A/N(1): To those of you still reading, thank you very much.


"Frak!" was the first thing that Steve heard when he walked into the warehouse. Much to his surprise he found a very exasperated looking Myka doing an angry dance.

"Frakity, frak, frak, frak!" When Claudia turned around after her little rant she was surprised to find Steve standing there.

Steve on the other hand was getting a glimpse of a Myka he didn't know. The others had told him what Myka was like before she left the warehouse. He had never seen that Myka. Steve thought that this might be her, a nerdy, Battlestar referencing geek.

"Holy chocolate balls Jinksy you scared the fudge out of me!"

That was weird. Steve thought to himself.

"Did you just call me Jinksy?"

"What's up with you poopypants?"

Well that is definitely not Myka.


Claudia was too into her own problems that she forgot that she wasn't Claudia. She was Myka or at least she was supposed to be.

"Nope. Not Claudia, Myka. I'm Myka. Sorry Steve I've just been trying out some new lingo that Claudia has been teaching me." It was a long shot but she took it anyways.

"You're lying. What is going on?"

Steve sat down in Artie's chair looking at her, not with disappointment but with genuine curiosity. Claudia just gave a sigh before explaining what was going on.

"So you see? I have to be at the B&B with Pete but then I have to miss out on bowling night with Leena."

"Okay well just cancel with Pete."

"I can't I've already been acting too weird if I cancel he will know something is up."

"Fine, then cancel with Leena."

"I can't. I can't call her because I'm Myka." Claudia was quiet for a moment and when she looked at Steve there was a mischievous look on Myka's face that was so much like Claudia it was eerie.

"I don't like that look on your face. I like it less on Myka's. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about using a small little artifact."

"That's a bad idea, Claud. You know Artie wouldn't approve of you using an artifact."

"That's why you're gonna be the one to use it."

Steve stood up and held his hands up. This plan was going from bad to worse and it didn't seem like that was going to change anytime soon.

"NO! Absolutely not."

"Come on Jinksy."

"No. Why do I have to use the artifact? Why don't you do it?"

"It will be fine. Okay, so here is what I'm thinking. You use Harriet Tubman's Thimble and go bowling with Leena and I do game night with Pete. That way neither finds out about the 'sexy operation' we've got going on here."

"What do you mean 'we've got going on here'? This is your sexy operation."

"Well now that you know about it you're in on it."

It seemed like he was trapped in this and there was no way out, so with an exasperated sigh he caved.

"Fine, but then why don't you go on the date and I have a game night with Pete?"

"First of all, it's not a date it's bowling. Second of all we only have the one thimble so I would be with Leena but Steve not Myka would be with Pete. Unless you have the thimble and Pete is with Myka, but then Myka is also with Leena. Unless…"

"Stop, no more 'unless'es. I get it. It has to be me as you going bowling with Leena."

"Does that mean that you'll do it?"

"Well it doesn't look like we have many options now does it? Besides, I don't really know Myka but I want her to be happy too."

"Yes! Okay I'll get the thimble and then you can help me with the inventory until diner time."

"I said that I would help you with your sexy operation. I never said that I would help with the inventory. I'm supposed to be out remember?"

"Oh yeah, wait, but then why are you here?"

Steve got all flustered which Claudia thought was very fun to watch.

"Uh, well… the thing is that. What were you saying about helping with the inventory? Is this the list?" He said as he picked up a clipboard and made his way out of the office.

"This isn't over, Poopypants!" was yelled out of the office as Steve practically sprinted through the aisles.

Time and Again

In the void Myka and Helena were taking a little break from their catching up. Snuggles are just as good as sex with the right person and if Myka was being honest with herself she missed the warmth that was Helena, not just her body but her mind and that special warm feeling that she got whenever Helena was near. Helena was running her fingers up and down her spine and Myka was enjoying the bliss. Helena would write random words on her back as she told her the plot of the new book she was working on. Myka hadn't felt this at peace in a long time. Time? Time!

She sat up so fast that Helena wondered if she got whiplash.

"Darling, what's the matter?"

"I lost track."

"Track of what?"

"Time, I don't remember how long I've been here or how long we have been together. How much time do we have left? I have no idea. I was careless and lost track and now we could get interrupted at any minute because I lost track." Helena was getting worried now. Myka seemed to be having some sort of panic attack. There was something else going on here because Myka did not get panic attacks. She would get to the bottom of this but first she would calm down the woman who held her heart. She lovingly rubbed Myka's lower back to sooth her.

"Myka, darling, listen to me, it doesn't matter." She stopped Myka before she could interrupt. "It doesn't matter because any time we have together is magical. We shouldn't even be allowed to have this time in the first place. This is a gift so we must cherish it as such." Helena kissed Myka sweetly and helped her melt away the lingering doubts. Then she kissed her harder making her forget everything that wasn't Helena. Helena made sure to spend the next few hours making sure Myka didn't think about much if anything at all.

A/N (2): I know that it has been FOREVER since I updated. I am truly sorry for that. Life got in the way and my muse left, but she is back for now. I'm going to do maybe two more chapters and finish this because I don't like to leave things unfinished.