Part 2 of the 2-shot. Hope you enjoy it!

I do not own Kingdom Hearts.

Aqua approached the dark castle, her keyblade at hand. She studied her surroundings cautiously. This part of the darkness was no different from the rest. There was nothing but a dark forest, excluding the castle and the dark purple clouds in the distance. Gazing up at the magnificent castle, she couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. The Castle of Dreams reminded her of a time of adventure and friendship. She missed it terribly. She missed Master Equarus, she missed her home, she missed Ven, and she missed Terra . . .

. . .Terra. . .

. . . The boy who lost to the darkness . . .

. . . The boy who gave in to hate . . .

. . . The boy who aided Master Equarus' murder . . .

. . . The boy she sacrificed herself to save . . .

. . . The boy . . . that . . . she loved. . .

Aqua could never hate Terra, no matter what he did. Her heart broke when she saw those deep blue eyes turn to gold. She loved Ven as well, but not in the way she loved Terra. They were almost like a family once. Aqua wondered if they would ever be together again.

Before, she could get into too deep of thought, Aqua was attacked. Heartless, purebred this time, began to mob her. These heartless, dark masses of energy given a vaguely humanoid form, were no match for Aqua's power, but there were many of them. She danced among the dark monsters and began to write another letter:

Dear Terra,

Please, please fight the darkness, I know you can do it. Ven does too. By some miracle, he doesn't hate us. After all we did. After all I did. I know we can fix this. I know we can save him. I know I can save you. I sacrificed myself for you, to save you from the darkness. That's why I'm here. Sadly, it's another failure. You lost yourself, Terra, you doubted yourself, if—when—I see you again; I will never let that happen. I'll protect you and Ven. I will never let my loved ones come to harm. Terra, I've never told you this because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but my being in the darkness has given me time to think. I've learned that you can never hold back or hide your feelings for someone because they may be gone the next day. I love you Terra. I've loved you ever since we started training together. Not like my love for Ven—that's sibling love. My love for you is different. When I see you again, talk to you again, hold you again; I'll never let you go.


Her heart did not even feel the creeping tendrils of darkness during the battle.

Aqua continued on until she came to the tall, tall doors of the castle. She couldn't help, but be filled with hope. If she could make it here, this fractured memory of an old life, maybe she could see her friends again.

Pushing the huge doors in, Aqua walked inside. The castle looked the same: a sweeping staircase, a large ballroom, and towering balconies; but all in a muted purple color. Aqua breathed lightly, touching the railing. Maybe someone was in here, Cinderella or the Prince. She continued walking on the first floor, deciding not to get her hopes up—it had been several years.

Suddenly, the grand, elaborate edifice, The Castle of Dreams, vanished into oblivion. It was replaced by a bleak, flowerless meadow all in muted colors. Aqua spun around in disbelief. Where did it go? Was it just an illusion? Was this thing, this idea, this hope, that she had based her faith on a lie? Why? Why her? Why Aqua, Terra, Ven? What did they do to deserve this?

Aqua sank to her knees and began to cry. Was there no end to this hell? For the first time in a long time, Aqua began to feel darkness, consuming.


Thanks for Reading!