Lily looked through the white fog at her husband. She felt extreemely proud of her little baby boy. He had finally defeated the darkest wizard of their time. Lilly suddenly felt dizzy and faint, she felt to the floor and her vision filled with a bright, white light.
Harry just wanted to go to bed. He was completely drained from the past year and his head ached where it had made contact with the ground many times that night. Harry felt his eyelids droop where he stood in the great hall and his head give a more painful twinge. Harry supposed that being hit by the killing curse didn't help him feel any better, in fact, he had a dull ache in his chest, which only added to his discomfort. Harry looked over the great hall, looking at the destruction and deaths he caused. He looked over to where the Weasleys and Hermione were congregated, noticing that both of the weasley women were missing. Harry looked up at the ceiling, it was a clear day, a few wispy clouds were visible making intriguing shapes. Harry felt his eyelids droop once again, as he swayed on the spot.
"Harry?" Two people asked. "Are you alright?"
Harry opened his eyes and looked at Mrs Weasley and Ginny. "I will be after some sleep." Harry replied, struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Harry, go to bed." A very familiar, but impossible, voice said from behind him.
Harry gasped, surely it was impossible. He turned slowly on the spot and looked into the hazel eyes of Remus Lupin, the man who's body had been lying on the floor a few minutes ago. He looked around the hall and saw all the dead standing up.
"Freddie!" George yelled, tackling his twin brother back onto the floor.
"Fred!" Mrs Weasley screamed, running to her son and giving him a bone-crushing hug.
Harry stood and gaped at all of the people rising off the ground. They had all been dead, he'd seen the bodies. The doors of the great hall burst open and Dumbledore came striding in. Harry sunk to the floor in shock, surely he was going mad. This couldn't be happening... could it?
"Harry!" Dumbledore exclaimed. "Welldone m'boy!"
"How?" Harry asked faintly.
"Come to my office with me and I will explain," said Dumbledore, holding out his hand for Harry to take.
Harry took Dumbledore's hand and allowed him to help him up. Harry then followed Dumbledore where he then sat down and waited for answers.
"There was another prophecy." Dumbledore said, looking into Harry's eyes. "After you defeated Voldemort as a baby. The prophecy said that if the-boy-who-lived vanquished the dark lord a second time, all those linked to the boy who died or was injured, would come back to life and be fully healed. I never told you for fear that it would never happen."
Harry nodded thoughtfully. Then his eyes snapped up to meet Dumbledore's. "Sirius, will he...?"
"Yes, Harry. He will be alive again." Dumbledore said with a chuckle.
Harry grinned. Then he wondered if his parents would be alive. Then he mentally scolded himself, of course his parents wouldn't come back to life, they were dead, and had been for over sixteen years.
"You see, Harry, that is where you are wrong." Dumbledore chuckled.
A door opened to the back of the office and in walked two people holding hands. The man had glasses and black, scruffy hair which stuck up at all angles. The woman was beautiful, she had long auburn hair which reached the middle of her back.
Harry knew exactly who these people were. They were his parents.
Harry paused for a second before standing up and bolting to the door. He grabbed the handle and tried to fling the door open, but it wouldn't budge, just like Harry's fifth year when Sirius died. Harry supposed that Dumbledore had guessed what his reaction would be. Tears rolled down Harry's cheeks as the echos of their death rang in his ears. His knees buckled and he hit the floor with a thud. He sat on the floor and sobbed as their deaths continued to ring in his ears. Two pairs of arms wrapped around him and hugged him tightly. The echoes faded away, leaving him to listen to the comforting words of his mother and father.
Harry looked up into his parent's faces. "I've missed you." He choked out.
"I've missed you too." they both replied, looking proudly at their son.
"Hey pup." Another voice laughed.
Harry's head snapped up and looked in the direction of the voice. Sirius Black was leaning against the door frame, his face alight with laughter. Harry jumped up, ran to Sirius and hugged him.
"I am so sorry." Harry gasped.
"My death wasn't your fault." Sirius said firmly. "Although my life is." He joked, ruffling Harry's hair.
