A Thousand Years Hence

Chapter 20

It was Springtime at Hogwarts in the Highlands of Scotland. The school was now about two millennium old, the oldest Magical School among Humanity.

Inside, the students were all studying like they've all done since its' inception. The only change has been in the style of clothes – robes, that they all wore. Sometimes, the language would include different pronunciations, words, but, it still remained the same.

Inside at the Headmistresses desk sat a witch, a woman fairly youthful in appearance, but that alone belied her true nature. This being said, no one in living memory, at least among the mere 'mortals' to phrase it delicately, none could ever remember anyone else sitting at her desk.

She was THAT old.

And, for a very good reason.

The changes that have been instituted during her reign of office, of tenure, has been needed to keep up with the changing social climate, the 'times', so to speak. During her time in office, not one student has been left without an education. There've been times when she had to make changes to accommodate a particular students' needs, but they all never went without an education nor the chance to work productively, despite their 'blood' status, whether or not they were muggle born, or pure-blood or what their parents' circumstances were.

To this one Witch, all students were equal in her eyes.

This one Witch, when she was in school, as a student so long ago was the very best of her generation and she had no prior Magical background! But, she was sorted into the House of Godric Gryffindor and no one knew the reason, that is, till she met one young man, who was ill kept, ill dressed, starved and completely unknowing of his own family. He was beaten so bad by his own 'family' that he never knew what it was like to have a real family, one who would dearly love him for himself. But, they formed a fast friendship that'd lasted throughout the centuries and evolved into a love that never died.

Hermione got up and walked over to the window and just looked out upon the lovely lavish landscape that was still kept up by the schools' Magic that was originally released by the Founders over two thousand years ago and kept up by the Grand Lady of Hogwarts.

Hermione knew her, personally. She'd talked with her, lived with her, and been one of the Five Women who'd helped her give birth to their Husbands' First Child – a Daughter by the name of Lily Rowena Potter-Hogwarts, named after her fathers mother and her own mother, who'd had the great fortune to look almost exactly like her Mother, . . .

except for one striking detail – she had those exact same Emerald Green Eyes of her Father -

The boy-who-lived

The savior of their World

And, Lily had, like her paternal grandmother, had firery red hair! If it be thusly known, the family of Weasley's that lived so long ago, and were direct relatives, if it were known!

The Defeater of both the Darkest Wizard who'd ever walked the Earth and his Master – A Demon straight from the very Realms of Hell itself!

And young Lily was found to be just as Magically Powerful as was her own Father, Harry. She even had his sense of humility, justice and charity of heart. Like her father, Harry, she inherited the ability, that one gift, and that was to walk between Worlds, on either side of the Veil, which she never abused. Looking at young Lily was like looking at her Mum, Rowena. Both parents were so proud of her.

And Young Lily knew it.

Her Father lived so long ago, over a Millennium ago, that no one alive today remembers him, 'cepting for his direct family, of which she is one of them!

But, no one here, now, knows that!

It was then, and is still, today, her choice to remain anonymous.

Hermione's husband, Harry, left them so long ago, but, still, his Power, his Magic, is still among them all to this very day.

Hermione can still feel him every moment of every day of her life. She can still feel his arms around her, completing her.

Yet, in every culture there are those who just don't 'believe'. They leave history out of their lives and ignore it completely. They are the ones who are selfish, greedy, self-centered and the 'users' of others.

Hermione walked out of her office and down the halls of the Great and Old School. Due to her now physical makeup, her direct Manifestation, she can 'feel' the Magics that are around the entire Castle, the Wards itself, the students even.

It had begun to impress upon her great mind that that one student was delving into the Dark Arts so deeply that he was going down that self same 'road', that same path of destruction that that one student, of so long ago, had traveled.

And, it worried Hermione.

She wanted help from her husband if and when the time came that this same student would challenge her, the students, the Faculty and even the very fabric of the Ministry itself.

It would tear her people apart, and so, she walked out upon the grounds of her school and called upon that one person who could help her.

He was, and still is to this very day and will forever, be her defender.

Harry, just Harry, her Husband.

The one wizard whom no one had seen but had heard rumors of, fantastical stories of the wielding of such fantastical amounts of Magical Power that none could even remember from whenst those stories sprang.

But, Hermione knew, for a fact!

