Summary: We've finally come to the end of the Road. I want to thank you all who stuck with me to the end. I may be writing other stories later on it depends. Once again thank you.

Chapter 55

"Is this Good?" Fitz asked as he put the final touches on the Christmas Tree.

"Perfect," Olivia said holding her son in her lap. They were spending Christmas with Fitz and Miles in the White House. Miraculously, nobody but their close circle knew of their relationship in the past few months.

"Finally," Fitz said climbing down.

"Can I turn it on now?" Miles asked.

"Yeah go ahead," Fitz told him. Miles turned the Switch on and the Tree Brighten up with the beautiful ray of lights.

"Pretty!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Yes it is," Olivia smiled. All she and Fitz wanted was for their boys to have a Good Christmas especially after the hard year they had.

"Can I open a gift now?" Miles asked.

"Gifts?" Olivia asked a bit confused.

"Oh it's tradition," Fitz explained to her. "We always let everybody open ONE gift on Christmas Eve." Fitz directed his sights at Miles when he said the last line.

"I know. I know," Miles rolled his eyes.

"I can too?" Nathan asked.

"Absolutely," Fitz told him.

"Go see which gift you want sweetie and remember only one," Olivia placed Nathan down as he went to the tree.

"Mommy open this one," Nathan went over and brought a box to Olivia.

"Okay," Olivia said opening it up. She saw it was small jewelry box and her eyes lit up when she saw what was inside it.

"Oh My God," Olivia couldn't believe it. "This is a…ring…" Olivia looked up and saw Fitz kneel in front of her.

"We've been through a lot and all it's proven is that, I don't want anybody else but you. I don't just love you Olivia, you're my soulmate. If you would do me the honor, I would love it if you became my wife.

"I've already asked your son and he's okay with it so now I ask you. Olivia Pope Braxton, will you marry me?"

Olivia couldn't help but start crying.

"Mommy," Nathan went to her.

"I'm okay," Olivia wiped her eyes and looked at Fitz. "Yes. I'll marry you…"

"Thank you," Fitz took the ring and place it on her finger then kissed her lips.

"Finally!" Miles said.

"You took too Long!" Nathan pouted patting Fitz on the shoulder.

"Sorry guys," Fitz said holding Olivia.

"You guys all planned this?" Olivia asked.

"He asked us to help pick out the ring since dad has hardly ANY taste in Jewelry," Miles said.

"Meanwhile my son is almost a precious gems expert," Fitz remarked making Olivia chuckle. "Nathan helped too and told me what you did and didn't like."

"Thank you," Olivia said still looking at the ring on her finger.

"Now I have to ask somebody else an important question," Fitz said.

"What?" Olivia was a bit confused when Fitz got up and went over to Nathan.

"Nathan, I know asked for your mom's hand but I also want to ask…if you would let me be your new dad. I'm not asking to replace your Father because that's your Guardian Angel and I'm asking to be your new dad here."

"So I'll have two daddies?" Nathan asked.

"Yes you will have two daddies."

"Okay!" Nathan smiled and Fitz held him.

"I guess…I can call you Mom now right?" Miles asked Olivia.

"Mom sounds good," Olivia smiled hugging Miles.

When it was time for everybody to turn in, Olivia sat back by the tree looking at her ring finger. She could not believe she was engaged to Fitz again. Part of her wondered if they would make it down the aisle this time around. Suddenly another thought dawned on her as she remembered where they were. Olivia took in her surroundings; she had been here so much visiting Fitz with Nathan it was almost like she had forgotten they were in the White House. If she married Fitz that would mean she would have to move here and assume the role of FLOTUS.

"Hey are you coming to bed?" Fitz pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Oh yeah…soon…" Olivia said as he sat down beside her.

"That ring does look gorgeous on you," Fitz told her caressing the hand it the ring was on admiring it on her finger. He couldn't wait for it to be joined by a wedding band.

"We can't get married yet." Olivia suddenly said.

"Well we're not getting married today…"

"I mean we can't get married any time soon." Olivia looked at him.

"I don't understand…." Fitz looked at her confused.

"I…don't want to be First Lady. I don't…at all."


"I can't do it Fitz. I can't...I can't marry you while you're the President."

