AU - Brittany and Santana meet once and keep seeing each other everywhere, wating for the other one to notice.

A Missed Chance and A Stolen Glance

She sat at the table in the packed coffee shop, alone as always. Her latte was as bitter as she was feeling as she glanced at the text again. Damn Zizes, she was meant to have met her here but oh no, Puckerman was more important. Now she'd have to do the damn project alone. Sighing she took a sip of the scalding liquid, almost enjoying how it burnt her throat. She was suddenly aware of another persons presence and was surprised to look up and see a random blonde girl standing there and smiling.

'Er... Can I help you?' She said frowning at the tall girl.

'Hi, is that seat taken?' The girl asked pointing to the chair opposite her.

'Nope, all yours.' Santana replied looking away towards the door, half hoping someone she knew would walk in so she wouldn't look like a complete loner. She assumed the blonde was going to take the chair and go sit with someone else, her boyfriend or something, she didn't expect her to sit there and carry on smiling that toothy grin. She held out her hand.

'I'm Brittany,' She said still grinning. Santana looked down at the outstretched hand and shook it apprehensively.


'That's a real pretty name' Brittany giggled as she pulled her hand away and picked up the cup in front of her. Santana took this moment to really look at the girl. She was beautiful, there was no denying that. Her soft blonde hair fell down past her shoulders, catching the light and shining beautifully, her eyes were blue, Santana noted, but a dark yet bright blue that seemed to sparkle along with her dazzling smile. Santana was kinda mesmerized. 'So what you drinking?' Brittany asked snapping Santana out of her daze.

'Latte.' She mumbled, glancing down to the paper cup in her hand, trying to avoid staring into those ocean blues for too long. 'You?'

'Hot chocolate. It's the best, I can't drink coffee you see, one because it's kinda gross and two because I get really energetic and like jump around and talk really really fast and don't shut up.' The blonde rambled still grinning. Santana merely chuckled, she found Brittanys energy endearing and kind of adorable, whereas she was sure if it was anyone else she'd want to punch them. They both sat there smiling for a few seconds before Brittany decided to speak again. 'So what do you do? Do you work? College?'

'I'm a senior in High School' Santana replied easily, happy that Brittany thought she was older than she was.

'Awesome, same here. I'm starting at McKinley like next week, do you know it?'

'Yeah actually I go there.' Santana grinned again, she was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Brittany, if it had been anyone else she would have just ignored them, drunk her coffee and left, but she found she didn't want to leave Brittany. She wanted to know more about her, and that thought kinda scared her.

'Oh my god that's awesome! Maybe we ca-' Brittany cut off by the sound of a ringing phone, Santanas in fact.

'Sorry one sec' The latina mumbled as she answered the phone. Brittany sat in silence listening to the girl talk rapidly in Spanish, she sipped her hot chocolate and waited patiently, she used the time to really check the other girl out. She loved the way the dress Santana was wearing clung to her body, the deep red contrasting with her tanned skin, and the added leather jacket and knee length boots making her look really hot and a complete badass. Brittany ran her eyes up toned legs all the way up to mocha coloured eyes set on the most gorgeous face, framed by dark curls, cascading down her shoulders. Brittanys gaze came to rest upon the latinas pouty red lips, she couldn't help but imagine how soft those lips would feel. 'Crap, Brittany, it was really nice meeting you but I have to go... family emergency.' Santana said standing up and pulling Brittany out of her daydream.

'Oh, ok... It was nice meeting you Santana. See you around?' Brittany asked also standing up and waving awkwardly to the brunette as she waved back calling out a 'definitely' and hurrying out of the door feeling really guilty for having run out.

Brittany sighed happily and wandered back over to the other blonde sitting in a booth in the corner. His jaw had dropped and he was staring at the doorway the other girl had walked out of as she shuffled in beside him.

'Eyes to yourself Sam.' Brittany giggled elbowing him softly.

'Sorry... but did you just make Santana Lopez smile?' He asked stunned.

