War from space

Spike walked out on to the balcony, where Twilight was quietly observing the moon from her telescope. Spike looked up at the sky, observing all the stars scattered in the sky.

"Whatchu looking at Twilight?"Spike asked.

"Observing the moon."Twilight responded looking away from the telescope. "It's a great night for it too. The sky's clear, it's a full moon…It can't any better."She finished, as she looked back into the telescope, accidentally knocking a little to the left.

The telescope was now facing the red planet, the ancient astronomers names Mars. As she looked, a green flash, flared out from the red planet. Twilight gasped, and looked back.

A green flare, was flickering, shining next to Mars, leaving a green mist behind it. Suddenly, there was another flash, and a second flare had appeared following the first one. Twilight slowly backed away, with wide eyes, and a mind now filled with curiosity.

"Twilight?"Spike called. "Are you okay?"

"I…I have to go."Twilight said running downstairs.

"I have to find Doctor Whooves, he's the only astronomer in Ponyville."I thought to myself as I ran. The streets of Ponyville, were empty, as all the residence were locked away in there homes, not knowing what was happening. Finally, I made it the observatory, where fortunately, he was there. "DOCTER!"I yelled running up to him.

"Whoa, slow down. What seems to be the problem?"

"Have a look."I said, as I begun operating the large telescope in the observatory. The large device, slowly made its way towards mars, where Doctor Whooves looked through.

"Well?"He asked.

"Well what?"

"What is you want me to see?"

"That! Don't you see it. The green flare coming from mars."

"That? What about it. It can't be anything to dangerous can it?"He asked. "Do you know what it is?"

I said quietly back, "No…that's why I came here. Thanks for your help anyways."I said walking out. Doctor Whooves assured me that there could be no living thing, on that remote, forbidding planet.

"The chances of anything coming from mars, are a million to one."I said. I repeated this to myself over and over again, telling myself not to worry about a single thing. But that's how it was for the next ten nights. Two green flares, spurting up from mars, each one getting bigger as the nights progressed.

On the eleventh night, there was a massive green glow in the sky, and a loud crash was heard. I got up and looked out my window, and saw nothing…so…I quietly, and nervously went back to sleep.

In the morning, there was a huge crater nearby the outside of Ponyville. Ponies gathered around it, to observe the shiny cylinder that lay there. The large metallic cylinder was a full thirty yards across.

Doctor Whooves walked up to it closer to examine it, when suddenly, a faint, low, scratching of metal was heard. Everyone looked to the right, where the cylinder was higher above the ground, to see the top was beginning to unscrew.

Doctor Whooves feared there was a pony inside trapped, and trying to escape, and rushed quickly to help. The intense heat stopped him before he could burn himself on the metal. I walked back into town, to buy the paper to see if anything about the cylinder had been printed. The railway station had trains coming and going, and the daily routine of eating, sleeping, and living, still going on.

I went back to the library to read the paper, as the ponies continued on. In the late afternoon, I went out again to go to the crater, in which the cylinder lay. A large crowd was now gathered around the cylinder, hypnotized by the unscrewing. Two new feet of shiny new projectile appeared, before suddenly, the lid fell off. *CRASH*

Two luminous, disc like eyes, appeared above the rim, and a huge, rounded bulk, larger then a bear, rose up slowly, glistening like wet leather. Its lipless mouth quivered, and slathered, and snake like tentacles rived as the clumsy body heaved and pulsated.

A few young colts crept closer to the pit, as a tall funnel rose from the machine, before an invisible ray of heat, leapt from man to man, and there was bright glare, as each was instantly turned to fire.

Every tree and bush went up in flames, from the touch of this, savage, un-earthly heat ray. Ponies, now fled the field, as the heat ray kept on firing. I was swept away with them, as my heart was racing. I had a fear, that as I was on the verge of safety, this mysterious death would leap at me, and strike me down.

At last, I reached my library, where Spike was trembling, and wide eyed. "What's going on Twilight?"His shaky voice asked.

"Nothing…"I lied. "Nothing at all."

"Are you sure, I heard screaming."

"Don't worry about it…Just…get some rest."

"But it's not even six o clock."I ignored his last sentence, before going up to my room, where I fell into a restless, haunted sleep..