S01E04 – The Man in the Bear
Author Notes: This is my seventh story over all. I hope you've enjoyed the other stories. (I know I have).
This is set after S01E03 – A Boy in a Tree and after The First Date in the Relationships.
Thank you for reading my head canon. By the way, I love reading reviews, they make me want to keep writing (*Very Subtle Hint*).
At the last part of this introduction, you'll see what happens when I write at midnight. (Introduce characters 3 seasons earlier).
Roll call for the Reader/Reviewer gallery: crazylove1980, Excalisnake, Fern Rose, grimmich, star1the2friend and UrbanBorn. You all make me smile (and laugh) whenever I read your reviews. Keep'em coming.
Oh, and by the way, any reader can feel free to send me a private message, I really like talking (in this case, writing) to people.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bones or any of the characters (If it was mine, slash would happen all the time).
In which a necropsy is conducted and a trip is announced.
Hodgins' Estate
Washington D.C.
"How was your date with Angela?"
"It went well, actually."
"By which you mean…"
"Kiss, no sex."
"Where did you ended up going?"- He paused and asked - "She kissed you, didn't she?"
"We went to 'The Line', great tip by the way, to 'Vanille' and to 'The Rabbit Hole'. And how did you know?"
"That's your dopey smile. If you'd kissed her you would've flashed me your smug smile."
"I find it weird that you have names for my smiles, Danno."
"I don't know what that means."
"Remind me to introduce you to this new invention called the television."
"Sorry, couldn't pass that up. So, how was your date with the big bad FBI agent?"
"Kiss, and sex."
"So, you didn't screw it up?"
"Well, I screwed someone…"
"Blame your girlfriend. She's the one responsible for teaching me innuendo."
"Are you ready?"
"Yes. Let's go, Crazy Conspiracy Theorist."
"Is everyone going to call me that?"
Zack laughed as they walked to Hodgins' car.
Nature Reserve
Unknown Location (As of Now)
A blond woman was conducting the necropsy of a black bear while the park ranger watched with intent eyes.
She was carefully extracting the deceased last meals.
"We already know what killed the bear."
"Who's the vet here, Sherman?"
"You are, Denise. Who's the park ranger?"
"That'll be you, Sherman."
"That's why I know what killed him. Scared camper drilled him with a Winchester Magnum .388."
"I get it, you're afraid I'm not showing respect to the bear spirit."
"Because I have better things to do than wait around for you to tell me what I already know."
"The law says I have to send as much information as I can: age, weight, what he last ate." – She focused her attention on the items being retrieved from the bear. – "Canned beans, hot dogs, beef jerky in the package."
"Beef jerky?"
"He was in hyperfagia, eating everything he could find before going into hibernation. Uh."
"Sherman, this is…" – She pulled out a hand. – "Oh God!"
Medical-Legal Lab
Jeffersonian Institute
Doctor Temperance Brennan entered her (and Zack's) office while analyzing a photo Special Agent Seeley Booth had brought in.
"Looks human to me. What do you think, Zack?"
"I can't be certain without looking at the actual remains but it seems human."
Booth entered the office.
"What's the deal, Booth?"
"It was found in Eastern Washington State. Hi, Zack."
"Hello, Seeley." – They shared a brief kiss before the squint asked: - "Where, more specifically?"
"Inside a bear."
"No, I meant… Inside a bear?"
"The autopsy revealed more bone fragments in the bear's stomach and intestine."
"An autopsy on a animal is called necropsy."
"Yeah, that's pretty crucial we get that straight right off the bat, meanwhile about the dead human being…"
"What do you need us for? The bear ate somebody."
Booth flashed the anthropologists a USB flash drive:
"26 bone fragments. Case bumped to Seattle field office, they bumped to me. Take a look."
He gave Brennan the drive.
"Why they bumped it to you?"
"Bones, do you really care about the inner working of the FBI?"
"It's because you work with us, isn't it Seeley?"
"Yes. They hope you can identify the body."
"From a hand?"
"They have high expectations."
Zack approached the computer monitor:
"Probably male from the size." – Brennan zoomed in. – "Oh no."
"What is it, Zack?"
"Kerf marks. Marks made by a cutting tool."
"Maybe when they cut open the bear?"
"No. It's not a straight edge. Residual cross section stria."
"Bones, just because you say in that distinctive tone, doesn't mean-"
"These marks were made by a saw, Seeley. The hand was already separated from the rest of the person when the bear ate him."
"Somebody was dismembered and fed to a bear?"
"It's one possibility."
"Right. Thanks, Bones." – He kissed his lover. – "Thanks, Zack."
"Glad to help."
"But we're not done."
"We'll check the x-rays and see if we can confirm sex and age."
"You two pack your bags; we're going to Washington State."
"I am not going to Washington State."
"Again, just because you say in that definitive tone…"
"Uhm, Seeley?"
"One of us has to stay behind to analyze the remains."
"Zack, you forgot about Misters Bray and Nigel-Murray."
"Oh, yes."
"I'm sorry, who are those people?"
"You know that I'm Dr. Brennan's assistant, right?" – He waited for Booth's nod. – "They are my understudies. If for some reason I can't be at the lab, either one or both can step in."
"You go talk to Dr. Goodman; I'll call them and explain the situation when they arrive."
The anthropologist left.
"Zack, why are you smiling like that?"
"You'll understand when they get here."
The squint picked up the phone and dialed:
"Hello, Mister Nigel-Murray?"