'Yes, it wasn't that hard. She is really nice... and attractive.' She smiled allowing her gaze to drift over to the door also.

'I've never been prouder to be your cousin B.' He said chuckling.

'I just hope I get to see her again...'


It had been 3 weeks at this new school and Brittany was bored already, it was bad enough that her family made her move from Seattle to Lima but the fact that the only person she knew here was her cousin? That's what sucked. But whatever she's a big girl and she could survive. She was sat in her history classroom tapping her pencil against the desk and staring at the board beside Mrs Hagberg, who was droning on and on about the civil war. She continued the tapping earning a nudge from Tina, the girl was easily distracted and the sharp nudge from the asian girls particularly pointy elbow snapped her out of daze just in time to see the classroom door open. Mrs Hagberg stopped talking and glared at the latecomer. It was that girl from the coffee shop! Santana.

'Sorry, I'm late Coach overran practice... I have a note?' She mumbled, it was adorable. She held up a crumpled piece of paper.

'That's fine Miss Lopez, just take your seat.' The teacher said rolling her eyes and continuing to write notes up on the board. Brittany watched the brunette smile and slink into a seat at the front of the room, diagonally across the aisle from her. She spent the rest of the lesson completely distracted by the girls mere presence in the room, she wanted so badly to talk to her, but obviously she couldn't cos they were in the middle of a lesson and kinda needed to focus. So... the civil war happened in... erm... between the... er... nevermind, she really couldn't focus, not with a such a flawless beauty sitting nearby twirling the tip of her ponytail between her fingers and writing notes, she was left handed which Brittany found adorable, and when the other blonde girl Santana sat next to made her laugh Brittany could swear her heart melted at the sound. Suddenly the bell rang, snapping Brittany out of her daydream, she vaguely heard Tina saying she'd meet her in the cafeteria, but she was too focused on shoving her stuff into her bag so she could hurry the hell up and talk to Santana at long last.

'Miss Pierce can I talk to you please?' Mrs Hagberg said, preventing the blonde from leaving.

'I er...' She looked towards the door the latina had just disappeared through and sighed. 'Sure.' She replied begrudgingly walking back to stand in front of the teachers desk.

She got a little bit of a lecture about being distracted in class, she was told to concentrate more and if anything was troubling her to go and see the guidance counsellor... Miss Pillsbody? Or something? She didn't actually care, she was too focused on talking to Santana again, but by the time she was let out of class the stunning brunette was long gone.


'YOU DID WHAT?' The latina shouted at her friend, stopping dead in the middle of the school hallway.

'I signed you up for the school talent show.' Quinn smirked cruelly. 'I know how much you looooove performing in front of people.'

'You're such a bitch.' Santana scowled shoving her friend hard.

'You love it really, and besides you're a great singer, you said yourself you wanted to get back into performing... without help from Glee Club.'

'I know... You better help me pick a song then.'

'I have the perfect idea...' Quinn chuckled.

Brittany sat in the Auditorium that Friday night with Tina, Sam and Kurt her feet up on the seat and a smile on her face. She was there supporting Sams girlfriend Mercedes, Tinas boyfriend Mike and Kurts friend Rachel. She was rather excited as they were all amazing, apparently she'd have a hard time out dancing Mike and Rachel and Mercedes were fantastic singers. They were all in Glee club together and Brittany was considering joining. She sat through the first hour, there was some guy who could play the trumpet with his nose, which was pretty cool, a few singers that were no where near as good as Rach and Mercedes, and of course Mike. When he first started dancing Brittany was seriously tempted to get up and dance with him, it was infectious. After Rachel had belted out her rendition of 'Don't Rain On My Parade.' the whole place was applauding and she skipped off stage. As the next singer walked on it went deathly quiet and Brittany looked up to the stage, her breath hitching in her throat as she recognised the next performer.

'This should be interesting...' Kurt whispered as she took her place on stage nodding to the band to start. Brittany didn't recognise the song but when Santana opened her mouth and began to sing, she was captivated.

