Hey guys, this is my first time writing a Lalu fic so I hope the Laxus in this story won't be to cheesy as I continue on writing this. Writing Laxus wasn't easy either, I don't want him to be to OOC but it couldn't be helped.

Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Summary: Lucy Heartifila was always a lonely student until she went to Fairy Tail Academy. She has made new friends and the school festival is also starting however she already found some difficulties in her new school. She is slowly falling in love with him, will she be able to deal with it?

Pairing: Laxus x Lucy

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, it is own by Mashima Hiro.

Chapter 1: The New Transfer Student

"Lucy sweetie, time to wake up."

The sixteen year old moaned tiredly. 'It's too early.' she thought to herself. She is Lucy Heartifila, the daughter of Jude and Layla Heartifila, the richest family in Fiore. The Heartifila family is currently living in Magnolia City. Her father is a travelling businessman so tends to move from place to place, and since her father had to move, both her mother and Lucy herself, had to follow, moving into different mansions.

She got up from her bed to see her mother smiling at her. "Lucy today is your first day of school. I hope you do make new friends on your first day of school dear." Since Lucy is born as the richest family in Fiore, many students envy her. The students were jealous of her wealth and they did not want to interact with her as they think she's just like the other rich kids, a bunch of snobs.

She's always lonely and never bothers anyone, keeping everything to herself. She knows her mother was worried about her but she can't help it if the other students are feeling jealous of her. "I'll try my best mom." Giving a small forced smile to her, she can't promise her mother that she will make any friends in school.

After her mother left the room, she took her school outfit from her closet and went to the bathroom doing her other necessities. The outfit consist of a white button up shirt and grey checked skirt. On the top left of the shirt there is a Fairy Tail insignia logo. After tying up her usual hairstyle, she got out of her bathroom and she was greeted by her loyal servant, Virgo.

Virgo has a tendency to ask whether she should be punished after she has done something, making Lucy to wonder why she's like that. "Princess, you're finally out. Your family is waiting for you downstairs to have breakfast." She frowned slightly at her. "Virgo please stop calling me princess, and I'll be right down soon." "Do I need punishment from you princess?" Virgo looked at her expectantly. "NO!" Lucy's face turned red with embarrassment.

Virgo took Lucy down to the dining room and left them to eat in peace before she left the mansion.

She was in the principal's office standing in front of the principal, named Makarov. 'I didn't think that the principal would be so different.' She had seen many principals and he is very different from them. They had a strict and a 'no-fooling-around' aura, Makarov however has a friendly and comforting aura.

Makarov smiled at Lucy after reading her documents, "Miss Heartifila, I humbly welcome you to Fairy Tail Academy. I hope you will enjoy your stay here." Before she said anything, there was a knock on the door. "Ah there you are Macao. I was wondering what is taking you so long to get here. Lucy this is Macao sensei, he will be your homeroom teacher." Macao waved to Lucy giving her a smile, she nodded back to him. "I had some…problems with the brats in the class." Giving Makarov a sheepish smile. "Ah it can't be helped. Macao go and escort Lucy to your classroom."

Lucy followed him out of the room to the classroom, just standing outside the room she can already hear loud noises coming from the inside. "Alright you brats keep it down! We have a new student joining us, and her name is Lucy Heartifila!" Lucy walked into the classroom and saw the other students staring at her and she started hearing whispers. 'Great, here comes the gossip.'

"Lucy do you want to introduce yourself? Tell us about your likes and dislikes, your hobbies-" Before he could continue someone interrupted him. "Do you have a boyfriend?" one of the students asked. She looked around the class, they were looking at her. "I do have some likes and dislikes. I have very few hobbies and no I do not have a boyfriend." (A/N: A bit of reference from Naruto, I just love Kakashi's intro! xD)

Everyone including the teacher sweat-dropped at her reply. 'Don't expect me to tell you everything about myself. I doubt any of you even want to know what I do besides knowing my relationship status.'

"Erm…well Lucy, please take the empty sit over there." Pointing to the empty sit next to the window.

Before she got to her sit, a muscular arm blocked her path. She looked at the person blocking her. He had spikey blond hair with orange eyes. "…Hey there."

She was shocked. No one ever greeted her. She was speechless and in daze until he snapped her out of her trance by snapping his fingers. "I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare at me for so long." He smirks at her.

She felt the heat on her cheeks. "W-who, who said I'm staring at you!" She quickly sat on her sit and looked away from him.

The guy in front of her continued to pester her. "Yeah right, you were totally checking me out." She glared at him. "I was not!" He shrugged it off.

'He's the first person who has ever talked to me and he's already flirting with me, what a cocky bastard.' However the feeling in her heart is different from what she was thinking, she is very happy. It was the first time someone who is willing to interact with her…even if he was flirting.

A small smile appeared on her face, unable to stop herself from keeping this feeling she had bottled up inside of her.

'Maybe Fairy Tail is different from the other schools. Maybe, just maybe...this school will take away my loneliness.'

"What are you smiling at? You finally realise that I am hot?" His smirk had gotten bigger, showing of his teeth.

"No! And who says your hot!" Her cheeks started to turn brighter red.

"Laxus that is enough, the lesson has already started and stop flirting with the new student. You are the president of the Student Council. Please show some discipline so that the other students can follow. " Said the girl with scarlet hair.

"Yeah, yeah." Laxus waved to her and turned back to the front.

'He's part of the Student Council, and a president no less! How did he accomplish that with his flirtatious attitude…?' She sighed and sweat-drop to herself.

'This is going to be a long school year.'

Well that's it. I hope you guys liked it. I'm still a beginner at this and updating this is going to be a very slow process I am so sorry for all the mistakes I did which went unnoticeable to me!

I know this story is kind of long-winded and you feel like there is no progress to this chapter but please bare it with me. Writing a story isn't an easy thing for me to do since I lost my writing skills but I will try to make it into a good one for you guys.

Please be patient with me and my updates. The next chapter will progress a faster rate than this (or at least I hope it will).