"I don't leave office for another 2 plus years…" Fitz told Olivia in disbelief at this bombshell she just dropped in his lap.

"That's fine…two years won't kill us."

"Why are you doing this?" Fitz hoped she wasn't having second thoughts and was going to try to leave him.

"I'm doing this because I'd be going into something way over my head if I didn't tell you how I felt," Olivia told him. "I can't be in the public eye like that. I can't do all the things a First Lady is required to do. I know myself…and I know…I'd end up hating it and being resentful of everything including you because that's just not who I am. I don't want that. . I just can't…please understand. I love you and two years can go by so fast."

"Liv…" Fitz got up trying to focus.

"I want us to survive this time" Olivia got up as well. "I want this to work. Besides, it will be easier for us to get married in two years than say next year. This gives us time."
"Time to do what?" Fitz asked.
"Time for us to be a normal couple and sync are families together. It also will do good for you as well at the ending of your Presidency."

"What good?" Fitz was clearly irritated.

"This is how story will go," Olivia began. "The president after grieving starts a new romance with an old friend. They share each other's pain both having lost a spouse and they grew close over two years' time. Now they are getting married. Perfect fairy book ending."
"If you can't wait 2 years, I can give you this ring back now. I'm not going to have people hounding my child and me. Trying to dig up any and everything they can on me especially since we would be getting married so soon. I'm not going to have them wondering if we were screwing around while you were married. That will cause rumors and people questioning if my son is really Edgar's...I just can't go through all that and I thought you would understand."
"I do." Fitz said suddenly facing her.
"I understand completely. I can wait two years it's just..." Fitz walked over and held her hands into his. "I don't want you to feel like you are some dirty secret I'm ashamed of because you're not. I want us to go out and do stuff LIKE a normal couple."
"We can still do that and we're not something to be ashamed of. It's just unfortunately we have to do things a little differently. I just…"

"No I understand say no more." Fitz kissed her forehead. Oliva had recovered greatly in the last couple of months but she still had her moments. The last thing he wanted was for her to have a nervous breakdown because he was being impatient. Also deep down he was glad she told him because he didn't want Olivia to get resentful about the whole thing either souring their whole relationship for good.

"Just one condition I ask…"

"What's that?" Olivia asked.

"We still do as we've been doing. You stay over here some weekends with Nathan. We have a date every week and we try to talk to each other every day even just a text message."

"I can do all that." Olivia smiled.

"Also my next request is we have to have a full wedding. I want you in a wedding gown and all."

"I can do that too." Olivia said as he kissed her lips.

Olivia sat back as they finished her makeup. She couldn't believe she was about to marry Fitz. The two and a half years went by quicker than either of them had originally thought.

"You look pretty mommy." A now almost 5 year Nathan commented.

"Thank you dear." Olivia said. Her hair was up as they fixed her veil. They were getting married at Berry Hill in DC.

Fitz finished getting himself ready as well on the other side of the house.

"You look good dad." An adult Miles said. He had come down from College to attend the wedding.

"Thank you son," Fitz rubbed his shoulder.

"I don't know if I've said this but I'm glad I have your blessing. That means a lot to me." He told his son.

"It's only because it's Olivia. Anybody else I would have refused." Miles joked slightly making Fitz chuckled a bit.

"Well either way I'm glad to know that because she's going to be your stepmom in less than hour from now."

"Finally," Miles said

"You ready Fitz?" Cyrus came in.

"Yes I am." Fitz said walking out with Miles.

"Alright, Miles they need you to come get in place." Cyrus informed Miles.

"Okay see you soon dad," Miles told Fitz following behind Cyrus.

As they walked to the wedding hall, Fitz made a detour and walked over to the side where Olivia was.

"President Grant you are not supposed to be over here." The wedding coordinator said stopping him from getting a peak at his bride.

"I know I just wanted to talk to her for a minute."

"The groom is not supposed to see the bride until the wedding." The Wedding coordinator got in a stance letting Fitz know he wasn't going to get to Olivia that easily.

"We don't have to see each other." Fitz suggested. She rolled her eyes and went to get Olivia who had just finished up.

"Your future husband wants to talk to you." The Coordinator told her

"I thought no time before the wedding?" Olivia asked a bit confused.