For she was THERE, when it happened, for she was not just an observer, but a participant and a wielder of that self-same Magic that her husband, Harry, had held and Wielded in his very hands. Without the use of a wand!

Ever since then, Hermione, along with the rest of his now Six wives, could Wield that same Power, but, Harry was 'different'. His physical makeup, his bodily structure was totally so different that he could literally Walk between the Worlds of the Living AND the Dead!

He – Harry – was the Master of Death, the Son of the Most High, who had followed his Father's Commands to the very letter, forgoing Family, sometimes Friends, and the 'things of this world'. His level of Mercy was of such a quality that not even Hermione herself, with her background of Muggle beliefs could barely, scarcely comprehend his desire to do such for those who never qualified nor deserved it but was given mercy anyway.

But, Harry gave out mercy and love to all.

Though to answer Hermione's unasked questions, all Harry would say was that Magical Humanity were HIS people!

As Hermione was walking out of the Castle, going out upon the grounds to call for Harry, one student, the very self same one she was worried about, was following her, bent upon doing her harm. He was followed by many others, some were of that same 'bent' as he was, others were just 'curious', the rest didn't want problems for they liked Hermione as their Headmistress.

Far away from the Castle, yet, within the sight of her office windows found Hermione facing that seventh year young man.

There was 'something' about him that disturbed Hermione, something Dark, foreboding, something that she immediately recognized from a Millennium ago!

It was the 'Spirit' of Tom Marvolo Riddle and though she should be afraid, she wasn't. She knew that fear of the name only increases the fear of the person, and she wasn't afraid.

Not for herself.

But for him.

"What are you doing here, Tom?"

"What's it look like – Blood Traitor?" He spat out the name, the title he saw fit to bestow upon her through his hate of those he himself deemed 'unworthy'.

"It looks like to me, you're about to get yourself into terrible trouble, Trouble that you've no comprehension of it's depth. I know what I'm talking about. I've seen it."

"You know not what I can do, the power I've obtained from those who have it in abundance."

"Tom, you don't know what you're doing."

"YES, I DO! I've been kept under your oppressive thumb for too long. I've been denied the education I've wanted."

"No, Tom, you haven't. You've just been denied the chance to hurt others. I won't allow that."

"Not anymore you can't. Today, NOW, I'm going to take you out. I'm going to prove to others what no one else has ever been able to do. I'll be the most powerful Wizard of all time! I'll be the one wizard to lead our culture into the ways it should be going."

And with this said, he walked closer to Hermione, raising his wand in his hand, ready to deal out the killing curse and take what he felt was rightfully his.

In an instant of time, there appeared in front of Hermione, between the two of them, an individual never seen previously by anyone except for six witches.

Hermione knew who it was.

It was her husband.

This was the Wizard of Legend, the Wizard of every magical's childhood stories. The stories of the Great and Powerful Wizard and his six beloved Witches.

"It's not in your best interests, Tom, to lay harm upon Headmistress Hermione Potter-Hogwarts. I'll not allow you."

"YOU? You're the Wizard of Legend whom I'm suppose to be cowering in fear of? You're nothing but a joke."

"I assure you that I'm no joke, Tom."

"Oh, but you are. Here you come to a Wizarding Duel, facing me and you've not even got a wand in your hand. You're completely defenseless, and in a few moments, you and this Blood Traitor lover Witch will be laying dead at my feet and I'll have the power to make MY changes to the Magical World."

"I won't allow you that, Tom. I've faced other Dark Wizards in the past and I've defeated them all. Let this go. Talk to the Headmistress here, and listen to her. If you don't, then, you'll suffer the consequences."

There, in front and beside Hermione, stood witches of astounding beauty. Many were the wives of Harry, the Wizard of Legend, others were his daughters, standing beside their Mothers. All, were surrounding Hermione and not moving.

And behind them were the entire compliment of Hogwarts.

There, in front of everyone, Harry began to change, to metamorphoses into his 'Form', that self-same form that he used to walk between Worlds. There he stood, in all his magnificence, sparkling, glowing, seemingly with suns, comets, worlds, galaxy's moving across and inside his very being that seemed to be a part of Space itself. He raised up his arms, looking Heavenward and a column of pure white Magical Fire emanated from Harry's Form, racing upwards into the sky. Magic of the densest type began to roil off of him like fog that swirled all around him and his family. It rolled over and engulfed the entire student body of Harry's beloved School, but they weren't frightened, instead, they were fascinated, having never seen such a sight. Nor having even felt it, not even in their dreams.

