Okay I really couldn't resist trying this crossover. Even though I don't usaully right in POV, please be patient with me well I adjust. This chapter is basically an introduction, so please be patient.
Summary: Soda, Steve, Two Bit, Johnny and I all stood with our mouths gaping, eyes wide with shock. This couldn't be happening. What did he mean we're wizards? Magic exists? NO! Magic does not exist. It couldn't be true, but yet, here was proof, right in front of our eyes. (Johnny and Dallas are alive).
Warning: Language, some blood, smoking, etc. Nothing major though.
Chapter 1:
The Movies
*Ponyboy POV*
I sat on the couch, watching the rest of the gang fool around. Johnny sat beside me, watching an episode of Mickey Mouse. You would think we would have grown out of that show by now. Darry was in the kitchen, cooking dinner.
In front of us Sodapop, Steve, Two-Bit and Dallas were playing a game of poker; each one trying to cheat when the others weren't looking. Every once in a while someone would notice and a small argument would arise, before they settled down and resumed their game. This cycle continued for the next hour until Darry called everyone into the kitchen for supper.
As everyone crowded into the kitchen, a few extra chairs were pulled up to the dining room table. I sat down between Soda and Johnny. I looked over at him and saw him filling his plate full of meatloaf and rice.
It had only been 2 weeks ago when Johnny had finally been released from the hospital. That night everyone had thrown a huge party and celebrated together. Even though everyone was happy to have him back, Johnny didn't leave without a painful reminder. Excessive burns had left large scarring all over his back.
I only knew this because a couple days ago I had walked in on him changing in the bathroom. Having forgotten Johnny had spent the night, I entered without knocking, only to find him wearing nothing, but his boxers. When he saw me he made me promise not to tell anyone else. He explained to me that he didn't want them to pity him. I agreed, but I had a feeling Dally already knew.
"Oi! Pony!" Soda yelled, his voice breaking through my thoughts. My head snapped up and I looked around the table only to find everyone was looking at me expectedly. When I cocked an eyebrow, Soda sighed.
"Geeze Pone, I was asking if you and Johnny wanted to come with me and Steve to see a movie,"
*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry*
"What are we going to do Albus?" Minerva asked, worry filtering in her voice. A slight frown on her face signalled all was not as it should be.
"I don't know my dear Minerva," Dumbledore sighed. "Never in all my years alive have I seen such a case quite like this one. Extraordinary, really."
Minerva looked over at Dumbledore, wondering what the old wizard could be up to. She knew he wouldn't leave this alone until he got right to the case. Her frown only deepened as a smile spread its way onto his face.
"Hmm, perhaps it's time to pay our young wizards a small visit?" He suggested, eyes twinkling mischievously.
Minerva stood aghast. "Albus! How can you possibly suggest such a thing?" She questioned voice tight and firm. "We don't know anything about them; they live halfway across the world. Not to mention they are most defiantly not in our jurisdiction, or even the ministries for that matter! Also don't we have enough to worry about as it is? With that witch and I do mean it literally, being sent here from the ministry."
"A small visit won't hurt." He stated, standing from his chair. "Besides how can we possibly expect to learn anything about them, if we don't get to know them a bit more?"
Silently nodding, Minerva stood watching as Dumbledore grabbed some Floo powder and before she could even blink, he was gone in a flash of green flame.
'Tulsa Oklahoma, the Curtis Household,'
**onyboy POV*
The warm summer breeze felt nice in the cold night air. Around me sat a bunch of couples. That's right, couples. Soda and Steve had decided to take us to a romance movie, no doubt trying to pick up girls. My suspicions were confirmed true when Soda and Steve had dismissed themselves, using the excuse of grabbing some popcorn. They had left over 45 minutes ago and had yet to return.
I stole a glance at Johnny, wondering if he was as bored as I was. The look of un-interest on his face told me I was once again right. Not knowing how long much longer I could stand this, I leant over and whispered to Johnny. "Want to ditch and head back home?"
A nod was all I needed. I was never one for romance movies, or anything at all that involved romance. Johnny and I both stood, maneuvering through the crowds of couples. Once free from the large crowd, we quickly began making our way down the street.
We started down the blocks in a comfortable silence. We were only a few blocks from home when I realized we were being followed. A blue mustang had been trailing us for the past 5 minutes; waiting for an opportunity. I looked over at Johnny and he gave me a node. He saw it too.
As if passing a silent signal between ourselves we both broke into a run. Behind me I could hear the blue mustang speeding up, catching up to us. Before I even had time to think about dodging I was sent tumbling to the ground. I landed with a thud, the air completely knocked out of me.
I looked up, eyes widening in fear. Above me stood a group of four or five Socs. The face of one in particular made me want to throw up. David Sterner (1), a friend of Bob Sheldon. Apparently after Bob had died, he had gone attacking any Greasers that came his way. Which right now, were us.
"Johnny run!" I shouted, not having any idea where he was at the moment. I heard the pounding of footsteps, before another thud. My breath caught in my throat; they had caught Johnny too.
"I think it's time we teach these Greasers a thing or two," David smiled and I felt fear grip every bone in my body. Pain exploded in my chest as the first punch came, then the second, and third, and fourth, and fifth…Then nothing.
1. I'm not sure of David's last name so I made one up.
I had originally been planning on continuing this, but decided to save it for the next chapter.
Okay I realise this isn't the best chapter, but I needed to get a better feeling of writing in First Person, considering it's something I rarely do. Now that I'm a bit confident though, the next chapter will probably be ten times better.
So anyway, please read and review! :)