He left no time to regret,

Kept his lips wet,

With his same old safe bet.

Me and my head high,

And my tears dry,

Get on without my guy.

Brittany stared, her jaw had dropped and she couldn't tear her eyes away. Sam went to whisper something to her but she just held up her hand and shushed him, eyes still trained on Santana.

You went back to what you knew,

So far removed,

From all that we went through.

And I tread a troubled track,

My odds are stacked,

I'll go back to black.

Sam, Tina and Kurt all shared a look before glancing back to Brittany. She was smiling and stunned. Santanas voice was so... sexy. It was pure sex and amazing, it was raspy and gentle and powerful all at once.

We only said good bye with words,

I died a hundred times,

you go ack to her,

and I'll go back to,

I go back to us...

She finished the song and the whole auditorium rose to give a standing ovation. She smiled as she walked offstage and Brittany couldn't help but admire her. She went backstage with the others after, while they all ran to their people, Brittany was looking for Santana, but it appeared she'd left straight away. She sighed and sat on a box next to Kurt and Rachel, listening to her complain about how she 'should have got the standing ovation, her performance was worthy of awards, whereas Santanas performance was mediocre at best' blah blah blah. Brittany couldn't disagree more.


She walked out of her detention huffing and flattening the pleats of her Cheerios skirt. Not only had she been given a detention for that fight with the great white rhino that was Zizes, but Coach Sue had officially demoted her to the B squad. AKA the squad that Sue keeps as a back-up to test her torturous routines on before giving them to the A squad to get all the trophies. To say Santana was pissed would be a massive understatement. She walked down the hallways scowling at anyone who dared to make eye contact with her. It was late so the only people left were nerds working for extra credit, or random dorks who attended crappy clubs. She stopped at her locker to get her bag when she heard music coming from one of the nearby rooms. Frowning she followed the familiar tune of 'Run the World' and stopped outside the choir room peering in. Immediately her jaw dropped as she watched the blonde dancing.

She was surrounded by Cheerios, mimicking her moves and backing her up, Coach Sue was sitting at the front with her signature scowl in place, Becky by her side, both of them with megaphones perched in their laps as they watched the dancers with a critical eye. But Santana didn't care about the two of them, she was as completely mesmerised by Brittany as she was when they first met. The way she moved to the music, those damn hips. Holy Shit. Santana tried to ignore how attracted she felt to her. She imagined walking in there, grabbing her face and kissing her, she imagined pinning her to a wall and attacking her neck with kisses, she imagined laying her down on the piano and tearing those clothes from her body, then kissing down that amazingly toned chest and stomach before reaching her soaked panties and-


She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts, she'd barely had one conversation with the girl and she was already thinking about... that. She mentally slapped herself and tried to once again focus on the amazing dancing, she could dance circles out of that Chang guy. She thought as Brittany performed a series of movements rapidly to the beat. She smirked when the music stopped. She could tell that Coach Sue was impressed by the slight smile that played at the corner of her mouth as she looked at Brittany. She started talking but Santana couldn't make out what was being said, I didn't get a chance to try and work it out because all the Cheerios that were 'back-up dancing' began to leave, I didn't want to be caught out here and questioned by any of those bitches as to why I was staring so quickly scurried out to my car before I could be seen.


'Vote Brittany for Senior Class President!'

Santana smiled when she heard the familiar voice. She leant against her locker door and watched the blonde in her new Cheerios outfit as she gave out balloons and pixie sticks to Stoner Brett and his friends. She looked flawless, Santana thought as she watched her. She looked into the mirror in her locker door and fixed her hair, put on a fresh coat of lipgloss and took a deep breath, psyching herself up for what she was about to do. She turned and walked towards Brittany with a smile on her face.

'Vote Brittany for Senior Class President!' The blonde repeated to everyone that walked by, Santana grinned and went to take a pixie stick from her, gasping at the jolt of electricity that shot up her arm as their fingers brushed and their eyes met. She was about to say something when suddenly the dulcet tones of one Kurt Hummel broke their moment.

