Title: Anywhere
Author: Claddagh Ring

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

AN: I can't help but feel like Jake and Marley knew each other before McKinley, or at least knew of each other, so this is just my way of making myself feel better about all the long glances and almost seamless compatibility they have.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"I sat behind you in geography for half a year," he replied with a slight grin, his eyes downcast in an achingly familiar way; she had seen him do this, lost in some distant memory, usually scowling and tearing through his paper with his pen but every now and then, he would smile. Just a tiny quirk of his lips that made his eyes soften with warm tones that reminded her of the first cup of fresh coffee in fall.

"When you bothered to show up," she chuckled in agreement.

"Not really that big on maps," he shrugged, leaning back until he was stretched out across the bleachers. "Why would I spend my time looking at places I'll never get to go?"

"You could one day," she said, almost as an automatic reflex, "if you wanted to, I mean."

"It might be worth it if I had someone to go with," he shrugged again, but his focus slid from his feet, meeting her gaze with the corner of his eye.

"Where would you go?" she wondered, turning to face him, her legs brushing against his and she could feel a little flush creep up her neck to color her cheeks.

"Wherever you wanted," he chuckled, blatantly staring at her now and she remembered how she would catch him watching her, how they would pass each other in the hall and smile but never speak, how she always walked away a little lighter. It didn't matter that she had no friends, that the entire school refused to acknowledge her existence as anyone other than the lunch lady's daughter. That one tiny moment, no matter how often it did or didn't happen, was enough to get her through the day.

"I bet you don't even remember my name," she laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a smile. "It's okay Jake. I wouldn't remember me either."

He shook his head and stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. She had to squint to see him, the sun behind nearly blinding, but she was almost sure he was smiling at her once more. Not just that little grin, that tiny flicker of content, but a true and real smile before he jumped the benches and made his way down the stairs.

"Your hair was longer," he called over his shoulder. "See you around Marley Rose."
