Hey everyone! This is a new story...obviously. Ahaha. Gosh. I haven't written a story in forever so I'm hoping you guys all like this one! Oh! And I changed my penname. To: I Am Awkward. Because I am.

Please review! In order to post the next chapter, I have to have at least 10 reviews. I know that's a lot but I really want people to actually want to review my story. Not read and not review. Because it breaks my heart when people do that I feel like I didn't write a good story.

So if you read and think this is a good story, please review! I'd really appreciate it.

Because that one night stand shouldn't have been the reason they fell in love.

The colorful lights bouncing on and off the wall. The loud head-pounding music. The sexy women. Those gorgeous men. This was a club.

Bodies were rubbing together to the beat of the music as six sexy men sat at a booth while women undressed them with their eyes. The women slowly walked by sending suggestive glances in their directions to try to catch the young men's attention. One man in particular sent the women to their knees with just a glace and you guessed it, Natsume.

"Natsume, have you found anyone that interests you yet?" Koko, a handsome sandy headed man asked with a goofy grin on his face. Natsume glanced at the dance floor and then at the booths surrounding them and shook his head. Koko laughed out loud and exclaimed," Are you serious? What about that lady over there?" Koko pointed to a sexy red head that was basically undressing Natsume with her eyes. She sent a "sexy" wink in his direction when she saw him looking. Natsume looked at her and shuddered.

"Dude, she's a clown."

With that comment, all the men laughed. "Dude, you're 27 and single. You seriously need to find someone," Kitsume, Koko's twin, said. "I mean, we all have girls and you're the only one who doesn't. You need to settle down."

Ruka slapped his back smiling. He turned to the guys and said," If Natsume wants to find a real girl; he definitely isn't going to find one in a club." The guys chuckled.

"You guys…are idiots. I'm going to go walk around." Natsume stood up and made his way through the hoards of people just to end up at the empty bar. Of course, it wasn't empty for long as the first girl that attempted to hit on him came.

"Hey there sexy, looking for some fun?" Natsume looked up and then looked down, rubbing his temples. The raven hair girl leaned down putting her elbow on the table, showing her boobs that were already spilling out of her shirt. She then walked closer to him, sashaying her body to where she was right in front of him and her face was almost touching his. "How about we go somewhere? Just the two of us?" She smiled and winked as in saying,' You know what I mean?'

Feeling annoyed that he couldn't get peace and quiet, Natsume looked at her with his alluring crimson eyes and said bluntly," Hoe, you're ugly, go find another guy to shag." The girl stumbled back in shock and squealed in an annoying voice," Excuse me? You think you can find a girl with an ass like mine anywhere?"

He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and his thumb. Why was he here? Why did the guys have to bring him to a freaking club with a bunch of freaking annoying girls?

"Woman, I bet I can find a girl with a better ass than yours anywhere. You're ugly as hell. Go away, I don't want to be seen talking with someone so…whore-ish." The girl's face was beet red as she was just powned by an incredibly handsome man and everyone saw. She turned around and ran away while he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank God," he sighed. On the side of him, he heard a group of girls squealing and he turned to look at a group of incredible beautiful girls. One of them caught his attention. She was wearing a sexy red cocktail dress that was actually decent in his opinion. It was a strapless party dress that DID cover her boobs and butt, which was quite rare in a club. Her friends were also modestly dressed but she was the prettiest in his opinion.

Her figure was slim and petite, which he quite liked. She did have a noticeable amount of "important" parts. Her brunette hair was curled and placed elegantly on her hair and her makeup was barely noticeable but enough to notice that it outlined her eyes to make her beautiful hazel eyes shine even more. But the thing that made him notice her more was the fact that she looked…scared.

Her friends were laughing and hugging her and spinning her around but she looked scared herself. She trembled noticeably as her green hair friend hugged her. Then the girls looked around and scampered away behind the crowd of dancing people leaving her with only one other girl. She watched them leave and smiled slightly. His heart clenched as he saw the sides of her cute plump mouth turn up. He watched her every move as she talked to the girl beside her who showed no emotion. And he almost laughed as he saw the emotionless girl knock the brunette girl in the head with a…gun? Then he watched as the emotionless girl leave her pretty little friend.

He looked at his beer and brought it too his mouth and his lips turned up slightly at the scene he just witnessed. The girl was just so…cute.

"One strawberry margarita please?" a soft voice said. He looked up and saw that exact same brunette girl three stools away from him. She sat down and crossed her leg seductively, but he noticed, it wasn't intentional as she noticed her dress hitch up a noticeable amount and tried to tug it down. "Oh my gosh, why would girls wear this? I feel the air between my legs," he heard her mumble to herself. He almost choked laughing at her comment. Was she not used to dresses? She had to be, she's in a God forsaken club.

"Mumbling to yourself isn't attractive," he said with a smirk on his face while taking a sip of his drink. He looked at her and his breath hitched. She turned her cute face and her brunette eyes bore into his. Her eyes expressed wonder and curiosity and yet that was the rare innocence that not many girls had.

"Did you say something?" He shuddered at the sound of her voice. It sounded so melodious. He looked at her lips that moved ever so slightly.

"I said," he started but then his words were carried away he saw her take her strawberry margarita and walk her way toward him. She stumbled slightly and looked down at her heels.

"Lord, I hate heels," she mumbled again.

"You shouldn't mumble to yourself. It isn't attractive," he said a little louder. She sat down in front of him and frowned. Her lips turned into a cute pout. He felt his heart race a little.

What was this person? He didn't know her and yet, what was she doing to him?

Why was she so….beautiful?

So? How was it? I hope you guys all liked it and it's always nice when you drop a review!

Remember, 10 reviews if you want me to continue and post the next chapter! No pressure. Ahaha. Sorry I'm so needy. I haven't written in forever and I just want people to help me feel alive again. Reviews are greatly appreciated.


-I Am Awkward