Tom just stood there, wand pointed at Harry and became angrier by the moment. Then, he unleashed a barrage of the Killing Curse on Harry, but it had no effect, so, he turned it on Harry's Family and hit them, engulfing them all with the sickly green heart stopping light that would cancel their Magic.

There they all stood.

Completely unaffected.

Harry looked at his young adversary with pity in his eyes. He knew his adversaries limits and knew they were so far below his own that Harry knew that nothing hurtful would come out of this confrontation.

Later, might be another story, but still, Harry would be able to overcome even THAT possibility.

All obstacles were now below him. Including this poor adversary.

Harry had mercy on him, but, a lesson was in store.

"Young Tom, there is nothing you can do to ever hurt any member of my family. Not my wives, nor my children. They are totally untouchable."

Tom didn't say a word, instead he sent the killing curse towards one of the nearby students, a first year witch.

"I AM to be taken seriously, Grand Wizard! This is just a sampling of what I'll do if you stand in my way."

Harry, without thinking, immobilized Tom and bound him and his Magic thusly negating the situation.

One of Harry's wives, and Hermione, ran over to the young first year, both older witches picking up the very small young girl in their arms with tears in their eyes.

"Harry, she's gone!" It was Hermione who was helping Amelia hold on to the young, slender and very small girl in her arms.

"My Lord, . . ." Amelia couldn't say another word, though she wanted to.

Harry walked over to the three, while being observed by the entire student body of Hogwarts.

Harry stopped at the girls feet and while still looking at her, he called out, "Death, come, I require your aid."

There, upon the ancient grounds of the school of Magic, appeared the figure of Death himself. The student body, upon seeing such a figure began to move back. Some, verbally wondering out loud what kind of Power such a wizard has who could call upon even Death Himself!

"How may I serve you, my Master?" Death's voice was calm and sincere when speaking to His Master.

"This little girl, she deserves another chance at life. Bring her back, reunite her spirit with her body and make her a once again Living Soul! This is my request of you."

"It shall be done, my Master." Death replied, and he extended his bony hand and called forth the Spirit of the little girl.

Her ghostly form could be seen walking towards them, forming itself as she got closer and laying herself down upon her mortal frame which was held by Hermione and Amelia.

There, within view of all of Hogwarts, the little girl drew in her first breath and opened her eyes – her Emerald Green Eyes!

Harry kneeled down and took her hand and spoke to her, "My name is Harry. What's your's?"

She looked at him for a moment in time, and smiled, "Mary"

"Well, Mary, how do you feel? Are you ok now?"

"Yes, but what happened? I was here then suddenly, I was with my parents. But, that couldn't be, they're both gone. I was with my parents and they told me all about you. You're the boy, that young man who fought that evil wizard and that demon. You're the one who's come to save us all. I was told all this."

Harry, nodding his head, asked,"Are you saying that you're now an Orphan?"

Mary just nodded her head, afraid of speaking, due to the tears running down her cheeks.

For a long moment Harry's past came flooding back to him, tears began running down his cheeks from his brilliant Emerald Green Eyes, and young Mary saw this and reached up and gently wiped away those tears with her small slender index finger. Then, Harry asked her a question that she would remember for the rest of her life and would pass on to all of her decendents: "Would you like to have them back to live with you, to care for you and love you?" Harry was smiling.

"Oh, Yes! They both loved me very much. But, but that's not possible. The dead don't come back – ever." But, as soon as young Mary said this statement, something inside her heart began to 'turn', to grow, to change and enlarge and gave her a warmth, such that she'd never, ever felt previously, and would remember forever, even as she would tell her own children and grandchildren.

"Well, Mary, in special circumstances, an exception can be made, and just for you, young lady, I'll make that happen."

"You can do that? How?"

"I am the Master of Death. And more."

Hermione spoke up, remembering this conversation she'd had over a Millennium ago, "Harry, you're much more than that, my Dear, You're the Son of our Father!"

Harry just nodded his head in the affirmative.
"Yes, I am that."