"It is but you know the man you're about to marry." Olivia laughed.

"Okay give me a second," Olivia walked out to the end of the hall where Fitz was waiting on the other side.

"You're not supposed to see me yet." Olivia informed him as she kept herself hidden on the other side of the wall.

"I know…I just wanted to hear your voice. I know you're already going to be beautiful." Fitz said making Olivia blush.

"I can't believe this is about to happen after all this time."

"Yeah…and I couldn't be happier." He said as they held hands.

"Alright you two, time to get you to your places." The Wedding coordinator said.

"See you in a few." Fitz told her.

"You too," Olivia said. Fitz got positioned and watched his son and stepson walking down to be with him. Then his beautiful bride came. She joined him as the two reunited hands again.

"Beautiful as I thought." He smiled making her blush.

"You're handsome too." Olivia complimented him as the ceremony took place.

"I now pronounce you man and wife!" The Minister announced as the two locked lips.

"My husband…" Olivia smiled.

"My Wife," Fitz returned it to her. The new family went to the reception with their sons at their side.

"So we're a family now?" Nathan asked.

"Yes we are." Olivia said.

"You're my daddy and Miles is my brother?" Nathan asked Fitz.

"That's correct." Fitz said. He kissed Olivia on the lips.

"And you're my wife." He said to her.

"And you're my husband." She said.

"Ewww." The two boys said in unison making their parents laugh.

"Mommy does this mean we have to move?" Nathan asked.

"Yes remember the house I showed you?" Nathan thought then nodded. "That's the house we'll be moving to." Two years was more than enough time for them to plan and build their new home. Olivia already knew Fitz living in the House that was once Edgar's was out of the question. Beside, this was a new start for them so a new house to call home made the most sense.

"What about my room?" Nathan asked.

"You'll have a big new room don't worry." Fitz said.

"You have one too when you come to visit," Olivia told Miles.

"Thanks, dad showed it to me when I came down. It's a real nice house," Miles commented.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time for the cake," The Wedding coordinator came over to inform them.

"Oh alright," Fitz helped Olivia up and the two went over to perform the cake cutting. Once it was finished, Olivia held on to Fitz as they walked on to the Balcony to have a little alone time.

"It's beautiful out here," Fitz told her looking at the sky and holding his new wife in his arms.

"It is," Olivia smiled as he kissed her neck.

"We really made it to the alter this time," Fitz commented.

"Was there any doubt?" Olivia asked.

"I have to admit, I had a dream that two days before the wedding you wanted to cancel it."

"Well that didn't happen," Olivia said.

"No it didn't," Fitz was relieved for that.

"Anyway…you want some champagne?"

"I can't have any right now." Olivia told him.

"Why not?" Fitz asked a bit concerned. Olivia moved his hands down to where they rested on her womb and in less than a second it dawned on Fitz.

"When did you find out?" He asked.

"Remember when I wasn't feeling well and at first I thought it was just wedding Jitters?"

"Yeah…" Fitz recalled.

"Well, because of my symptoms, I took a test and then I went to the doctor. They confirmed I was about five weeks."

Olivia looked up at Fitz smiling at the joy he had in his face.

"You're going to be a daddy," Olivia said as he kissed her on the lips once again.

"Do they know yet?" Fitz asked referring to the boys.

"No…just you. I have to figure out how to tell Nathan he's going to be a big brother soon. You know he's been the baby and only child all his life."

"Well we'll tell him together and let him know that we still love him very much and that a new baby is not going to change that."

"Sounds good to me," Olivia agreed with the plan.

"You know what sucks though?'

"What?" Fitz asked.

"This is the second wedding I couldn't drink at because the groom got me pregnant beforehand." That got a joyful laugh out of Fitz.

"I'll save a bottle so when you can drink again you can enjoy it." He told her kissing her once more.

"I hope it's a girl," Olivia commented. "I want a little girl this time."

"A daughter would be nice." Fitz agreed.

"When she's born I want to call her Faith."

"Faith Grant. I like it." Fitz nodded his approval. He couldn't have been happier than he was at this moment. Olivia was his wife and she was carrying his child. He couldn't wait for their possible little girl to get here and so he could hold little Faith's hands in his.