Conan's New Life


Harley's House, Osaka, Japan, | Tues., 02/17/2016


Conan sprints through the darkened city. He falls to the ground and cries as voices scream in the distance.

"Rachel hates you! Why would she want to have a brat like you around when she should have Jimmy by her side?"

Conan stands up as tears pour from his eyes.

"That's not true!" he shouts to the wind, "she-she said she loves me. She-she's my mom now, and she'd never do anything to harm me."


Conan turns around to find Rachel standing there chuckling.

"I hate that I have to take care of a snot nose brat instead of having my Jimmy here with me."

Conan falls to the ground as though he was just riddled with bullets.

"No, it's not true. It's not true!"


Rachel runs into Conan's room as he cries out. She sits on his bed and hugs him as he comes to, crying in her pajama top.

"Conan, Conan, what's wrong?"

Conan looks up to her, tears still falling from his eyes.

"You don't love me anymore do you? You said that you hated me and wanted Jimmy instead of me."

Conan buries his head back into Rachel's top and bawls. Rachel hugs her son and ruffles his hair. Four months have passed since the Black Organization fell and Rachel adopted Conan as her son. Now, what puzzles her is where this horrid dream could have come from. When Conan calms down, she releases him and smiles.

"Conan, I love you. That dream was just that, a projected fear of you losing me. I'm not going to leave. I've stayed with you all this time haven't I?"

Conan nods and hugs his mother, his fear lifting off him as a heavy burden. He knows she's right. She never broke a single promise that she made with him. Soon, he's asleep in her arms. Rachel sighs and thanks God that both of them are safe. She looks down to her sleeping son and chuckles inside. Despite all that they've been through, their relationship was strong. A smile creeps onto the sleeping boy's face as Rachel tucks him back in. His life has without doubt changed for the best with Rachel at its helm.

And thus, Conan's New Life comes to an end. I hoped you enjoyed it.