elevator in the lobby he heard Gracie instantly, "DANNO!"
He turned just in time to catch the little girl as she jumped, flinging herself into his arms.
"Whoa, hey Monkey!"
He kissed her and then carrying her they moved over to a couch in the lobby, "Daddy, can't we go see Uncle Steve now?"
"In a minute baby. I just wanted to talk to you first"
"Is Uncle Steve okay?"

"Yes, yes…..he's doing much better. I just want to tell you a little bit about his injuries before you see him. Remember I told you he hurt his head right?"
Danny went on to tell her why Steve's head was shaved and he explained the stitching and bruising that covered his head and face. He told her of his arm and shoulder injuries and of his broken ribs.

She then looked at him stating simply, "Okay Daddy, can I see him now?"
He glanced at Rachel and then smiling at his precious daughter he said, "Yes, let's go"

Taking her Daddy's hand they moved to the elevator and moments later Danny was holding her in his arms as they looked down at Steve who was still sleeping.
"Can I wake him up Daddy?"
"Sure, you can touch his shoulder here, it's not hurt"
Danny sat her on the edge of the bed and she gently shook his shoulder while saying, "Uncle Steve, wake up Uncle Steve"

His eyes opened and a huge smile enveloped his face as his gaze fell on her, "Hi sweetheart, how are you?"
She smiled back as the simple sound of his voice brought her comfort, "I'm good, how are you feeling?"
"A lot better Gracie and I'm very happy to see you"
"I'm sorry you got hurt so bad"
"Hey you don't worry your pretty little head about me. I'm tough….almost as tough as your Danno"
"You're really black and blue Uncle Steve, doesn't it hurt?"
"Just a little bit. Danno's taking really good care of me"
"That's a BIG cast on your arm, does it hurt?"
"Nope, not at all. Do you know they put screws in my arm to hold the bones together"
The six year old wrinkled her nose, "OOOOOOHHHH that sounds yucky"
"But think of how strong my bones will be when they heal"
She giggled, "You're silly Uncle Steve"

Danny saw the joy his daughter was bringing to his partner and it warmed his heart.
She then asked the injured man, "Uncle Steve can we turn on Sponge Bob?"
Chin chuckled, "Sponge Bob, what's that?"

Steve looked at Chin and responded seriously, "Not what Chin, who. Do you not know who Sponge Bob is? He lives in a pineapple under the sea?"
The Asian detective added, "Oh, of course he does…."
Danny flipped on the television and then he helped her lay down, her tiny body curling up in the crook of Steve's shoulder.

Gracie provided a play by play of the episode to Chin and Kono and after visiting for a couple of hours, she gave Steve a hug and a kiss and then everyone left except Danny.

They sat in silence for a few minutes both smiling before Danny spoke softly, "Steve, I'm so sorry I hurt you"
"Hurt me? What are you talking about? I thought you understood that this wasn't your fault?"
"I mean before the accident. When we almost crashed earlier in the day. I'm so ashamed of the things I said to you. I know, and I knew then, how much you love Gracie. It was very unfair of me to say that I didn't trust you with her. Please forgive me, please know I never meant that"

"Danny, I know you didn't mean it and there is nothing to forgive. I couldn't possibly love that little girl more than I do and I will always do whatever it takes to keep her safe. You have changed my life Danny, you and Gracie have changed my life. You have given me a family again. Since I was fifteen years old, I've been on my own, my Mother killed, and being separated from my Dad and sister. I decided back then never to let anyone hurt me again, to never let anyone get that close. Catherine has cracked my shell a bit but the day I met Gracie at that football game….I dropped all my defenses. I went home that night and I was the happiest I had been in twenty years because I knew I had a family again in you and Gracie, Chin and Kono. You have nothing to be sorry for partner. You've given me my life back. In fact, I've been wanting to apologize to you about that incident as well. I need to be more cautious, can you forgive me?"

Danny laughed, "You are really something else McGarret you know that? You're lying here after almost dying while saving my daughter and you've got everything turned around so much that you're asking for forgiveness?"

"Well…yeah, do you forgive me?"
"As you said, there's nothing to forgive. I love you man"
"I love you too partner"

Over the next few days Steve's recovery went well and after five days he was able to return home with Danny taking up residence on his favorite couch.

Steve underwent intense physical therapy on his left arm and he was able to return to office work within ten weeks of the incident.

As for Steve and Danny, they would look back on this time as the time they truly became much more than partners. They were in every sense of the word 'Ohana'


********** I hope you all enjoyed the ending. Please let me know, reviews are always very appreciated and they provide great inspiration to continue to write ! **********