It's like the quiet after the storm.

She doesn't move.

Doesn't speak.

Doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

Did I just ruin everything?

Did I destroy the friendship?

How did I think she'd respond?

I have always teased her.

The others and I had always thought it to be just that.

But was it really?

Maybe it was something more

The first time I saw her I was intrigued.

When she ran off to distract the soldiers I followed her like a puppy.

When she hit me, I let her.

She truly fascinates me.

I want to know everything about the cold cocoon soldier.

I'd never seen such a calm person in the midst of all this messed up shit.

But she gets so easily wound up around me.


Why does she respond like that?

It's just teasing right?

The fire in her eyes, the rigidness of coiled snake about to strike, all of her power and feelings hidden under a shell of calm.

I admit it.

It pulls me in.

I gravitate towards her.

I tease her to bring out the fire.

The same fire I see when she fights.

And when she fights…


When she dances

I can't help but look.

I can't help but admire.

Her grace and speed, her agility and ferociousness unmatched, even I cannot compare to her.

When I fight with her, I feel as if we'd been together forever.

We synchronize together with an ease of two dancers of many years practice.

Yet out of battle she resumes her emotionless state.

But I know that behind the mask is a woman full of emotion.

My teasing bought it closer and closer to the surface.

But it never fully showed.

Sure, it led to sparing or a glare that sends chills racing through my body.

It was just never enough.

I still persisted.

Like Snow.

But Snow...well he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

And he got slapped and punched nearly three times a day.

But I was hit like that once.

Just once.

What did that mean?

I don't know.

It keeps me awake at night.

This...this problem

No...that's not right.

The pink-haired leader was never a problem, she was a puzzle.

One I quickly became obsessed with.

A puzzle that changed me and I didn't even notice.

It was Vanille.

She is the one who put it all together.

She noticed me staring.

She saw me teasing.

She knew what I were feeling

And she told me.

"You love her don't cha?"

I did a double take


She just smiled and shook her head.

"You know you do."

Then she skipped away, off to badger Hope.

Yet I barely notice.

The thoughts are tumbling around in my head, screaming for attention.

And then all the pieces click into place.

Vanille is right.

I love her.

I love every damn thing about her.

I love her hair, hair so outrageously coloured.

I love her clothes that shows off her wondrous body.

I love her cold, yet fiery attitude.

I love her lips, lips I want curved in one of her beautiful rare smiles.

I love her cape that perfectly complements her fighting style

I love the way she dances when she fights.

I love everything about the cocoon soldier

But I love her eyes the most.

Her eyes are the gateway.

They show the real Lightning.

They show the suppressed emotions.

They are the eyes I'm gazing into.

But her eyes are in turmoil.

Emotions crashing against each other.

Her eyes are like the storm.

One storm I'd happily die in.

So I brave the storm.

"I love you sunshine."

It's like the quiet after the storm.

Author Note:

I hope I did okay.

Please review honestly and thanks for reading.