Harry turned to look at Death, "Death, my brother, please, bring back Mary's Parents. Reunite their Spirits with their new mortal frames so they can care for and love their daughter, Mary, once again, as you were and are, loved by your family. Let them all live a long life with happiness and joy."

"As you wish, my Master."

The crowd of people who were there, as witness's had heard every word that was said, and wondered at what they'd heard.

"How can he do that? Death is final. No one comes back from the dead." One student, identity unknown, stated from the crowd.

"Death is not final. It has been done, once, long ago, before Hogwarts was even formed, before the founders were even born. We know about it." one young girl stated.

"Aww, don't listen to her! She's just a Muggle born! What does she know?" A pompous sounding young man seemingly puffed up at his own hollow sounding words.

"Yea, Right! And here we all saw him," and here, another student pointed to Harry and the young girl, Mary, "raise Mary up and bring her back from the dead. Only one person has survived the Killing Curse and THAT was over a Thousand Years ago! This man, in reply to Mary's question, said his name is 'Harry', I believe HE'S the 'Harry' of Legend! I believe HE's the same one who defeated that Dark Wizard, Voldemort, and that Demon, a Thousand Years ago."

There, in front of them all, beside Death, stood two other figures, one man and one woman, ghostly in appearance, but quickly becoming more 'solid' in appearance. Layers upon layers of flesh were appearing upon their Frame, their Magical Core being restored to them as it rightfully should be.

There, in front of them all, stood Mary's Parents, as she ran to them and they picked her up and they three hugged one another.

There, in front of many hundreds of witnesses, was a family, Restored!

Harry said nothing, but turned to Hermione and said, "take Tom to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, give them the proof of what he did and let the Law deal out his deserved punishment."

"I will, my Lord, and Husband, I will." Hermione took Tom and separated him from the rest of the people, still keeping him bound, both Physically and Magically.

"I'll have you all for this, this Insolence! You're all nothing but upstarts! And YOU!" Tom screamed out, nodding his head towards Harry, "You're an abomination! A FREAK! I'll have my Master take you and defeat you and give your women to his Dark Lord whom he controls!"

Harry stopped what he was doing and faced Tom.

Harry's 'countenance' changed drastically upon hearing that age old word that came back to haunt him – 'freak' – the one word, almost a curse that was once uttered by his uncle Vernon so long ago, that it still hurt him to hear it.

Immediately, his wives and daughter's came to surround him and administer to him their healing presence for they understood his pain, and they all felt it.

Harry turned to face Tom and understood what he was saying, and implying. Harry then KNEW that that old Liar, Albus had been here and infected and seduced Tom into being what he'd turned out to be, maybe, through no fault of his own. But, that was for later. Now, Harry had another job to do. One of Defense, one of Conquering again, an old enemy.

Hermione sent her Patronus to the Ministry, the D.M.L.E., for a couple of Aura's to come to the school. She wanted a trial for Tom and to give him another chance, but his outcome didn't look good.

Meanwhile, Death stood his ground, not having been dismissed by the Master of Death, Harry.

Suddenly, Harry felt something, something that was 'old', 'horrific' and yet very familiar to him having faced him twice previously. Harry had remembered that his parents had faced Voldemort three times in their life and having overcome him each time. That last time, they were not prepared, instead, they were ambushed in their home, they were betrayed by Albus Dumbledore whom Harry had since come to know as 'That Old Liar',

but, this time, Harry was prepared.

Turning towards the students, he put up one of his Shields that could not be penetrated.

"Please, spread yourselves out and around the students, guard them as best you can. They can't defend themselves against what's coming, but you all can." Harry had his family, his daughter's guarding those whom could not adequately defend themselves.

One of the students, an older one, possibly a seventh year, stood up and spoke for himself, but maybe for the rest of those who were willing. "My name is Cyrus Shaklebolt, of the Ancient House of Shaklebolt, my forebear once was a member of the DMLE during your time, and I'll fight beside you. There are those of us who do not think like Tom. We're willing to defend this school and all those within it."

Another student stood up, "I'm of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Longbottom; Our Houses have been friends since before Hogwarts was even formed, and like my ancient Father before me who stood up beside you, I, too, am most willing to place my House with you. I'll defend this school and fight along your side. I'm not afraid of dying nor of Death, though he be standing here amidst us."

