Hi there! I'm Floralwolf, and I'm so happy that someone is actually reading this! Okay first off I'm new, so I'm still finding out how to use everything and this A/N is probably in the wrong format, but oh well. This is my first fanfic so I'm really excited, so please excuse any mistakes in the format or anything. Umm I hope you enjoy the story!
We Need Each Other
Chapter 1: A Sad Beginning
"See that boy over there."
"The older brother?"
"What about him?"
"He hasn't even cried one tear."
"And at his parent's own funeral, too."
"How disrespectful, what child doesn't mourn after their own parent's deaths?"
"A child that's-"
Lovino shoots the two adults a glare, almost daring the two women to say it, 'a child that's a monster'. The two women look away continuing their conversation in Italian. Lovino didn't care if he couldn't hear them, or really understand. He had a masters degree in not caring, about others or what they thought. Besides he knows that he isn't as bad as they think he is. Hell, if they were in his shoes they would be acting the same way.
It wasn't that he was feeling any sorrow for his lost. In fact it was tearing him apart, but no, he had to keep his mask on, the mask that he had put on years ago. The one that made people think he was hateful and rude, the one that he created to protect himself from getting hurt, but only resulted in hurting others. The mask that he had to keep plastered on his face for his brother. The eldest sibling always had to stay strong, right? So this is his way of being strong, for his brother.
The young Italian leaned back onto the door frame leading out into a bright, sunny day. Damn it nature, don't you have any respect for the dead? Lovino thought to himself. Then again if nature did, every day would be gray and gloomy.
Lovino shakes the thought from his head and watches as people dressed in black and other dark shades start leaving a room that he had left only minutes before trying to hold himself together. There were whispers from the crowd but the sound of hiccups and sobbing overpowered it. The loudest of the pained voices was his younger brother and grandfather. Lovino sighed. Getting up from his wall-leaning position he pushed through the crowd of unfamiliar family and friends back inside the room.
It was much bigger than expected. It had a high ceiling and a number of pews on each side and the back of the room. The lighting was soft but not dark and Lovino could see two figures hunched over two closed caskets. They had to have closed caskets because of the physical conditions on the bodies.
Walking down the aisle towards the two he realized that if he didn't know it was a funeral home that he would probably guess it was a church. A creepy church. Stopping at the end he watched as his brother turned around, his face puffy and red with tears streaming down them like a waterfall. "Fratello!" He sobbed as he latched himself to his older brother. His face buried into his brother's chest. Tenderly and securely Lovino wrapped his arms around his beloved brother, the brother that he would die for.
Their grandfather, Romalus, joined them, the larger man wrapping his strong arms around both of his grandsons. Lovino turned his face away from his grandfather and brother. Biting his lower lip to suppress a whimper from coming up his throat, and closing his eyes tightly as he let the reality hit him; they're dead. With that he felt one tear slip down his face.
A/N: Okay how do you like it so far? I know it's a depressing start but I just felt that this was the way to begin. Anyway please rate and review, I would love to hear what you guys think! In till the next chapter, Ciao! :)