Harry laughed. He felt so light and happy inside that all his aches and pains had been pushed to the side. He had family and friends around him now, something he had wanted all his life. Harry knew that the years that his parents had missed would never be made up. They had missed sixteen of his birthdays, seventeen christmas'. They had missed his first burst of accidental magic. They had missed him going to Hogwarts, getting his owls. They had never been there to comfort Harry in his darkest times, or laugh with him in the happy times, but harry knew that they could do that now.
"Lets go to the great hall." Harry suggested. "Then everyone can see that you are all living. Molly Weasley will probably start fussing over you all and me... well... after she has finished hugging Fred."
Sirius looked shocked. "Fred died? When?"
"Oh, a few hours ago... in the battle..." Harry trailed off, and looked at the ground, suddenly feeling dirty and contaminated.
"Battle?" The three asked, Dumbledore just stood with a knowing look in his eye.
"Yeah, there was a battle... it was all my fault. I should've kept it in between Voldemort and me, but I dragged a load of innocent people into it." Harry said in a monotone voice.
"Would you like to talk about it?" a concerned Lily asked.
Harry shuddered, the thought of reliving the battle made him feel sick. "No," Harry replied firmly.
Lily nodded in understanding and hugged her son tightly, tears starting to sting her eyes and she blinked furiously to keep them back.
"Lets go to the hall." Sirius said with a smile. "Oh... I better not actually..."
"You name has been cleared." Harry said, grinning from ear to ear.
Sirius smiled and the five of them, including Dumbledore, traipsed through the destroyed castle, looking around in shock and horror. Harry felt his throat clenching up and he walked through the corridors of the ruined castle; the more he walked, the harder he found it to breathe.
Lily looked at her son in concern. She could see that he was deeply troubled by the castle and the battle that had been raging on a few hours before. Lily wondered what horrors her son had gone through in his young life. She knew it was more that she had, or would probably ever, gone through. Lily then watched in alarm as Harry's breathing started to get quicker and quicker, until, she knew he was having a panic attack. She ran to her son and hugged him tightly, trying to calm him down. Instead of calming him down, she made him panic more. Harry kicked and punched Lily, until he was free of her arms, a troubled and panicked look was upon him, something which would haunt Lily all her life.
Harry looked at the concerned faces of his mother, his father, Sirius and Dumbledore for a fleeting second. He looked to his right and saw the corridor that led to the Astronomy tower, perfect!
Harry turned and bolted down the corridor closely followed by James and Sirius, Lily and Dumbledore were not far behind them. Harry ran up the step that led to the top of the tower three at a time, whereas his father, who was slightly taller than him, took them four at a time, closing the gap between father and son.
James ran after Harry in alarm as Harry got to the tope of the steps, seconds before him. James ran to the top and followed the sprinting Harry. Then James stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Harry, his son, climb over the railings, so he was stood on the edge of a hundred foot drop.
"No!" Sirius cried from beside him, only just catching up.
The Lily and Dumbledore appeared, looking aghast at the sight of Harry about to commit suicide.
"Harry no, don't do it." James said calmly, taking a few steps forward.
"I have to!" Harry shouted back at them. "I'm cursed! If I get to know you, then you'll all die again!"
"Harry you are not cursed." Sirius said gently, as James took a few more tentative steps forward.
"Harry, you have overcome so many things in the past. You have to believe that you are not cursed. You are a normal and healthy boy." Dumbledore said in a firm, but gentle voice.
"I have never been normal! I am a freak! I deserve to die!" Harry shouted, looking down at the grass below him.
"Harry, if you commit suicide, then Voldemort wins." Lily said gently, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill, and watching James take several more steps forward.
All the way through Harry shouting, James had been taking steps forward, so he was now a big stride away from Harry. James then watched in horror as his son did the unthinkable.
His son jumped.
I hope you like it! I have read several of these stories where Lily and James come back to life and they are all happy. They all share a big hug and get on with life. So it inspired me to write a story where it isn't all butterflies and rainbows when they meet up. I always imagined Harry to be damaged after the battle. So here it is! My idea has come into writing. :)
Please comment, vote, maybe fan if you like me. :)
Hannah ;)