This will be a series, okay. X But first finish this. This fanfic was inspired by Some Girl101's 'Being A Girl' . Except with my little twist. To be honest, I haven't gone past her second chapter, too afraid to. LOL. So I don't know what happens after Ch2. XD This is just a little free write I wanted to do with the paring Fem!LuffyxShanks.
It had been a rather hectic week. The Straw-hat Pirates were now docked at Logue Town, all circled together discussing plans.
"So, we'll be using this cloaking device to disguise our ship," Nami explained to the crew, holding a small blue devise with black markings. "It'll last for about a week or two- plenty of time to find some info about Luffy's... problem."
The crew sighed- excluding Luffy who was practically jumping up and down, wanting to get off the ship and start looking. Robin chuckled and said, turning to the orange-haired navigator, "Shouldn't we disguise, Captain-san?"
Usopp blustered, "Why? It's already hard enough to tell this is Luffy! I mean- just look at him!" Usoppp was screaming, pointing accusingly at the oblivious Luffy who was looking Longley at the town.
Sanji looked carefully at Luffy and said, "He's okay."
"I don't see a problem," Zoro agreed, Chopper nodding his head as well.
Nami looked a little hesitant, but Robin argued. "Yes, but Captain-san will gain more attention dressed as this, yes? More... suitors, don't you think? A pirate-like look to a very beautiful, cute girl will gain many a pirates' attention, no?"
Sanji and Zoro stiffened and looked at their still oblivious captain, eyeing his new more femine body.
Grinning slyly, Nami said, "Yes! So we should dress Luffy up so he'll get fewer suitors."
"Dress him." Robin giggled at Zoro's and Sanji's blunt reply. "We're going." And off they walked with a Luffy struggling in Robin's hand trap.
"Lemme go!" He hollered, trying to follow after Sanji and Zoro.
"Oh come on!" Usopp exclaimed, trying to save his captain's pride as a man, "Just because Luffy has been transformed into a girl doesn't mean HE SHOULD DRESS LIKE ONE!"
"Would you like to dress up as so, Sharpshooter-san?" Robin asked. Usopp gulped along with Chopper and fled.
"YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, LUFFY!" The two screamed as they ran into the town, abandoning their now female captain.
"You guys..."
Nami snickered, dragging the still fighting female-Luffy, followed by Robin. She could remember the entire event that led them into this situation.
In summary, they had stopped at a small little island to eat under some palm trees, play at the beach and just relax. Luffy, who wanted to take a nap, had rested under a fruit tree. Chopper had noticed a very strange fruit that was bright vivid, neon pink next to Luffy. Just as he was about to pick it up, Luffy snored it in. And that was when a pink glow covered Luffy revealing him as a... her. Of course, Luffy was pissed and confused, Sanji was all BEAUTIFUL~, but became very brotherly-protective along with Zoro towards their now female captain. Robin was amazed and asked Luffy many questions. The other three just passed out in utter shock. That was when they met a very mysterious old man named Grahg who explained the fruit to them. It was a strange devil fruit he found and had left there while he went for a small hike. He said they would have to go to Logue Town to meet Grehga, his sister, for she may most likely know how to get rid of this 'gender bend'. And without further a-do, Luffy had them set off back to Lounge Town.
"I hate this," they heard Luffy mutter.
Finally, Luffy was free and still couldn't find this Grehga-lady. Hungry, the now female captain, walked into a bar to get something to eat. Of course stares look at the beauty that walked in.
She stood of average height, with black hair that went just barely to her shoulders. Dark eyes that were large and gave an innocent look. Her lashes were long and thick, standing out to her very creamy-colored porcelain skin that seemed to slightly glow. She wore black pants rolled up above her knees with a loose button down red shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and a white-bikini top underneath. On her feet were sandals and a dirty-brown, worn out sling bag was hanging off one shoulder. Boy-ish clothing, but very cute and very female for her curves and very, very, large chest. Her body was an hourglass, they could see slightly, muscled legs that were strong but smooth and soft. Her arms looked a bit slender.
The girl sat the bar and ordered something.
"Look at those curves!" A drunken pirate exclaimed, eyeing the black-head's hips and large breasts.
"Her hair is short and has a scar under her right eye," his companon said, also drunk, "But her ass makes up for it, eh?"
"I think her scar makes her look more cute."
"Well I think her boobs make her more sexy!"
Luffy at this point had quiestion marks blinking all round her head. Looking at the cheif she asked, "What are they doing on about?"
The bar-man stared at the pretty girl in disbelief. "Y-you."
"Weird-os." The girl shrugged and began to eat as politely as possible as Nami told her so. Luffy just couldn't understand why she had to, but Nami said if she didn't... Luffy just won't be getting any meals for the rest of the week.
"Hey sexy!" A drunken pirate husked out in what he thought was a sexy voice to the oblivious girl. Getting no response from her, the man pushed her fine shoulder faintly thinking of its smooth, soft feel under his rough hand.
Annoyed and frustrated that someone had the gall to bother her while she turned to the man and said, "What? I'm eating. Bother me later, stink." Luffy's small noise slightly scrunched up as he smelt his awful breath.
Furious, the man brought out his gun earning gasps from the other pirates. Some sprang up to stop the man from shooting. But it was too late.
Luffy was clam as she gracefully just moved slightly from the bullets. Said bullets shattered a few of the sake bottles on the shelf behind the barman, who was cowering underneath the booth. Luffy knocked a punch onto the man's jaw, sending him flying through the bar's wall. "Shishishishi," she snickered, then turning to the barman who was watching her wide-eyed. She gave him a large amount of beli, saying carelessly while walking out of the bar, "Thanks or the food! That should be enough to pay for the damages! Keep the change! Shishishishi."
"T-thank you, m-ma'am."
"Aaaa-ah!" Luffy yawned, stretching her arms as she walked from the bar. "This town is nosier than when I last came here."
"So I guess you're not resident?" A much-too-familiar voice asked her, his breathe basking her right ear.
Startled from the closeness of the voice, Luffy punched out to the man only to have her fist blocked and held onto by a large, tanned hand. "Eh?"
Still holding her fisted hand, he said, "I'm Shanks. What's your name?"
'Oh shit...'
Thank You For Reading!
Now onto Chapter 2