I saw the new promo and this came out of it. Enjoy.

He couldn't believe this was actually happening. After a few weeks of dating (and innocent make-out sessions) Maya was finally letting him go further. And for one thing, in his room. Though, he wasn't going to get his hopes up too high, after all, she was still only 14 years old. They had just gotten to his empty house about 5 minutes before. He was taking off his jacket, and she was sitting on his bed, biting her lower lip and looking around, before her eyes set on him as he sat down next to her.

He gave her a reassuring smile, and then leaned in to kiss her. It took a moment, but she started to kiss him back, which was when he slowly and gently lay her on her back, and kept kissing her, gentle and soft.

Imagine his surprise when she pressed her lips against his harder, and kissed him deeper. He felt her tongue flicking against him so he opened his mouth and let her in, doing the same with her, as for the first time in their entire relationship, they kissed passionately. Her left arm went around his neck and her right hand tangled with his hair as she pulled him closer and pressed her body against his.

He pulled away when he realized they needed to breathe at some point, and got off of her. She slowly sat up, and scooted back a little bit, as he turned around and grabbed his laptop. She touched her lips with the tips of her fingers, still feeling the tingling sensation from his lips. She smiled to herself.

"Why do you have your laptop?" She asked him, and he just shrugged.

"For music. I like… the play some random songs when I'm in my room, so I don't know. Maybe you'll like them too?"

She shrugged, and leaned her chin on his shoulder as he searched for the playlist he wanted. Then he pressed play and alternative music started to play. She looked at him impressed.

"I love alternative music."

He smiled and kissed her. "Good, because it's my favorite genre."

"Mine too." She said quietly and then kissed him again, this time a little deeper before breaking it. They silently listened to the music for a moment, before she lifted her head from his chest and scooted back. Cam looked at her, confused.

She started to unzip her (or really his) red hoodie, and took it off. "It's kind of uhm… hot in here."

He nodded, "Yeah, sure it is." He responded, sort of distractedly as she started to take off her flowy top, leaving her in just a tight tank top. He gulped, and tried to keep it together—at least for her sake.

She threw it to the side, and then looked at him, a sort of mischievous look in her eyes. She told him to come towards her and he did, towering over her, he looked at her hand, noticing it was on his chest, before looking at her.

"What are we doing?" He whispered, "I mean… you're—" She shut him up by kissing him, twisting his shirt in her hand, she pulled him closer, capturing his lower lip in hers, before she released him, letting go of his shirt and breaking the kiss.

"You talk too much." She said, and he gave her a more confident look, before slowly leaning in and kissing her with more passion and feeling he'd ever kissed her with before. She smiled, and kissed him with just as much feeling and passion back.

After a few more minutes, she broke the kiss and he groaned falling to the side. Why did she keep doing that, it was driving him crazy.

Smirking (and the mischievous look back in her eyes) she brought her hands to the end of her tank top and pulled it over her head, to reveal her dark blue bra underneath. The smirk soon disappeared when he didn't say anything, and she got all nervous, unable to read the expression in his eyes.

"Holy…." He started to say, but then stopped. Looking up at her, he smiled, "You're beautiful, My."

Though, to any normal sane girl, hearing the from their boyfriend would actually give them more confidence to have their way with him, but with her, it was much, much different. Though she was confident just a few minutes before, she didn't feel so confident anymore. All she really felt was, well—insecure.

"I—I shouldn't have done this, I'm so—"

"Did you not just hear what I said?" Cam interrupted her, "I just told you, you're beautiful. And it's true, you are."

"No, no. I'm not," She tried to pull the tank top over her head again, but he snatched it away from her, quickly kissing her, to show her he meant what he said. She was beautiful. She had no reason to feel insecure.

She tried to say something but he wouldn't let her. Still holding her shirt, he kissed her harder and deeper, causing her (for the first time ever) to moan against his mouth. Damn it all, if that wasn't the hottest thing he'd ever heard in his life.

He tried to get her to moan again, and succeeded when he felt her gently bite his lower lip, causing him to moan into her mouth. He decided to try something else, and with his free hand, inched his fingers up her side, causing her body to tense.

He broke the kiss and looked at her, breathing heavily. "I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

She smiled at him, "it's fine." And with that, she kissed him and all his thoughts flew out the window. Especially when she started to unzip his hoodie, bring the zipper all the way down, until it opened. She ran her hands along his white t-shirt, and brought them to his back, pulling him against her, she kissed him softer, but still keeping up the pace they had set a few moments before.

They were so into each other, that they didn't hear the door slam downstairs. So imagine their surprise when the door to his room opened and his host mother was standing there, her mouth open. Maya happened to look in her direction at that moment, and abruptly pulled away from him. He looked at her shocked face, and then turned to see his host mother standing there.

"Oh crap." He said and pulled away from her.

"Well, what do we have here?" She asked, her tone very disapproving as Maya tried to cover herself. "Campbell, I thought we said no girls here when no one's home."

"Well, yeah… but…I didn't really think that rule applied to me." He lamely said, "But I guess now I know it does."

Real great logic. He thought to himself, and looked at his girlfriend who was looking away, clearly very embarrassed.

"I think it's time your girlfriend went home. Campbell, I would like to speak with you later." And with that the door closed. He looked at Maya, and noticed her cheeks were even redder and that she had tears in her eyes.


"It's fine. Okay? I mean, the same thing probably would've happened if we were at my house. But anyway, I think it's time I go." She tried to reach for her shirt, but he pulled it away. "Cam, give me back my shirt!" She tried to reach for it again, but ended up falling off the bed, causing a loud thump, which was when the door was thrown open again. She stood up, and covered herself, when she saw that it was Cam's host father.

"I was just leaving. Bye Cam." She said, taking her tank top from Cam and throwing it on, before grabbing her shirt and doing the same. She picked up her bag, and the red hoodie, and with out another word, left the room.

"Wait, Maya—" Cam tried, but his host father stopped him.

"Sit, Campbell."

"Yeah, but I just want to make sure she's okay." He said, but the older man shook his head.

"We need to talk."

Oh was he in for it now.

There will be more, promise. That is if y'all want are interested in it. Side note: I love these two. Other than Clare/Eli, they are just so cute and make me all giggly inside.