This is a Sequel to my previous written story 'Crash and Burn'. Anyone reading this story who hasn't read that one I suggest it. But you won't be too lost if you haven't. There will be mentions and allusions to what happened in that story though. So just fair warning.
Those who have read 'Crash and Burn' this story starts almost 5 years after the end of 'Crash and Burn'. I would say more, but I don't want to spoil anything.
How many times had he walked through the curtain? Went out to the crowds. Whether they hated him or loved him it always brought that same thrill. The energy that would resonate through those filled arenas. His only addiction, besides maybe caffeine. And he was about to go cold turkey.
The music hit.
He walked out. A mic already in his hands. Fans screaming with anticipation of what he was gonna say. Waiting for what the man named as 'Voice of the Voiceless' would say. He already knew it would not be anything they expected.
He had planned this for that few months...well actually years. He had thought about what he would say, what he would do. How he would feel when it was finally time. If anyone would even care. It haunted his mind since he entered the company...Just how would he be leaving it?
He raised the mic to his lips. Opening his mouth...he was voiceless. He took in that fact. His mind reeling with the information. He moved the mic from his mouth a small chuckle in his throat. He ran a hand over his face. Was he really this pathetic?
He thought this was gonna be a lot easier. Just a couple years back he thought he would be dropping a pipe-bomb bigger than that moment in Vegas, an act that still followed him in his career. He could say whatever he wanted. After all he was leaving so what would he care if management got pissy for his words.
They didn't even have him come up with a script of what he would say tonight. At this moment he almost wished they had. At least then he would have something to actually say.
The voices around started to die down silence beginning to take over the arena. Fans questioning his on going silence. It was now, he couldn't wait any longer. He sucked in a breath and let it out. Raising the mic back to his lips...
"OK, I have to honest about what I'm about to say. I know many of you won't like, but this is something I feel I have to do...And that is...I'm leaving." Even though the news he was delivering set a wave of questioning and disappointed moans, he had a smile. He smiled cause people actually cared. He thought many times that he would leave to a silent arena. That his leaving wouldn't mean anything to those who he had spent his life entertaining.
"I know this is kinda shocking. But I've said before that I don't want to reach that age or become so injured that I can't have a life after this. No offense to some of the others guys." Punk could already feel tears stinging his eyes. He rarely cried and he almost never cried in front of anyone. Yet he was about to break down in front of the thousands in the arena and the millions watching in their home.
"Wrestling has been my life. Even before I entered this company! Even before I was wrestling in the Indy circuit! I was a fan! I was like all of you." Punk said. He ran a hand over his face again trying to gather his thoughts and composure back on track.
"I've accomplished more than I ever thought I would. Held almost every title...I say almost cause they never let me compete for the Divas title." Punk held a straight and serious face for a moment, but it fell to a laugh. The joke made more for him to lighten the tension he felt.
"I made a lot friends, a few enemies, and had the time of my life competing in this ring." Punk looked down at the mat. Most nights he would see his wrestling boots, but tonight it was just regular worn sneakers.
He took a deep breath and let go in a sigh. "I thought this would easier." He said glancing to the techs by the ring side. "Anyone who remembers the first pipe-bomb I set off. In was in Vegas, on that stage." His eyes looked up at the place that started the major change in his career. "And not long after that I left. My held high after taking the WWE Championship for the first time in my career...It was easy to leave then. I felt that this company had thrown me to the side for so long. How no matter how many accomplishment I had made back then it was still for nothing...It isn't that easy this time."
"Part of me thinks it would be easier to stay. Compete until I can't and then just move to commentary. I'd become the new voice of the WWE-" Punk's words cut off as a cheer carried through the room. He put on a innocent smile looking to Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler, "Sorry, Cole." He said plainly before turning back to the crowd.
"...I have missed a lot of over opportunities because of this career. I have been beaten to hell and back multiple times. And I still wouldn't trade my time for the world..."
Punk smoothed a hand over his hair. Normally he could speak so easily. Just let his mouth run without letting his thoughts get in the way. Now his jumbled thoughts were dominating his mind. His words getting jumbled in the process as he sorted out what he should say next.
He wasn't going to suffer alone though. The up beat music rang through the speakers. His eyes going to the ramp. Fans cheering for her appearance. On earlier occasions he'd get pissed off how someone would come out while he was trying to talk. But it was her...He could never hate her.
She came down the ramp slowly, not skipping as she did for the past years. She looked to him and the crowd, giving a sad smile. Never was he one to like pity, or accept it. But the small smile she gave he felt himself relax.
He looked her over as she stepped up the to the ring. The Divas title around her tiny waist. It made a smile come to his face. He was always so proud she had gotten that opportunity. She had come so far from her time on NXT. Come so far since he saved her from Daniel.
She stepped towards him. Punk watched as she reached out.
He dropped the mic to the ground. He reach out, wrapping his arms around her body. She did the same. He pulled her close, not caring of how the title poking into his body hurt slightly. He could not remember the last time he felt her body against him. He didn't want to let go of it.