'Brittany can I talk to you?' He asked smiling and pulling gently on her arm.

'Er sure...' She looked as Santana one more time before Kurt whisked her away.

'You've definitely got my vote.' She mumbled as Kurt pulled Brittany away from her, the blondes perfect smile imprinted into her brain.


She stared down at the history book on the table in front of her frowning and rereading the text over and over again, trying to get the information out of the book and into her head. A light giggle floated into her head and interrupted her thoughts and she started smiling straight away, she'd recognise that giggle anywhere. She looked over her shoulder at the table on the other side of the library, and there she was... with girl Chang. Whatever. She couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Brittany.

Tina looked up from her book when she heard that chuckle, Brittany was still giggling and taking notes but as soon as Tina saw that Santana Lopez, of all people, was looking she nudged Brittany and whispered to look. She'd noticed the way they looked at each other when the other wasn't looking and she knew that they'd be adorable together, but were both too nervous to do anything about it. She watched a blush creep up both girls cheeks as they made eye contact and smiled before quickly looking back down at their books. She rolled her eyes and decided enough was enough.

'Hey Santana!' She called and giggled when Brittany went wide eyed and elbowed her mouthing 'What are you doing?' at her. Santana turned around.

'What?' She replied, trying to act annoyed and badass but her eyes drifted over to Brittany and she smiled.

'You're studying for History right?' She asked trying not to roll her eyes at the two of them, they were so obvious. Santanas eyes snapped back to her when she realised Tina was still talking.

'Er yeah... why?'

'So are we, come study with us. Maybe you could help us out?' She asked smirking. Brittany elbowed her again and she had to hold back a laugh as Santana hurriedly grabbed her stuff together and took the seat opposite Brittany, the two of them trying their hardest not to look at one another.

After a few seconds of an awkward silence Tina stood up. 'I gotta go, I just remembered I was gonna meet Mike, you two get talking and... study. I'll see you later Britt' She said and left before either girl could reply. They were alone. No interruptions. Santana was even more nervous than she anticipated.

'I saw you at the talent show.' Brittany said after a while. 'You were amazing. Like seriously.' She smiled glancing from Santanas eyes to her book and back again. Santana immediately blushed.

'I wasn't that great...' She mumbled.

'You were. You got a standing ovation, Rachel was really jealous.' She giggled. Santana smirked.

'Well if Berry wasn't so annoying, I'm pretty sure people would actually see she's pretty talented... Don't tell her I said that.' She said quickly. Brittany giggled again and promised she wouldn't. 'So... how do you know Sam?' She asked nervously, she'd seen that they were pretty much alwasy together, she was sure he was still dating Mercedes but you never know.

'He's my cousin.' Brittany replied, sensing the latina was uneasy. 'Didn't you used to date?' She asked quietly. She didn't like that fact as she couldn't deny she was insanely attracted to the brunette.

'Yeah... then I admitted I was a capital G gay and that kinda changed things.' Santana chuckled then blushed. 'I don't know why I just told you that... Not that I'm not open about it but I don't normally just say that, God you must think I'm such a freak. I'm sorry I shouldn't do that, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable and I-'

'So am I.' Brittany interrupted. Santana looked confused. 'Gay, and I kinda like someone...' She mumbled.

'Really... lucky girl. Do I know her?' Santana asked a little deflated.

'Definitely, she's a cheerleader, an amazing singer, kinda short.' Brittany hinted trying to hold back a smile, she could tell that Santana liked her but wanted her to make the move. Santana frowned thinking then it clicked.

'OH. You mean... I... Erm... So... Would you... maybe, I don't know... er... let me take you out? On like... a date?' She asked nervously rubbing the back of her neck and only half making eye contact with the blonde before her. She heard Brittany giggle and she looked down at their now joined hands.

'Of course, you dork.' Brittany replied. They both just smiled.