Harry looked at this fearless young man, "What is your given name?"

I was named after my ancient father, 'Neville', of whom I'm most proud of. I've read our Families' historical accounts of when you were here, mortal, among us. I will stand by your side, honoring my and our, Families Ancient Friendship, to the end, if necessary."

Harry just nodded his head and waived them over to stand by his side, not realizing just what the historical consequences were going to be, all for their own Families and Houses' credit.

There, all the students drew their wands and stood facing Harry, a Figure Standing in their Midst straight out of their History Books, a Figure of Legendary proportions, but very real.

In the far off distance a Black Cloud was forming, a colossal Maw had opened up and pouring out of it were Demons, lead by one Ancient and gnarled looking demon with fire in his eyes. He'd not changed in the Millennium since they, Harry and this Demon, had last met.

"Well, Harry, I see that you still have confidence in using children and are willing to send them to their death. Well, no matter, today, I'll have you dead at my feet and all you have will be MINE! Including your place at our Father's Side! I will thusly Rule as will be my then Right!"

"Not anymore you won't, Albus, not today, not ever. You remember me telling you that I'll always be here when you return. I AM the Defender of my people and I'll NEVER be defeated nor conquered"

Harry sent wave after wave of Magic towards the Demon and started walking towards him. The flash of Magics that Clashed was horrific in it's intensity.

Harry started increasing in his size, in his stature, his body changing in a blink of an eye, to that of Stars, of Comets, of Whole Galaxy's swirling amisdt's and inside, his body. The composition of Harry's very being would, if it were even imagined, would stagger the human mind.

And that was the downfall of Albus. He could not, and was not, willing to know just what Harry 'was' – from whenst his Given Abilities stemmed.

But, Albus and all of his failures were about to be shown, to their Horror!

There to the backs of the defenders, there opened up a Grand Portal, the Heavens literally opened up in their entirety, and Host upon Hosts of Harry's family poured forth from the Heavens all dressed like Harry – in gleaming white Robes, all trimmed in gold, brandishing swords that were of fire of the whitest flame.

There they came, pouring forth as numberless as the stars in the heavens, without number, all standing behind their Brother, Harry, and encircling the enemy in their entirety. There, Harry's family, including the student body, crushed the Demons, killing them all with the power that was given them, by their Father.

The last one standing was Albus, alone, defeated, with no weapons to defend himself, his hands, arms, legs, feet and waist, were all held by Harry's brothers and Sisters. One of Harry's heavenly sisters was holding Albus' head in her arms around his neck, totally disabling him.

"Albus Dumbledore, by the Power given unto me, by our Father, I hereby sentence you to Death, to be taken and sent to the Place of Outer Darkness, alone, never to return from. You have lead too many of us, of even the very denizens of Hell itself, to do your bidding against the Will of our Father."

With that sentence passed, Harry pointed his arm, his hand and finger to the now opening portal that showed nothing but Darkness, and there, that old Liar, yea even the Demon himself, Albus, who'd fallen so far from grace, was thrown screaming ephitaphs, then pleading for mercy, his fear now total, was thrown into Outer Darkness, never to return from. The Portal was closed and sealed.

Later that day, Harry was in his rooms at the Castle with his family. "You know, Hermione, it's been so long since I've been here."

"I know, Harry, oh, how well I know. You do know, don't you, that you can stay here? This is your home, it always has been." Hermione was standing in front of her long missed husband. Hoping, still, hoping.

Harry was looking out the window at the beautiful grounds, the still blooming flowers that his wife, Rowena had planted so long ago. She, and all the others were still with him, children included.

He'd made his decision.

"Hermione, my love, it wouldn't disturb you, or the Ministry, too much, would it, if we all moved back here? Permanently?"

"Oohh, I'm sure something can be arranged for all of us! Just think of the classes we can all teach! Harry, you can teach Defense, Amelia, you can teach Politics, and the rest can volunteer for other classes! You know, darling, this coming year will be the best yet!"

"Oh, Harrrryyyy! I need you Noowww!" It was Susan! "Now's the time to make me a Mum! You promised!" Susan came out of their bedroom, dressed in the 'all together', and she had her arms opened and she was smiling like the proverbial 'cheshire cat'! All the other five of Harry's wives just rolled their eyes and laughed. All was now well.