"Thank you." He whispered into her ear. Her body shook lightly for a moment, with a short silent laugh. Their arms wrapping tighter around one another's bodies.
The tears were beginning to build again. Looking down at AJ he could already see the trails of dried tears she had tried to wipe away. He smiled with relieve. At least he wasn't the only one.
They stay like that for a long time. Fans who had been active supporters of their relationship shouted with glee. Some stupid comments, like telling Punk to grab her ass. The remainder held their tongues in still silence as they watched the serene moment.
His own music rang again.
They pulled away from one another slightly looking to the titantron.
Fear was welling up again in Punk's stomach. He wasn't ready to go just yet.
Punk's jaw literally dropped as the wave of superstars and divas came out, filling the stage. Those he had feuded with. Those he had befriended. Those he hardly knew. He was shocked. Most of these people he thought he had pissed off so much that they would happy to see him gone. Some part of him think that was probably why some of them had come out.
He didn't care though. Tears continued to well in his eyes again. He blinked them back to force composure.
Kofi was first to break away from the large group. He walked down the ramp going inside the ring.
AJ stepped away as the two men embraced on another. She smiled lightly, but had to advert her eyes. Knowing if she watched that should would break into tears again. She looked to the ramp. Sheamus and Kaitlyn were walking down with their little daughter. The small child tugged at the hands of her parents as they moved towards the ring. John following close behind them.
They all gathered in the ring as well.
Sheamus and Punk hugged first. Sheamus panted Punk's back lightly. Both could feel the muscular structure of the other in their hold.
"Gonna miss you fella." Sheamus whispered to him.
Punk made a small smile, "Thanks."
Before they pulled away Sheamus had a few other words to tell Punk, "She still cares about you."
Punk only smiled in response. He didn't want to get his hopes up. He knew what the Irish man was trying to do. Punk had thought about that road many times, but he never dared the risk of taking it again. It was near 2 years since he had veered off that road.
Sheamus stepped away allowing Kaitlyn to step forward.
She wrapped her arms around his center as his wrapped around her shoulders. His head resting against her's lightly. "Keep an eye on her...for me." Punk whispered to her.
"She doesn't need me." Kaitlyn said softly. Her tone holding that tone of 'do you even know what you're saying'. A tone she used a lot when talking with Punk.
Their hug was cut short by the small child tugging at them to gain their attention. Pulling apart they looked down to the young girl. Punk crouched down a large smile taking over his features. Giving her his full attention to her now.
"Am I still gonna see you uncle Punk?" She asked sweetly, swaying lightly as she stood. A tiny pout on her small lips. Her small hands touching his bent knees.
"Of course, sweetheart." Punk said placing his hands on her sides. He pulled her closer. His large arms enveloping her body in an embrace. Her own tiny arms circling his neck, planting a tiny kiss to his rough cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too." Punk seamlessly replied. He kissed her cheek. Pulling away from her slightly he studied her features. Big blue eyes wide with innocence. Fire red locks that had grown long with the years since her birth. The small amount of freckles peppered over her tiny nose. She looked a lot like her father. Only she didn't have a skin pigment that rivaled vampires, thank god. He gave one more kiss to her forehead before he stood straight again.
Instantly, his eyes locked with a man he had known for some time. They had fought numerous times. Both as an on-screen feud and backstage disagreement. They had been strangers, acquaintances, enemies, friends...In all of their history, no matter what, they always held respect for one another.
John held out his hand. The ever-present smile on his face dimmer tonight.
Punk grasped the out stretch hands. A short shake of hands, but neither pulled back. Both knowing what their guts were telling them to do. Both waiting for the other to make the first move.
In silent agreement they took moved together. Their hand shake turning into a hug. John's arms wrapped around his body. While Punk's barely circled his large frame.
"So who ass will I kick now?" John joked lightly. A small crack in his voice giving away his sadness for the lose of his long time rival.
Punk pulling away from John with a raised brow. "Think you're a little backwards there John-boy. It's, who's gonna kick my ass now." Punk corrected a smile spreading over his face. His previous nervousness forgotten with the people around to support him.
His eyes returned to AJ standing in the back trying not to cry. She had watched him hug their friends one-by-one. Obviously watching it all happen had caused her to break down some as the tears trailed down her cheeks, more gathering in her eyes. He opened his arms for her, reaching out. Waving her to come to him. She might as well have ran as she barreled into his chest.
A thought entered his mind as he hugged her body. Trying to memorize the feel of her form against his own.
'Was it really over?'
Don't kill me!
If it wasn't obvious I'm just gonna say that AJ and Punk have broken up already.
I had thought of two ways for starting this sequel. Either happy AJ and Punk were still together possibly getting married or having a kid. Or the not so happy that they broke up. I went for the second just cause it was more realistic and less corny. Just don't kill me for it! This is still AJPunk!
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